The Uglacy Family Chapter 4 |
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The Uglacy Family Chapter 4
Created By:
Country: United States of America
Language: US English
Created: 12.20.2005
Last Updated: 12.20.2005
Number of Entries: 77
Description:Chapt.4 The terror twins grow up, & the legacy of ugly continues. Who will be the new Uglacy Heir?
Family Name: Storyteller
Lot Name: CAS!
Categories: Comedy,Ponderings and Observations,Sims Life Stories
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Double Birthday Duty... the twins grow up! Welcome to the Uglacy clan, and the question is which child will be ugly enough to lead us into the next generation. The moment of truth is upon us, so blow out those candles kids, and let's get the show rolling.
Note* This story will be much better if you read the previous ones. Otherwise I'm just going to look like some crazy nut who writes nonsense... ok, you got me, I am.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Carrie is all aglow with teenage transition. It even looks scary. Like some sort of exorcism.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Carrie rolls family, which I don't think really fits her, but than they don't have an aspiration for evil yet. Her outfit however, fits her personality.
Her LTW is golden anniversary, certainly doable. She remains mean and serious.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Damien, on the other hand becomes a man in a fury of sparkles... somehow that just doesn't seem right.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Damien rolls romance and gets a nifty outfit. I think I speak for all us simmers when I say, Maxis what were you thinking! Socks with sandals, that so totally geekville! Only geeky computer nerds wear socks and sandals, oops. Never mind. Bad me. I love you maxis guys, really I do...
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
And there's the oldest, Robert. But who shall be the chosen one? Well Robert looks ugly, true, but I added the freckles and glasses, and actually his nose is smaller and better defined. Damien and Carrie both have the Bruty lips, but Carrie has a huge fat nose she got from her mom, plus she's mean. So I choose Carrie!
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Robert goes off to college, apparently just in time since the house is burning down. Damien keeps catching everything on fire, which is appropriate since he is devil spawn.
Robert is off for the Casteroff dorms, appropriatly named, and not by me. Blame that one on Maxis.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
I could, and probably should, send Damien off to college, but I need the friend count and I have him warming up to Lucy for a future spouse. As you can see, money does buy love and sparkly clean toilets!
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Sandy remains a rocking grandma, with plenty of whoohoo inbetween. She never obtained her lifetime want of 20 lovers, but she does have about 10 to keep her busy.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Damien is rolling the want for a first kiss, so Lakshmi invites Candice, a pretty townie girl over, and who should show up and make herself known than Meadow. Geesh Meadow, what do you want, to be everyones first kiss! Look how obvious she is! She always comes lurking when we have company.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Right away, Damien and Candice don't hit it off, but as you can see, Meadow is already hot for Damien. Family, my butt, that girl is romance!
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
And Meadow does not seem to like Carrie, just look at that face.
"Um, what do you want Carrie, everyone knows you're wierd, not like your hot brothers! How dare you think you can get in the hot tub with someone as popular as me."
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Then Candice jumps in, and it's just popular girls all around. Poor Carrie, feeling sorry for her? Well don't... she holds her own.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
"So you see, we are the Uglacy family, and our plan is to take over legacy families around the world and give ugly NPC's and townies the chance they never had..."
Ssssh, Damien, you are telling the enemy!
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Uh, Carrie? Is that Meadow dying in the background?
"Yeah, so? It's not my fault she couldn't handle a little skill sucking vacuum."
I don't think that was suppose to happen, I mean Carrie was in the gold, and um, those vacuums don't actually kill people do they? If so, well, Meadow, sorry about that... oops.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Oh what a relief... or not. Meadow just reappeared in my kitchen. Ok, Meadow, you can stop staring at me now. I said I was sorry. You're the one who keeps wanting to hang around.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
"Hi Grandma. I have a little favor to ask of you, and you know it's not like you can take those skill points with you when you go..."
Geesh, Carrie, she's an old lady!
"Yeah, and I have her backed in a corner, so she really can't get away."
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Meanwhile, I use Damien for the grunt work, like unclogging toilets. You look so snazzy in your private school suit, by the way. Kind of like the real Damien from the movie.
"I bet he didn't have to unclog toilets!'
Um, no, but he was the son of Satan and that was a little beneath him.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Damien's cooking leaves a lot to be desired. Yet another fire. I think he is secretly trying to burn the house down. He seems oddly attracted to the flames.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
"This spaghetti is burnt!"
Yeah, yeah, Carrie, but you didn't even notice until your second plate, so deal with it.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Norman makes it to Chief of Staff, his LTW! Yay, no more having to work to keep him happy, he can just walk around being the boring sim he is.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
What?! Norman's little promotion made me miss the goodbyes to Sandy. Well, at least she went out Platinum, as she was whoohooing several times a day. I never seen a granny get that much loving and I never want to again.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
My founding couple, just ashes now... what can I say. Both of them were fun sims, Pleasure & Romance... they dated and whoohooed everyone in town, and never once fought about it. It seemed to work for them. It was really the strangest legacy couple I ever played, and I can honestly say... I'm glad its over!!! If I never hit the whoohoo button again, it will be too soon!
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Sandy Bruty AKA: Fishlips Aspiration: Romance LTW: 20 lovers (Didn't happen) Career: Hall of Famer Spouse: Jimmy Legacy Kids: Norman and Dreama Special Ability: Able to whoohoo any sim... including Brandi, the diva dude, Jimmy's best friend Amin, and her own son in law Remington plus many others.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Norman is so broken up by the death of his mother. Just look at that face. Ahhh. Don't worry Norman, she's with Jimmy now on that Dream Date in the sky.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Oh you batty old lady, you did not just hit Carrie with a water balloon!
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
You will so pay for that.
This picture makes me want to hide under the covers, seriously.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Lakshmi makes it to the top of the criminal world, but I didn't get all the cool doodads, cause she promptly passed out. Do I push my sims a bit too hard... nah.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
So Damien, being all romance and everything, wants a date, and I send him out with Meadow. He wasn't very impressed with her smustle, check out his face.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
And they have a nice little dinner, everything is going so smoothly...
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
And then she up and splits like Cinderella. Granted it's a school night, and granted it's 3 AM in the morning, but hey! How can you leave before the food's even served. That's the last time we buy you Baked Alaska... yeah.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Well that's ok, cause Damien really wants a first kiss. So we invite Meadow over after school, and they're best buddies, and more, so go for it Damien.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
ARRRRRRRRRRRRGH! Meadow you flipping tease! You've been hanging around our lot with Damien's thought bubble for a week now! You just plummeted his aspirations! I hope you're happy!
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
OH man dude, we all feel your pain. That coniving B!TC#.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Damien took to flipping out, literally. Poor guy, rejected for his first kiss from little miss "I kiss everyone."
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
"Don't you worry Damien, we'll fix her cookies. Invite her over."
"Really sis, why you're just the best!"
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
"Hi, um Meadow, wanna come over and hang out. No, no I'm not mad about that whole kiss thing or leaving me at the restuarant last night. Just come on over."
"It always a pleasure to see you. I'll gussy up and be right over."
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
"So I'm so glad you aren't mad, Damien, because I plan to tell everyone at school I refused your first kiss." *giggle* "Hi Carrie, what's that?"
"Um this is a leaf blower, yeah. But it styles hair too."
"Oh wow, can I try?!"
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
"Ugh, Damien I think I'm dying..."
"Wow Carrie, you sure are mean for a family sim. You just made Meadow Thayer pee herself."
"It's all in a day's work, Damien. Evil is a hard philosophy to live by."
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Where could Carrie possibly get those ideas? I have no clue.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
EEe gads, Meadow, you're not going to let the boy kiss you, but he can cop a feel! Shame on you.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Oh ok, that's better. I can rate this PG now.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Way to kill the first kiss Sandy! You, of all sims, should let the kid have a little fun.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
"Arrgh, not grandpa too!"
"Hey there, Damien, just thought I pop up to say hello."
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Whoa look whose an elder. In truth I wasn't paying attention at all, but then I never do. Norman is boring. Nothing to see here, just keep moving on. *yawns*
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Carrie plots her next evil plan while unwinding in the hot tub.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Just another day at the office, reeking evil and hanging out in my underground lair.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
"Ha, ha dad, isn't this fun?!"
"Carrie, whats in that pillowcase?!"
"Just a few bricks, gotta have a little challenge you know."
Nothing speaks bonding with your daughter more then a broken jaw.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
"Carrie, what did you do to me?!"
Sorry Lakshmi, this time it isn't Carrie.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
"Oh dear."
And why is Damien think of kisses right now. Ewww.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
This reminds me of that leading girl gorilla on Planet of the Apes. Same hair even.
I could try to fix her with makeup, but that doesn't usually help elders... then she would look like a raccooned ape. *sighs* I wanted ugly sims, I'm getting them. Moving on.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
"Ricky Cormier, I have wanted you since the day you came home on the schoolbus."
"That was yesterday."
"Yes, exactly, and it's time for me to really put the moves on you with my Super-Duper Social sunglasses."
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
First kiss! Norman, you are so ruining the mood, go get a life you boring sim!
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Norman, that is quite enough. I know she's your little girl... well that's really not why he's hanging around. He wants to play red hands with Ricky... GADS. Get lost. I really don't think Ricky wants to play red hands right now.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Carrie is so cute when I tell her to make out with Ricky. She gives me that "right on" look. It's still wierd the way she constantly looks at me. Almost like she knows I'm here... but that's just silly, isn't it?
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Norman grooms Carrie for the medical profession.
"Oh my gosh, dad, it's a stale hamburger, what do I do?!"
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
"Just put it back in quickly Carrie, and sew him up."
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Carrie, what are you doing to Lucy Hanby?!
"Um, nothing, just helping her vacuum..."
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
"Are we going to make out again, Carrie?!"
"Uh, not exactly Ricky. You know you play that piano really good. I bet you have a lot of creativity points."
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
"Ahhh, Carrie, I thought you loved me."
"Oh don't take it so personally. Think of it as I took a little piece of you...kind of like that Ashley Simpson song."
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Carrie, where is Nesseria. You said you wanted to be her best friend.
"Oh, she's around here somewhere."
"Heeeelp me..."
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
"Hey Damien, you know you're just the spare and all, I could really use some of those points you been stacking up."
"You wouldn't."
She did.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
"Really, I swear, I'm a little angel."
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
ZAP! Yeah right! God doesn't like liars, Carrie! Do you smell burning hair?
Please note: No actual sims were hurt in the making of this production. Ok, maybe they were, but they deserved it.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
So Damien's just been hanging around, and it's time to send him off to college.
What, what are you looking at Carrie? Stop looking at me!
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Norman paints a self potrait... I think. Oh maybe it's a picture of his ape wife.
"I heard that."
Sorry Norman. Paint on.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
"My son's such a loser, even Meadow refused to kiss him."
"Really, Meadow kisses everyone. Wow, I didn't know she could say no."
In reality, Lakshmi does like to gossip about Damien constantly and that Meadow didn't kiss him. It's just plain cruel.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
And Carrie is fast approaching adulthood, and I have already selected a spouse... 3 guesses who this is... hee, hee..
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
If Sandy Bruty reigns as the Queen of ugly townies, the kingship must go to this man... Komeii Tellerman... who gives new meaning to the anatomically challenged. He has been waiting forever to get into a legacy family, and Carrie actually likes him a lot... who am I to fight fate. And his gene pool will definately shake this family up!
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Here Norman is writing a book. It's called "Surgery For Dummies."
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
The big day! Komeii cheers Carrie on, eagerly awaiting his legacy position.
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Well, I've seen worse outfits, and worse sims for that matter. But welcome to adulthood, and we all know what that means...
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
First comes love...
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Then comes marriage...
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
Then comes the heir in the baby carriage.
Meet Rosemary...(still in the tradition of naming sims from horror movie characters. Um, Rosemary's baby... yeah)
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
And here's Komeii, holding his little bundle of future ugliness with Lakshmi literally breathing down his neck. He doesn't get along with his mother in law by the way. They like to poke each other a lot. And since most people avoid Komeii like the plague, here's some Komeii facts for you... Aspiration: Fortune LTW: Business Tycoon An active, serious, not too nice Scorpio Currently a Scholar with 8 friends. He comes with a really cool inventory including the toy car and a pink flamingo! Yay!
Created: 12.20.2005 - Updated: 12.20.2005
And I shall leave you with this lovely vision in your head. The icon of sim fashion, Mr. Goopster.
Until next time, my fellow simmers... happy simming!
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
Double Birthday Duty... the twins grow up! Welcome to the Uglacy clan, and the question is which child will be ugly enough to lead us into the next generation. The moment of truth is upon us, so blow out those candles kids, and let's get the show rolling.
Note* This story will be much better if you read the previous ones. Otherwise I'm just going to look like some crazy nut who writes nonsense... ok, you got me, I am.
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
Carrie is all aglow with teenage transition. It even looks scary. Like some sort of exorcism.
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
Carrie rolls family, which I don't think really fits her, but than they don't have an aspiration for evil yet. Her outfit however, fits her personality.
Her LTW is golden anniversary, certainly doable. She remains mean and serious.
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
Damien, on the other hand becomes a man in a fury of sparkles... somehow that just doesn't seem right.
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
Damien rolls romance and gets a nifty outfit. I think I speak for all us simmers when I say, Maxis what were you thinking! Socks with sandals, that so totally geekville! Only geeky computer nerds wear socks and sandals, oops. Never mind. Bad me. I love you maxis guys, really I do...
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
And there's the oldest, Robert. But who shall be the chosen one? Well Robert looks ugly, true, but I added the freckles and glasses, and actually his nose is smaller and better defined. Damien and Carrie both have the Bruty lips, but Carrie has a huge fat nose she got from her mom, plus she's mean. So I choose Carrie!
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
Robert goes off to college, apparently just in time since the house is burning down. Damien keeps catching everything on fire, which is appropriate since he is devil spawn.
Robert is off for the Casteroff dorms, appropriatly named, and not by me. Blame that one on Maxis.
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
I could, and probably should, send Damien off to college, but I need the friend count and I have him warming up to Lucy for a future spouse. As you can see, money does buy love and sparkly clean toilets!
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
Sandy remains a rocking grandma, with plenty of whoohoo inbetween. She never obtained her lifetime want of 20 lovers, but she does have about 10 to keep her busy.
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
Damien is rolling the want for a first kiss, so Lakshmi invites Candice, a pretty townie girl over, and who should show up and make herself known than Meadow. Geesh Meadow, what do you want, to be everyones first kiss! Look how obvious she is! She always comes lurking when we have company.
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
Right away, Damien and Candice don't hit it off, but as you can see, Meadow is already hot for Damien. Family, my butt, that girl is romance!
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
And Meadow does not seem to like Carrie, just look at that face.
"Um, what do you want Carrie, everyone knows you're wierd, not like your hot brothers! How dare you think you can get in the hot tub with someone as popular as me."
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
Then Candice jumps in, and it's just popular girls all around. Poor Carrie, feeling sorry for her? Well don't... she holds her own.
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
"So you see, we are the Uglacy family, and our plan is to take over legacy families around the world and give ugly NPC's and townies the chance they never had..."
Ssssh, Damien, you are telling the enemy!
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
Uh, Carrie? Is that Meadow dying in the background?
"Yeah, so? It's not my fault she couldn't handle a little skill sucking vacuum."
I don't think that was suppose to happen, I mean Carrie was in the gold, and um, those vacuums don't actually kill people do they? If so, well, Meadow, sorry about that... oops.
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
Oh what a relief... or not. Meadow just reappeared in my kitchen. Ok, Meadow, you can stop staring at me now. I said I was sorry. You're the one who keeps wanting to hang around.
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
"Hi Grandma. I have a little favor to ask of you, and you know it's not like you can take those skill points with you when you go..."
Geesh, Carrie, she's an old lady!
"Yeah, and I have her backed in a corner, so she really can't get away."
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
Meanwhile, I use Damien for the grunt work, like unclogging toilets. You look so snazzy in your private school suit, by the way. Kind of like the real Damien from the movie.
"I bet he didn't have to unclog toilets!'
Um, no, but he was the son of Satan and that was a little beneath him.
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
Damien's cooking leaves a lot to be desired. Yet another fire. I think he is secretly trying to burn the house down. He seems oddly attracted to the flames.
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
"This spaghetti is burnt!"
Yeah, yeah, Carrie, but you didn't even notice until your second plate, so deal with it.
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
Norman makes it to Chief of Staff, his LTW! Yay, no more having to work to keep him happy, he can just walk around being the boring sim he is.
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
What?! Norman's little promotion made me miss the goodbyes to Sandy. Well, at least she went out Platinum, as she was whoohooing several times a day. I never seen a granny get that much loving and I never want to again.
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
My founding couple, just ashes now... what can I say. Both of them were fun sims, Pleasure & Romance... they dated and whoohooed everyone in town, and never once fought about it. It seemed to work for them. It was really the strangest legacy couple I ever played, and I can honestly say... I'm glad its over!!! If I never hit the whoohoo button again, it will be too soon!
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
Sandy Bruty AKA: Fishlips Aspiration: Romance LTW: 20 lovers (Didn't happen) Career: Hall of Famer Spouse: Jimmy Legacy Kids: Norman and Dreama Special Ability: Able to whoohoo any sim... including Brandi, the diva dude, Jimmy's best friend Amin, and her own son in law Remington plus many others.
Created: 12.20.2005 Updated: 12.20.2005
Norman is so broken up by the death of his mother. Just look at that face. Ahhh. Don't worry Norman, she's with Jimmy now on that Dream Date in the sky.
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