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Uglacy #7 Votes Are In
Created By:
Country: United States of America
Language: US English
Created: 01.05.2006
Last Updated: 11.22.2006
Number of Entries: 78
Description:Saved from deletion, here it is, the wedding of Don and Samara.
Family Name: Uglacy
Lot Name: 97 Nowhere Road
Categories: Comedy,Ponderings and Observations,Sims Life Stories
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
Hello you wonderful legacy readers, back for more of the Uglacy Family? Well it's Chapter 7 now, and we are in our 4th generation of trying to get the ugliest Sim we can in 10 generations. As those of you following this story know, we had a vote last episode for the ugliest heir. I want to thank all the readers that voted... believe me, I really had to tally up cause for a while there, it was close. Let's recap shall we? *If you like the spiffy curler look, modeled by our very own Carrie, you can find it at Mod Sims.
*Please note... Uglacy #7 was deleted by accident, but I was able to resurrect it thanks to cozette9875 who saved it in word. Thanks Cozette!!!
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
Two Uglacy daughters were in the running. This is Rosemary Uglacy, firstborn romance Sim, and meaner than a nest of hornets. She was named for Rosemary off of Rosemary's Baby (I name my Sims after horror movie characters.)
She's just graduated college; let's say she got around a bit, ok. Earned a 4.0 by teaching her professors a thing or two.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
The youngest daughter is Samara Uglacy, named after the wicked little girl in "The Ring." Samara is a popularity Sim, and is currently in love with a grilled-cheese, secret society zombie. Sheesh, I just realized how out of whack this story is really sounding. Anyways, the voters came to my guest book, and even in forums where I shamelessly advertise my story, and the votes have been counted. Drumroll please...
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"I'm so excited! I feel a smustle coming on!" Am I teasing the reader... absolutely! The winner is...
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
Samara!!! Who is so excited by the news she immediately had a seizure! Everyone was thrilled by the outcome!
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
What?! Rosemary congrats her sister with actual sincerity!
"Ah ha, sucker! Now you're stuck in this lagging house with mom and dad, and that ugly husband that you have to marry! Lucky you." *snickers*
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
This is the husband of whom we speak. Remington, something or another.
Lovely specimen isn't he? I searched the campus through and through for him. Everything is going as planned. Everyone’s happy! Well, maybe not everyone.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Waaaaa, I've lost Samara forever. Next to grilled cheese, she was my everything! How can you do this cruel legacy God?!"
Sorry Don Zombie, although technically you are ok by legacy rules, a college townie that had never seen a cheat in his life, and moved in with the possible heirs, I only had you as a placeholder. You're just not ugly enough, you were actually cute in your pre-zombie days. Except for that schnoz you call a nose.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
Meanwhile at the Uglacy home, Kennedy showed up for a date with Rosemary. And he dared to throw a water balloon at Samara. Now, for those of you tuning in my Sims are just not ugly, they are downright mean! Kennedy, you have so met your match.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"So you want to play, eh, Kennedy? Let me show you my secret society handshake! Oops, however did that buzzer get on my hand?"
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
OMG, Samara, what did you do to him?! His arm, it’s all twisted like a pretzel. How much voltage did you put in that joy buzzer?!
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Waaaaa, these Sims are so mean."
Ha ha ha, my Sims made Kennedy Cox cry! I heart you Samara. Oh and look, here comes Rosemary with her little Romance sashay walk. Are we done with Kennedy, girls, oh I don't think so.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Oh Kennedy, love of my life, if I actually could care about someone, marry me you cruel little man!"
"Rosemary, my vicious Venus flytrap, I thought you'd never ask."
Kaching, kaching, $5000 coming in... and I'm not talking the cheats.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
Are you thinking what I'm thinkin'? With that nose and them lips... the kids are going to be butt ugly. And probably won't have a nice point to their name, but hey, they make the perfect couple. Don't ya think?
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
Ahhh, look who came to the wedding, Uncle Robert, my only nice Sim...ever. I just love to take pictures of Robert, he's cute in an ugly kind of way.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
Typical Uglacy party, note trash on floor. But hey, a good time was had by all.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
And who else shows up but Zombie boy, who chases Samara around gossiping with her all night. It's sad I have to break these two up; they’re so cute together. But the zombie did create some problems. If you read my last legacy, well, you would know that he hates Samara's sister, and she hates him. So when the limo took off without Rosemary, I couldn't find her.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"I've had it with you zombie boy, how come you can't take a hint? You ain't ever getting into this family, and my sister is never marrying you. She's the heir now, and you need to move on to some vampire chick or something of your own kind." Zombie prejudice. Sad isn't it? See the other guy, he's an ex of Samara's, and they are both trying to fight Don the zombie. Seriously, this happened, the limo and free green-up drove off. Grrrr.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Yeah you undead loser, you can't be part of a legacy. So get lost! She's out of your league!"
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"You cold-hearted #$@*&!@#$%^&*&%*$#@, and furthermore @#^%*&@#$&^, and on top of that *!#@%$#^%^$#@." You tell her Don.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
The next day Kennedy and Rosemary were off to find a house. "Sis, you're not serious, you're really going to live with this fashion disaster?" "Well at least I don't date the undead, Samara, toodles and have fun making ugly babies." Um, Rosemary, I doubt she'll be the only one making ugly babies.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
Oh my, look who walks past our house a zillion times a day; it's Professor Kent, AKA stalker. I thought Marsha Bruenig was bad; this guy has issues. It's over already man, we just wanted that 4.0 now get out of here!
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
All right, so I was dragging my feet on this, but Samara calls Remington up for a date, and while there are no lightning bolts, they do have an interesting conversation about rats. Which, I think he is. I like zombie boy better; I just can't help myself.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Hey Samara, how about we get to crackin' on that heir a little early, eh?" She looks thrilled, doesn't she? Well look at the bright side, Samara, it's dark in there.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
He looks cocky. She looks disappointed. Everyone looks confused at why anyone would go into a photo booth with that thing. Note there is no cheering.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Well, let's get it over, Remington. Here's the box I promised you." "Oh wow, really?! I'm actually going to be in a legacy family. This is the first time ever!" Yeah, yeah, just open it up and get it over with.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
UGH!!! What the hell, no frickin' frackin' way! Another romance Sim?! And I'll just bet he wants to woohoo 20 Sims like Sandy Bruty did. Is this Maxis' idea of a sick joke! I mean look at that mug!
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
Professor Kent, this is really getting annoying. Do you want a satellite to fall on you, huh? Because you're testing my limits and this game is going really badly. Get off my lot! Seriously, I'm at a loss here, the guy is a stalker. Maybe serial killer. It's always those nice little men who dress badly. Then everyone goes on and on about what a nice guy he was, and how normal he seemed. No one can believe he was chopping up Sims in his meatloaf.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Hey kid, that's enough booze already. You got to drive home?" "No, I'm a college kid that lives in the dorm, it's all taxis for me. Say, can I get a grilled cheese to go with this." "Um, no." "Do you have a cheese margarita, that sounds really good." Ewww. No it doesn't. Stop hitting the liquor Don.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"I had this really hot girlfriend, she was the best. But she was a part of those legacy families, you know, and now I can never be with her." "Oh yeah, man, I've dated those girls before, but it gets you nowhere man. You have to be super hot to get into one of those families." "Um, actually they told me I wasn't ugly enough." *Astounded silence.* "Dude, how much have you had to drink?"
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Allll by myself..." (slurred) "Don't wanna be all my myself anymooore." Crimity, Don, this is supposed to be a funny legacy, not a tragic one. We need to talk.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
Ok Don, so here's the deal. You are not ugly enough. However, technically I could use you in my legacy, cause you were officially a townie. And when the voters voted there was a lot of side voting, I got quite a few people who wanted to see Samara hooked up with the grilled-cheese zombie, and I have to say, you have become one of my favorite Sims...so I have a plan. "Good, cause I was contemplating suicide." Don, you're already dead. Now go eat some grilled cheese and I'll get back to you.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
Meanwhile, at the legacy house, we spy a nasty toilet..., which can only mean one thing.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
Photo booth baby is on the way. But um, that doesn't mean she actually has to marry the father of the baby, does it? Leafing desperately through Pinstar's rules. Not seeing anything, people. I think plan B is in effect. Hey now my family is not only ugly and mean, but also totally dysfunctional. Oh well.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
EEE gads, now Don is walking by the place every night. "Samara, oh my sweet little Samara." Seriously, I have never seen another Sim obsessed like this. I mean he's a grilled cheese Sim; he should be talking about grilled cheese and home fixing sandwiches! Oh the boy's got it bad. I've made up my mind now. Ready for the soap opera?
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Oh Don, I've missed you so much. I know I'm pregnant with Remington's baby, but it's you I love." "Hey, what the... Samara what are you doing with that zombie?!"
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Look you undead cheese-eating freak, I'm engaged to Samara. She's pregnant with my kid, and you need to get lost. She knows who the real man is here."
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"And you Samara! I'm the romance Sim here, and I'll be doing the affairs and woohoo in this legacy generation. You just make your 30 best friends and take care of the kid!"
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Oh, you just so did not say that to me, Remington. You get your blowfish face off my property right now. By the power of the Sim Gods, Don and I will find a way to be together." Cough, cough, not that I really think I'm a God or anything... or come on, that's really why we play the Sims, admit it! POWER people, it's all about power.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Sssh, don't tell anyone, but we're going to weasel me into this family." On a side note, Komei really likes Zombie boy, they love to gossip and pull pranks on one another. It keeps me entertained just having these two on free will. This should work since Samara and Don were not engaged in college. I know college townies can glitch, but he moved in with her as suggested by Master Pinstar himself, so let's see, shall we?
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Oh Don, at last we will be together." "Samara, my sweet little fondue. I can hardly believe it's true." Tired of the soap opera yet... well too bad, there's more.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Marry me Don, I'll keep you in grilled cheese forever." "Oh Samara, how can I say no to the girl who brought me back from that horrible cowplant incident." Which wouldn't have happened if we hadn't added a gate at the secret society... but let's not mention that to him, eh?
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
Meanwhile, my lot is lagging terribly, and the glitchiness is annoying. Hey honey, I think you're missing something. Your taxi perhaps?! Which leads me to a serious problem with my plan. The two got engaged, but they can't get married, ugh! I have heard of such problems with college townies, but having had them live together in a dorm, I didn't see this coming. So buckle your seatbelt, like little miss no car there. I'm about to take this glitch on. Nothing is stopping me from bringing these 2 lovebirds, or vultures, whatever, together.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Uh yes, I have decided to drop out of college, you have no major in grilled cheese, and I must follow my heart." Or stomach... whatever. Step one of Plan B in effect.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Hi, I'm Ralph Uglacy, the new dorm holder." Ugh! He's hideous isn't he? He's the product of Robert Uglacy and his wife Marylena. I know Robert was ugly, but he didn't do this alone. Stay away from Marylena if you want cute Sims. Me, I should have added her into the legacy family. Anyhow, Step 2 completed.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
Step 3, have Komei beat Benjamin Long senseless. Um, no, not really. Komei just likes to fight with everyone. I put Don on his own lot, gave him a phone, and family funded him only 1000 simoleans, which most townies actually have a lot more. I have no picture of that, cause of course it didn't save the picture. I know that's a bit of stretching the rules, but it was the only way I could get to...
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
That's right Samara, you give me that "I rock" look, cause it worked! The marriage is on. And that my folks is a way to get around that nasty glitch, though technically some *cough, cough* might call it cheating. I call it creative playing. Fixing nasty glitches that should have never been there in the first place.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Oh no Don, I think your finger just fell off." Dang zombies, so fragile.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
Isn't this so romantic... so what if the bride is pregnant to someone else? Everyone's so happy for the new couple.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
Um, take that back, maybe not everyone. Seriously, this was the face Rosemary made through the entire ceremony. "I hate that stinking, rotting, cheese-eating, zombie. Grrrr." "Rosemary, lighten up." "Shut up Robert you nice freak. You do know you're some sort of genetic mutation in this family."
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
And in a time-honored tradition of Uglacy men, Komei officially welcomes Don to the family with a game of red hands. My Sims have a real addiction to this game. Personally, I don't see the excitement in it, but whatever it takes to make a happy wedding party, I guess.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
Rosemary, don't you dare! Back away from the groom. It's his wedding day, for goodness sakes. Honestly, I don't do this. I actually try to make them chat, and it's completely useless, they fight every time they're in a room together.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Oh you think you're so smart getting into this family, don't you. Well now everyone thinks we're cheaters because of you! You've ruined our good Legacy name." Good legacy name, ha ha, yeah right. This is a dysfunctional mess of a legacy, but hey, we put the fun in dysfunctional.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Ugh, creepy Zombie boy, I'm taking you down!" "Back off you ugly witch." "Not till I pull off some of those rotting limbs of yours!" Why do I feel like my legacy family belongs on Jerry Springer. Why?
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Oh My Gosh, I can't believe she's doing this at the wedding." "I can't look Robert, tell me when it's over." "Yay, sis, kick his @$$" Excuse me, Samara that's your husband. Seriously, she was hooting and hollering the whole frickin’ time while Komei and Robert seemed horrified. And where's Carrie, you ask?
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
Rocking on the drums, because that is so much more important than your daughter's wedding. Glad to see you have your priorities straight, there. What the heck is wrong with this family? I expected ugliness, but they take rudeness to a whole new level.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Oh yeah, zombie boy bites the dust again." Just once I want to see him kick her butt... really I do.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Oh stop crying and suck it up. You're a zombie, for jiminy sakes. Here, this champagne will make it all better." My legacy family likes to drink... and I like to indulge them. All that skill building, they deserve a little fun. I just don't understand why more Sim players don’t like the champagne bottle. It's so much fun, let's watch, shall we?
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"And now for my 15th toast to the newlyweds, I would like to say that I hope they produce ugly heirs and platinum graves." Uh thanks, Komei, not a toast I would want at my wedding. Mmm, that champagne bottle is magical, it never empties. They just keep drinking, and drinking, and drinking...
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Oh my gosh, my bladder is full." And you just realized that now... I clicked on the toilet, get going man!
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
Oopsie daisy. Clean up on Aisle 5. "Awww, dad, for crying out loud!" Hey and Kennedy, are you checking out Rosemary or Samara, or both, you rude little weasel.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Sob, sniffle, sob, sob... how could that happen to me, in front of all those guests." Um, maybe those 100 glasses of champagne. An elderly Sim bladder is only about the size of a grape, Komei, you should know that by now. But hey, I know what will cheer you up!
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
Red hands!!! Yippee, yay, every Sims joy! *yawns*
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"So like your daughter Rosemary is a heartless, conniving skank, you know that right?"
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
Eeeeek, what's going on here? Are they planning Rosemary's murder or something?! Man when these Sims gossip, it gets vicious.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Ugh dad, your arm just went through my chest!" "Samara, this is not very comfortable for me either. There's a whole couch here you know!" Only $5.00 and you can see the two-headed sim! Be astounded and mystified!
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
I can't tell where Komei starts or Don ends... man this downloaded couch is the stuff of nightmares.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Well the party's over, and Samara can't go on our honeymoon, being as she's pregnant to another man and all." "Get used to it Don, I've been in this family a full generation now, and it just keeps getting worse." "So why are you here?" "No other legacy family would take me. Gotta take what you can get."
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"You cheated me out of the legacy family, and I shall have my revenge!" Remington please, go back to your campus. Trust me, you didn't want in this family anyways.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"I've made breakfast for my lovely new family." Grilled cheese, for breakfast? Well, whatever keeps you platinum, Don.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
Sandy Bruty! We haven't seen you in a while! Still obsessed with terrorizing pregnant women, I see.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
While Don zaps the pee out of Komei, Samara is ever prepared. The baby must be getting close, with that neat nesting instinct settling in.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
And this is how Samara gave birth; she isn't going to get any rewards for mother of the year. Even the kid is wondering why the hell his mom dropped him on the floor and took off. Popularity Sims are the worst parents, I think even worse than Romance Sims.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"I was hungry, so what?! I needed a grilled cheese."
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"It's ok, little guy, let Grandpa Komei take care of you. I know what it's like to be unwanted and unappreciated." Yup. It's a boy, and in my usual fashion of naming the child after a horror movie character... I have named him Gage. Quick trivia... from what movie did that name come from? I'll give you a hint... Stephen King. Still don't know???
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
It's from 'Pet Semetary'. You remember, the 3-year-old boy who kills his parents when his dad brings him back as a zombie. Kind of fits this story, don't ya think? Not that Gage is going to kill his parents, but if he did, I wouldn't hold it against him.
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"Yeah, I had the required heir. Um, I'm not sure. I think it was a boy. Gorge, or something like that. Say, can I put you on my best friend list? I need about 20 more. What, no? Well 7 days to you buster... yeah, seen 'The Ring' lately?"
Created: 11.22.2006 - Updated: 11.22.2006
"And that concludes our Uglacy story for today. Kennedy and I would like to thank all the voters who didn't vote for me, because now we live in huge house with a motherlode of money, and I don't know what we're on, but we're always happy now. Except when I see that piece of undead garbage my sister married," "Dear, remember what the doctor said about anger management." “Oh shut up you plaid prankster. At least I fight like a real woman, not all that water balloon stuff. And joy buzzers, geesh, are you a 5th grade idiot or what?!"
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
Hello you wonderful legacy readers, back for more of the Uglacy Family? Well it's Chapter 7 now, and we are in our 4th generation of trying to get the ugliest Sim we can in 10 generations. As those of you following this story know, we had a vote last episode for the ugliest heir. I want to thank all the readers that voted... believe me, I really had to tally up cause for a while there, it was close. Let's recap shall we? *If you like the spiffy curler look, modeled by our very own Carrie, you can find it at Mod Sims.
*Please note... Uglacy #7 was deleted by accident, but I was able to resurrect it thanks to cozette9875 who saved it in word. Thanks Cozette!!!
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
Two Uglacy daughters were in the running. This is Rosemary Uglacy, firstborn romance Sim, and meaner than a nest of hornets. She was named for Rosemary off of Rosemary's Baby (I name my Sims after horror movie characters.)
She's just graduated college; let's say she got around a bit, ok. Earned a 4.0 by teaching her professors a thing or two.
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
The youngest daughter is Samara Uglacy, named after the wicked little girl in "The Ring." Samara is a popularity Sim, and is currently in love with a grilled-cheese, secret society zombie. Sheesh, I just realized how out of whack this story is really sounding. Anyways, the voters came to my guest book, and even in forums where I shamelessly advertise my story, and the votes have been counted. Drumroll please...
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
"I'm so excited! I feel a smustle coming on!" Am I teasing the reader... absolutely! The winner is...
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
Samara!!! Who is so excited by the news she immediately had a seizure! Everyone was thrilled by the outcome!
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
What?! Rosemary congrats her sister with actual sincerity!
"Ah ha, sucker! Now you're stuck in this lagging house with mom and dad, and that ugly husband that you have to marry! Lucky you." *snickers*
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
This is the husband of whom we speak. Remington, something or another.
Lovely specimen isn't he? I searched the campus through and through for him. Everything is going as planned. Everyone’s happy! Well, maybe not everyone.
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
"Waaaaa, I've lost Samara forever. Next to grilled cheese, she was my everything! How can you do this cruel legacy God?!"
Sorry Don Zombie, although technically you are ok by legacy rules, a college townie that had never seen a cheat in his life, and moved in with the possible heirs, I only had you as a placeholder. You're just not ugly enough, you were actually cute in your pre-zombie days. Except for that schnoz you call a nose.
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
Meanwhile at the Uglacy home, Kennedy showed up for a date with Rosemary. And he dared to throw a water balloon at Samara. Now, for those of you tuning in my Sims are just not ugly, they are downright mean! Kennedy, you have so met your match.
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
"So you want to play, eh, Kennedy? Let me show you my secret society handshake! Oops, however did that buzzer get on my hand?"
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
OMG, Samara, what did you do to him?! His arm, it’s all twisted like a pretzel. How much voltage did you put in that joy buzzer?!
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
"Waaaaa, these Sims are so mean."
Ha ha ha, my Sims made Kennedy Cox cry! I heart you Samara. Oh and look, here comes Rosemary with her little Romance sashay walk. Are we done with Kennedy, girls, oh I don't think so.
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
"Oh Kennedy, love of my life, if I actually could care about someone, marry me you cruel little man!"
"Rosemary, my vicious Venus flytrap, I thought you'd never ask."
Kaching, kaching, $5000 coming in... and I'm not talking the cheats.
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
Are you thinking what I'm thinkin'? With that nose and them lips... the kids are going to be butt ugly. And probably won't have a nice point to their name, but hey, they make the perfect couple. Don't ya think?
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
Ahhh, look who came to the wedding, Uncle Robert, my only nice Sim...ever. I just love to take pictures of Robert, he's cute in an ugly kind of way.
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
Typical Uglacy party, note trash on floor. But hey, a good time was had by all.
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
And who else shows up but Zombie boy, who chases Samara around gossiping with her all night. It's sad I have to break these two up; they’re so cute together. But the zombie did create some problems. If you read my last legacy, well, you would know that he hates Samara's sister, and she hates him. So when the limo took off without Rosemary, I couldn't find her.
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
"I've had it with you zombie boy, how come you can't take a hint? You ain't ever getting into this family, and my sister is never marrying you. She's the heir now, and you need to move on to some vampire chick or something of your own kind." Zombie prejudice. Sad isn't it? See the other guy, he's an ex of Samara's, and they are both trying to fight Don the zombie. Seriously, this happened, the limo and free green-up drove off. Grrrr.
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
"Yeah you undead loser, you can't be part of a legacy. So get lost! She's out of your league!"
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
"You cold-hearted #$@*&!@#$%^&*&%*$#@, and furthermore @#^%*&@#$&^, and on top of that *!#@%$#^%^$#@." You tell her Don.
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
The next day Kennedy and Rosemary were off to find a house. "Sis, you're not serious, you're really going to live with this fashion disaster?" "Well at least I don't date the undead, Samara, toodles and have fun making ugly babies." Um, Rosemary, I doubt she'll be the only one making ugly babies.
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
Oh my, look who walks past our house a zillion times a day; it's Professor Kent, AKA stalker. I thought Marsha Bruenig was bad; this guy has issues. It's over already man, we just wanted that 4.0 now get out of here!
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
All right, so I was dragging my feet on this, but Samara calls Remington up for a date, and while there are no lightning bolts, they do have an interesting conversation about rats. Which, I think he is. I like zombie boy better; I just can't help myself.
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
"Hey Samara, how about we get to crackin' on that heir a little early, eh?" She looks thrilled, doesn't she? Well look at the bright side, Samara, it's dark in there.
Created: 11.22.2006 Updated: 11.22.2006
He looks cocky. She looks disappointed. Everyone looks confused at why anyone would go into a photo booth with that thing. Note there is no cheering.
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