Uglacy 5: The Reign of Komeii |
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Uglacy 5: The Reign of Komeii
Created By:
Country: United States of America
Language: US English
Created: 12.26.2005
Last Updated: 12.26.2005
Number of Entries: 95
Description:What would an ugly family be without Komeii. The Uglacy legacy continues to grow even uglier!
Family Name: Story
Lot Name: #4 Storytell lane
Categories: Comedy,Ponderings and Observations,Sims Life Stories
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Hello you sim loving girly men, you know me, Noo? I am Komeii Tellerman, and if you don't know me, you don't play the sims enough. And I have a bone to pick with you Legacy Gods and Goddesses. Why do you never play the Komeii man, eh? I wander onto your lots, I come to your puny, disaster parties, I play with your stinkin brats. I am the Arnold Swharzenneger of your sim world, and yet I am left in the shadows. It is because you are afraid I will outshine your precious CAS sims! Well no more! It's time for me to pump you up!"
Oh dear, I think I just opened Pandora's box. Well I had to let him do his little intro... poor guy, never gets any air time. Welcome back to the Uglacy family, still striving to create the ugliest, yes the UGLIEST sim we can in 10 generations. So on with the story... Chapter 5...
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Carrie, my chosen heir from the last chapter, was smitten with Komeii and after a short courtship, um like a day, they married and whoohooed, which I didn't take any pics of cause frankly, do you really want to see that. I thought not.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
And the possible heir is born, possible because it is always the ugliest child that rules in my family.
Actually she's a pretty baby... but that means nothing. And I named her Rosemary (following my tradition of naming after horror movies. You know... Rosemary's baby). And this is where our Uglacy legacy picks up.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Lakshmi makes an excellent grandma between terrorizing the world and reeking havoc.
Poor baby looks a bit frightened tho, no idea why. Nothing wrong with this picture... Grandma Dearest... muhahaha
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Norman is as boring as ever... and uglier... Is his face like melting or is it just me?
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Yawwwn, you bore me with your piddle paddle story. No one wants to hear of my chipmunk faced father in law. Tell them something interesting. Tell them about me!"
Geesh, ok. Let's talk Komeii.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Komeii is not particularly known as nice...next to Kennedy Cox he's probably one of the meanest townies out there. Here he meets Damien, Carrie's twin brother for the first time.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Ugh you jerk!"
"Ha, ha, ha, you have been baptized by the Komeii man. What? What's wrong, you gonna cry like a little sissy boy?
And actually, Damien did. I was disappointed. Damien was named after the son of Satan, and he's not suppose to take crap like a water balloon. Pfft.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Komeii doesn't play nice with Lakshmi, their relationship was in the negatives all on it's own.
"Listen here you old baboon, you smart off to me one more time, and I'll kick your granny @$$."
Whoa, back off dude. She's your mother in law!
"Don't you mean monkey-in-law?!"
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"OMG, who started that fire!"
You did! You burn everything you cook! Ugh.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
And we gather on the midnight golf course, for the Finals in Putt Putt golfing. Next up is Komeii Tellerman.
This is going to be a hard shot, Rob. The fans are wondering if he can do it.
The tension is un-nerving...
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Ugh, I must concentrate. Quiet peon voices in my head..."
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"He shoots, and oh my goodness, it's a hole in one. He has won the midnight tour of Putt Putt. And his prize includes one charisma point, and a coupon for a free meal!"
Clap, clap, clap... I was breathless, how about you?
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Ugh, what is this, Ghost Central!"
Oh, hey Komeii, meet Carrie's grandparents, Jimmy and Sandy.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Poor Carrie, she got the flu, and was pregnant, and then I saw this...
"choke, choke, gasp, huge phlegm ball, ugh."
It's the universal sign for the Heilmnich manuever (or sim kissing butt good-bye).. quick Komeii, come at once!
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"I see the light, it's so beautiful..."
No Carrie, it's a trick, go to the darkness! The darkness has always been your real friend.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Oh dear, what a shame. I've seen this before, downloaded furniture that kills. They set down, never to get up again. Death by bench. Sad."
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Nooo, noo, you can't take her. This is my only chance at a legacy family, and I'll never get another."
"Well looking at that mug, I can see why. Alright, I've got a luu-ow with the Hula girls tonight anyway."
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Ha, yeah, that's right, you better fear the Komeii man! Sissy boy."
"Don't you worry imbecile, I'll be back, I always am."
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"So how is my little Rosey tonight?"
Put the kid back in the crib. She's sleeping doofus, hence the Z's everywhere! Komeii's no family sim, that's for sure.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"You're not pregnant to that @$$ole again, are you Carrie?"
"No mom," barf, barf, "Whatever gave you that idea?"
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Oh man, mom's gonna be pissed."
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts, too sexy. And I'm a model, you know what I mean, and I shake my little toosh on the catwalk...on the catwalk, I shake my little toosh on the catwalk."
Watching him dance is like watching a blind dancing bear on one leg... yeah, it's that bad.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"I think I'll just play this guitar until I starve to death or pee myself, whichever comes first. Forget needs, this is just so much fun!"
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
I know how those plants feel.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Take him, take him please. Even the aliens don't want him...
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Please don't let this kid look like her daddy."
Lakshmi be nice.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Ahhh, she looks cute... but that means zipppooo.
If you look carefully, I think she has a serious jawbone comming.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"And then the itsy bitsy spider got squashed, cause he was just a girly spider... "
"Daddy, stop you're scary."
I have to agree with you kid. Years of therapy ahead for you.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Dorian, I would really think you had more important things to do than bust up a 3 year olds birthday party. No wonder those burgulars always get away.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"I'm finally potty trained!"
Good for you, now let's get to working on that kid.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"It's ok, Rosemary, it's not your fault your daddy is an ugly, fugly monster, is it?"
Lakshmi is the best grandma I've ever had. Which is good, because I never pay attention to kids, pfft. It's always about needs, needs, needs with them.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
The ooey gooey goodness is just a pick away. One warm booger combo with a side order of snot.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"So do you think I can get the Oscar for best Legacy character ever, because I think it could happen. My agent says my performance has been outstanding."
"Whose your agent? Let me guess... Goopy?"
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Ugh, Grandpa, that's not very nice to scare a pregnant lady!"
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Yay, mommie's pee pee puddle. Weeeeeeee."
Amazingly this kids hygiene didn't go down, but ewwww, gross.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
I wouldn't pick her up Lakshmi, you don't know where she's been.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"The hills are alive with the sound of screeeeeeeeeeaming!"
Oh twirl and get it over with already.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
A bathroom baby, what's new?
Another girl we shall call... Samara after that creepy little girl in 'The Ring'.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Oh my, I smell another birthday...
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"OH wow, awesome, look at my pretty red cowboy boots!"
Ok, the outfit's a bit odd, but very cute. I think it fits her. Rosemary the Rootin, tootin cowgirl...
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
And there she goes with full active and outgoing and not very nice. Hmmm, I like it. Whose personality does she have? Could it be... Komeii?
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Oh man, the birthday party's bombing. Quick granny, start busting some moves!
Yeah, we save the party by seconds... but frankly, I don't think some old lady twistin into a pretzel dance would be fun to watch... just my opinion.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Meet the most horrible maid in the world... Ramin Noodles, or something like that. He comes over and spends the whole day cleaning the fish tank and nothing else! On the bright side, we have the cleanest tank ever!
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Look you glitchy maid, we've had enough of your fish tank obsession while our toilets look like creatures from the green lagoon. You're outta here!"
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
It's time for Samara's birthday and it's noon. Her sister Rosemary couldn't be here, because she, like most sim kids, is in school.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Note I said most.
What's your deal Marsha Bruening, you're never in school and you call at all hours. And here you are at a birthday party in the middle of the day. I invited you just to see if you would come, and sure enough you show like a case of the plague. Where's the truancy officer when you need him?
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Samara becomes a toddler in a flurry of confetti...
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Which apparently got into her eyes. Poor kid.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Oh no, I knew there was something I spaced. Quick, cook, clean, greet! I don't care if you're all in the red! Houston, we have a problem!
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"I don't want to hear about your girly man teacher ways. You bore me. Lalalala."
Ugh, why would I ever try to smooze anyone with Komeii? It's like using an ice pick for a back scratcher... yeah, that painful.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"I'll finish the tour in a minute, girly man, I must play redhands with Norman."
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Carrie, thank goodness you're here.
"Hello Mr. Korey. Oh that silly red-headed man, he's the clown we hired to entertain you."
Fortunately, we fumbled but saved. And whose whole idea was this. Why it was Komeii who wanted his kids in private school! And where is he now?!
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Yeah, that's right. Sleeping! Note the bottom of his platinum plumbob, while his wife teeters on exhaustion just to save the whole headmaster fiasco. Smooth moves, Ex-lax.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Come on Normy, is that all you got? You punch like a sissy boy!"
This is what Norman and Komeii do... all day. They like to punch one another and play redhands. It's growing really, really tiresome. I have come to a sim theory that this is how stupid sims amuse themselves.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Oh my gosh, the school bus just left! And guess who just missed her first day of school at the Sim Academy of Snotty kids. (AKA private school) Ugh! Get your butt up little girl, we didn't do all that smoozing and kissing headmaster butt for nothing!
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Hey Grandpa, think you can give me a ride since I'm an hour late to school."
"Get your butt in this car right now Rosemary Uglacy! I had to interrupt an action-filled game of redhands with your dad for this!"
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"So my little Samara, in a time before this legacy, I stood on cold sidewalks while sim players pretended not to see me. Sometimes I would do obnoxios things like throw water balloons and ventrilo-fart their precious CAS sims. What does CAS mean, my little darling? CAS means Created Average and Stupid sims... that's right, baby. We were created by the one true sim God, Will Wright himself."
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Eh, excuse me, little girl, I want to pay those bills you're standing on. Can you move."
"Only if you greet me. I'm not leaving till you do. Then we can be the bestest, bestest friends ever, and I'll call you everyday! Sometimes lots of times a day!"
"Hey you're that townie kid, Marsha, aren't you? Komeii has heard of your annoying abilities, and is pleased. You shall enter the mighty Komeii Kingdom of townies."
"Does that mean I can call you?"
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Hey what's up with this crazy girl who keeps beating my pink bunny up?!"
Your dad invited her in.
"Well I don't like her."
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Give me back my pink bunny you psycho, or I'll rip your arms off!"
Rosemary has officially became my favorite sim kid ever!!! All of this happened on it's own, I was only the camera man.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Nyah, nyah, nyah. You're a creepy nut case!"
I heart you Rosemary. You rule.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Lakshmi, the Komeii man is so sorry for all our misunderstandings. I think we should have a new beginning, let's shake on it."
"Oh alright... arrrrrrrrrgh!"
"Ha, ha, ha. You silly ape woman, You are no match for Komeii."
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Oh my gosh, Komeii. Look, it's Meadow Thayer naked in our hot tub!"
"I didn't know Meadow had that many outgoing points. Where?"
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"I don't see her. Hey isn't the hot tub on the second floor?"
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Score one for me, Bozo boy!"
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Grrrr, woman, you have sealed your fate. Prepare to feel the wrath of Komeii."
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Look, I made my first easy bake muffin."
Hmmm, that looks so charcoally good.
"Would you like a piece?"
Well I would, but my teeth aren't made of titanium. You enjoy tho.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out..."
Quick what is this?! Why it's a birthday party from Samara's point of view.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Yay, I'm a real kid now!"
MMm, well I think we need a more 'Samara' kind of look.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Alright, looking good. Where you off to Samara?
"I'm going to play in the well. The deep, dark well."
Uh, ok then.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Here Samara, let grandpa teach you the most intriguing sim game ever, it's called red hands."
I think Norman has an addiction, he needs help. Do they have a red hands Anonymous?
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to... what's wrong with Lakshmi. I don't know, but my guess is Komeii is behind this.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Sure enough!
Komeii, that is enough! Step away from Lakshmi right now!
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
OH for the love of...
Komeii! Let Lakshmi have some privacy! Geesh, you can poke, slap, whatever later.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Lakshmi what's wrong?
"Oh nothing, sniff, sniff. It's just that cruel, insensitive jerk of a son-in-law."
Ok at this point, it's not cute anymore. Lakshmi is in a constant state of tears, and I think I'm going to have to get her some Prozac, so Komeii, there's only one thing I can do...
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Time Out! That's right, Komeii, you sit there and ponder your wicked, nasty ways, which while amusing, need to be curbed a bit.
"You can not do this to Komeii!"
Oh yes I can, and you better behave because you're sitting on my bench of death, yeah. Don't make me have the furniture take you down.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
I don't think the new maid is working out. Here's a hint dude, knock before you clean a bathroom!
And yeah, I can understand how seeing Norman naked might be a little shocking.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"I'm sorry Lakshmi. Really, I am, you must forgive the Komeii man. For I know not what I do."
"She's making you apologize, isn't she?"
"Uh, yes."
"Buzz off Carrot-top."
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Carrie! Every time I turn my back on you, you've snuck off and you're playing that hand held. I'm not going to have to confiscate it am I?!" You could be working on skill points right now! Not wasting your time on ridiculous computer games...
Hmm, is there a deeper meaning within my own words I should heed myself... nah!
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Samara, on the other hand, likes making prank phone calls.
*evil whisper* "Seven days..."
"Samara, what are you doing?!"
"Nothing mother!"
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Komeii makes Business Tycoon and enters the world of the permantly plat and completly ignored. Yay!
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Speaking of the totally ignored, Oh no, I missed Norman's death. Where's Lakshmi, she must be totally torn up.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"MMm, is that a new light fixture? I don't remember that."
Actually, she kind of missed the whole thing too. No one noticed Norman when he was around.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Norman Uglacy (Son of Jimmy Uglacy and Sandy Bruty) AKA: Doctor Death LTW: Chief of Staff (Done, but talk about a quack!) Aspiration: fortune Spouse: Lakshmi Uglacy Children: Robert, Damien, and Carrie
Poor Norman was boring, but he did fullfill his destination to be ugly. Adios Norman.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Hmmm, what shall I wish for on the eve of my teenhood?"
How about your daddy's jawline, *snicker*.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"My head feels all tingly, just like herbal essence shampoo."
Nah, it's radioactive lice from Mars. Come on kid and spin already.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"WAaaaaaaaa, Norman's dead."
Did you all just realize that now? Geesh.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Well, I don't know. She's not as ugly as I expected, and truthfully I am disappointed. I got uglier sims when I was trying to get good-looking sims, gads! I do see the Bruty lips still comming thru. Good for Sandy, she left her mark on this family.
But you know, I think she needs to look more like Rosemary. Quick Rosemary, to the makeover mobile!
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"I have a strange craving for raw liver."
Mmmm, now you look like your namesake Rosemary. Much better, I think.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
One day, while getting ready for a nice bubble bath, the grimster comes calling on Lakshmi. You know I never noticed just how big that sycthe thing is, I mean look at it from this angle, it could take out a large family of sims in one swoop... gads.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
And who should show up to her death dance, but um, Korey, who wasn't even invited. What is he doing here? I have no idea.
"Hey headmaster dude, can you get out of the way, me and the hula girls have a schedule to keep."
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"Lakshmi, my heart is just breaking. I can't handle the pain."
"Korey, you didn't even know me. It was my mother-in-law Sandy Bruty that you were boinking. And you're a little late for that death."
"Oh. She died?"
Like 2 chapters ago, idiot, Now move out of the way and let me photograph Lakshmi's last moments!
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
Lakshmi Uglacy
Former Coffee girl in the park AKA: King Kong, Monkey-in-law Aspiration: Knowledge LTW: To be a Criminal mastermind (Done, baby, done) Spouse: Norman Uglacy Children: Robert, Damien, and Carrie In her will, she left a little for everyone... except Komeii. Good for you Lakshmi! I will miss you, you were unique.
Created: 12.26.2005 - Updated: 12.26.2005
"That monkey witch didn't leave me a penny!"
Everyone in unison now... AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
And that my sim loving readers is where I shall leave off, because frankly, I'll be surprised if I can get this story to load at this point. But tune in next time, because I am going to get you guys to vote for the ugliest heir. Samara's almost a teen... *sighs* Till then...Hasta La Vista from the great Komeii.
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
"Hello you sim loving girly men, you know me, Noo? I am Komeii Tellerman, and if you don't know me, you don't play the sims enough. And I have a bone to pick with you Legacy Gods and Goddesses. Why do you never play the Komeii man, eh? I wander onto your lots, I come to your puny, disaster parties, I play with your stinkin brats. I am the Arnold Swharzenneger of your sim world, and yet I am left in the shadows. It is because you are afraid I will outshine your precious CAS sims! Well no more! It's time for me to pump you up!"
Oh dear, I think I just opened Pandora's box. Well I had to let him do his little intro... poor guy, never gets any air time. Welcome back to the Uglacy family, still striving to create the ugliest, yes the UGLIEST sim we can in 10 generations. So on with the story... Chapter 5...
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
Carrie, my chosen heir from the last chapter, was smitten with Komeii and after a short courtship, um like a day, they married and whoohooed, which I didn't take any pics of cause frankly, do you really want to see that. I thought not.
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
And the possible heir is born, possible because it is always the ugliest child that rules in my family.
Actually she's a pretty baby... but that means nothing. And I named her Rosemary (following my tradition of naming after horror movies. You know... Rosemary's baby). And this is where our Uglacy legacy picks up.
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
Lakshmi makes an excellent grandma between terrorizing the world and reeking havoc.
Poor baby looks a bit frightened tho, no idea why. Nothing wrong with this picture... Grandma Dearest... muhahaha
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
Norman is as boring as ever... and uglier... Is his face like melting or is it just me?
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
"Yawwwn, you bore me with your piddle paddle story. No one wants to hear of my chipmunk faced father in law. Tell them something interesting. Tell them about me!"
Geesh, ok. Let's talk Komeii.
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
Komeii is not particularly known as nice...next to Kennedy Cox he's probably one of the meanest townies out there. Here he meets Damien, Carrie's twin brother for the first time.
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
"Ugh you jerk!"
"Ha, ha, ha, you have been baptized by the Komeii man. What? What's wrong, you gonna cry like a little sissy boy?
And actually, Damien did. I was disappointed. Damien was named after the son of Satan, and he's not suppose to take crap like a water balloon. Pfft.
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
Komeii doesn't play nice with Lakshmi, their relationship was in the negatives all on it's own.
"Listen here you old baboon, you smart off to me one more time, and I'll kick your granny @$$."
Whoa, back off dude. She's your mother in law!
"Don't you mean monkey-in-law?!"
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
"OMG, who started that fire!"
You did! You burn everything you cook! Ugh.
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
And we gather on the midnight golf course, for the Finals in Putt Putt golfing. Next up is Komeii Tellerman.
This is going to be a hard shot, Rob. The fans are wondering if he can do it.
The tension is un-nerving...
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
"Ugh, I must concentrate. Quiet peon voices in my head..."
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
"He shoots, and oh my goodness, it's a hole in one. He has won the midnight tour of Putt Putt. And his prize includes one charisma point, and a coupon for a free meal!"
Clap, clap, clap... I was breathless, how about you?
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
"Ugh, what is this, Ghost Central!"
Oh, hey Komeii, meet Carrie's grandparents, Jimmy and Sandy.
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
Poor Carrie, she got the flu, and was pregnant, and then I saw this...
"choke, choke, gasp, huge phlegm ball, ugh."
It's the universal sign for the Heilmnich manuever (or sim kissing butt good-bye).. quick Komeii, come at once!
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
"I see the light, it's so beautiful..."
No Carrie, it's a trick, go to the darkness! The darkness has always been your real friend.
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
"Oh dear, what a shame. I've seen this before, downloaded furniture that kills. They set down, never to get up again. Death by bench. Sad."
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
"Nooo, noo, you can't take her. This is my only chance at a legacy family, and I'll never get another."
"Well looking at that mug, I can see why. Alright, I've got a luu-ow with the Hula girls tonight anyway."
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
"Ha, yeah, that's right, you better fear the Komeii man! Sissy boy."
"Don't you worry imbecile, I'll be back, I always am."
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
"So how is my little Rosey tonight?"
Put the kid back in the crib. She's sleeping doofus, hence the Z's everywhere! Komeii's no family sim, that's for sure.
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
"You're not pregnant to that @$$ole again, are you Carrie?"
"No mom," barf, barf, "Whatever gave you that idea?"
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
"Oh man, mom's gonna be pissed."
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
"I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts, too sexy. And I'm a model, you know what I mean, and I shake my little toosh on the catwalk...on the catwalk, I shake my little toosh on the catwalk."
Watching him dance is like watching a blind dancing bear on one leg... yeah, it's that bad.
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
"I think I'll just play this guitar until I starve to death or pee myself, whichever comes first. Forget needs, this is just so much fun!"
Created: 12.26.2005 Updated: 12.26.2005
I know how those plants feel.
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