Uglacy # 20.1 Operation Ugly Townies |
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Uglacy # 20.1 Operation Ugly Townies
Created By:
Country: United States of America
Language: US English
Created: 05.27.2006
Last Updated: 05.27.2006
Number of Entries: 100
Description:The Uglacies are about to get a whole lot uglier!
Family Name: NewFans
Lot Name: #1 Fan Lane
Categories: Comedy,Ponderings and Observations,Sims Life Stories
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Ahhh, the great and powerful boolprop-townie tree. Welcome back Uglacy followers, for the time has come to up the ugly in Uglacy. For those of you just tuning in, I am currently at the ninth generation of a legacy, a legacy striving to get the ugliest heir I can in 10 generations, and now that I am almost there, I have to say I am a little disappointed, like many of my readers, that the Uglacies seem to have hit an Ugly plateau. The problem is the Uglacies got uglier than any of the maxis made townies, and now anything they breed with creates a "cuter" Uglacy kid. Well don't you worry, Uglacy fans, I am not ending up with a pretty boy sim at the end of this haul. Still following legacy rules, yes Pinstar did ok the making and adding of custom townies over at the boolprop forum, I am about to tweak the townie pool.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Kids, I've been meaning to have a talk with all of you. You know our family has very high standards for ugly... and well after 9 generations, frankly you guys have been disappointments. I just don't think any of you are up for the heirship."
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"What do you mean we're not ugly enough. I am a child version of Carmen Patch with blonde hair. Do you think they would marry me into the Disney legacy, or the Mythology Legacy, or what about the Fabio legacy, no way would I get married into that one."
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Are you saying we are going to be spares, simply because we aren't mutated enough? What kind of sick legacy is this?!"
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Well personally, I think I could get into the Disney Legacy, I mean look at me, I'm even dressed for it. And I'm so cute, I could so pass for one of those pretty legacy kids. I'll just drop my last name."
I have a Plan B.... Operation Ugly Townies... let me explain. A few months ago, a very good legacy writer named Jenn AKA Swiffner, spoke to the great Pinstar about making custom townies, and after thinking about it Pinstar said that that was totally legal, since everything else is randomly assigned... which means... I added a few new specimens to the townie pool. Be warned... the next page is not for the weak of heart.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Meet Pete Birdbeak... AKA the birdman. And Sidney has three lightning bolts for him, which I had nothing to do with. It's all random other then his charming good looks. The scary thing about this sim, is watching him talk, his teeth actually protrude out the side of his mouth.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
The mating ritual of the ugly beaknose townie begins...
"Oh baby, you are so hot... how's about we recreate and procreate."
Sidney is ever the romance sim.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"How I long to preen your lucious feathers, you fine chick."
"Eh, I don't have feathers, but I'm sure we can find something for you to preen."
Dear lord, Sidney, keep it to a minimal, ok?! Besides, we don't need that vision in the reader's head.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
So Pete is madly, madly in love with Sidney, but unfortunatly with 8 sims in the house, his DNA contribution will have to be on hold.
Notice how nice the Uglacies keep their hedges... a lazy lot, they just enjoy lounging on the couch and eating Sparky's Christmas cookies.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Speaking of Sparky...
"Good day Robotic Feminine Unit, I am Sparky, Servo to the Uglacies."
"I bid you greetings, Servo Sparky. I am model # 5623900, or as some sims call me... Pepperjack."
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"And so the quadratic formula requires that..."
"Hmmf, what the heck did they call me here for. They got a servo to fix the trash compactor, but nooo, he's out on the lawn trying to get a little electronic action. Bunch of ingrates."
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
And it wasn't long before Sparky was head over bolts in love with Pepperjack, and managed a first kiss. Awww...
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
And that was when I noticed robots have a special flirt option... tune up...
"Oh Sparky, I'm usually not that kind of girl, letting anyone poke at my circuits with a screwdriver."
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Ok, that is more disturbing then watching Uglacies woohoo. PG, Maxis, does that mean anything to you, huh??? Huh???
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Meanwhile, let's transition the one Uglacy kid that is living up to the name... Pennywise. Alright, Sidney, spin that brat... we got a schedule to keep.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Um, nothing, nada...
"Sidney, that kid's a dud! You called us all out here for this!"
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"I'm dumping this cake, stupid baby, at least I knew how to become a toddler. Pffft, I am so ugly enough to be heir."
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
So finally after 4 attempts... gads... we have a toddler!
And an ugly toddler at that. He will be in the running.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Nightie, night Pennywise. Mommie loves her little ugly freakshow."
Sidney remains an Excellent mommy! She even rolls wants to help her kids with homework, what kind of frickin, frackin romance sim is that? So anyway, we need to get crackin on some ugly kids to add to the pot, I thought about killing the cute ones to make room... but nah. There was another way.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Pepperjack, why so down?"
"Oh Mr. Don, I am so sad. I long to be with a love I can never have."
"Why not?"
"It's a legacy unit... which means he's under contract. There's no way I can marry a legacy unit."
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Let me tell you something, Pepperjack... Samara was a legacy girl, and the heir."
"No, you jest, Mr. Don. But that is impossible. We meer mortals can not hope to marry legacy sims."
"Ha, I got some influence over the writer myself, I am her favorite sim, Pepperjack. Let me see what I can do."
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
As if I could say no to Don, that and we needed the room. So the wedding was held at Don and Samara's huge mansion that I downloaded just for them. Spoiled, rotten zombies.
But while everyone else watched the Wedding festivities...
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Don! Step away from the champagne! I'm actually on a lot where I can control you!
"Sure, sure go ahead and try."
And so I clicked, and I clicked some more, but while everyone else watched the wedding, Don would not leave the champagne. God how I love this sim.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
And then Samara left the wedding to go over and booze it up with him. I get no respect here.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
So I figured if you can't beat em, join em.
"Hey, 2006, a good year for generic champagne! So Samara, just couldn't wait to get over here and booze it up with Don, I see."
"Eh, you seen one wedding, you seen em all."
"Man, do I know that feeling. Weddings and birthdays! The torture of us legacy writers."
"Ah, shut up and pass the bottle Candi. Torture is having a kid like Gage."
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
And now the real love fest can begin. Sidney dresses colorfully in hopes of attracting the male species and does her special chicken dance, which seems to frighten Pete instead of attracting him. Hey Pete, want a real fright! Look in a mirror. Geesh.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
But eventually she gets him in the birdbath... I mean hot tub.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Oh man, one of those creepy townie kids followed me home, didn't he?"
Well actually that's one of your cousins.
"Even worse!"
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Oh dear how did that happen?"
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Alvin shows up for the twins birthday, but creep that he is, he could care less about his kid's party. He's got other fish to fry.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Unfortunately for him, he is too stupid to figure out how to steal the gnome.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Ok Michael, now don't disappoint grandma again, let's see some ugly!"
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Well he did get some of his dad's features, and a really cool cowboy shirt.
He rolls pleasure...LTW to be a chef.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Woot, woot, come on Christine. Girl power, baby! Let's see you put the U in ugly!"
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
What the...
Christine, you're... you're...
"Yeah, I know I'm hot, aren't I. Figures."
She rolls Knowledge, and apparently doesn't have a LTW... it's glitched, but who cares, she will never be heir.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Well at least the party was good.
"Whoa, I am so not getting in that pool. That's where Goopy drowned, isn't it?"
HurriKaty had an adversion to the pool. Who could blame her?
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
So Blair is border-lining death now and he's still not a General, and still not platinum. Time for the noodle hat.
"Do I really have to wear this, it's degrading. I look like an astronaut off of Sesame Street."
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Well Pennywise, it's all up to you now. I mean I guess I just have to accept that I'm pretty and live with it. You on the other hand, already have the features of a toad."
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Listen Christine, it's not the worse thing in the world to be just a normal sim. Now just drink some booze with Granny and you'll feel all better.
Emily Rose! Seriously, she kept drinking with the kids at the bar. Senile old bat.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
And being the pleasure sim he is, Michael immediatly wants dates.
"So Lozzie, you want to be my hot rod momma? I'd love to take you out for a spin!"
Lozzie made the mistake of stepping off the bus with him. That and one of his turn ons is blonde. Lozzie25 writes the Matchin Legacy when she isn't comming home with strange boys.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
And Michael isn't the only one making friends.
Here's KJ, fresh off the bus as well and ready to play a game of pool with Christine.
"Hey, she ain't half bad for an Uglacy girl."
Yeah, well watch the hustle, KJ, the Uglacies are well known for cheating. *KJPC14- A big fan of the Uglacies.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"So have you seen that 'thing' mom is dating?"
*snicker, snicker*
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"So Miss Uglacy I'm here as requested, tho frankly most romance sims could care less if their kids get into private school. Wouldn't you rather spend that money on hot tubs and fast cars?"
"Well Mr. Korey, this is Christine's wish, and I figured it was the least I could do for giving her those lame genetics."
"But she's a beautiful girl, Miss Uglacy."
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"I love this lime green bathroom! Can you show it to me again, huh? Pretty please, oh pretty please!"
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Uh oh, I hope that headmaster likes his loster well done."
Emily Rose! You have ten cooking points! How could this happen? What is it with Uglacies and burning lobster?!
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"So you sure you don't want to reconsider a little side woohoo Miss Uglacy, I mean we could work out a discount."
"Uh, no, Mr. Korey."
Mr. Korey seemed pretty smitten with Sidney, he was already giving her 16 Schmooze points and she hadn't even tried to schmooze him yet.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Hey, Shoo Fleee, Shoo Fleee..."
NO Sidney, not now! Can't you hold that brat in ten more seconds! We have to impress the headmaster.
"Oh I'm about to impress him alright!"
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Arrrrrrgh! Mother... fricking... #@***$$$@#% insert profanity of choice here #!@%*&$...
"This pork is delicious, Miss Uglacy, I did think we were having lobster however. Still, I must say, you Uglacies serve a mean meal."
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Alright, that was excellent. Dinner and a show!"
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Why of course your children are in Miss Uglacy. You will be naming the baby after me I assume."
"Sorry but we are naming her Clarice, after Silence of the Lambs."
"Oh, well where is the precious little girl?"
"Uh, actually you are standing on her Korey."
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Oh Clareeeece, I have such high hopes for you.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Hey there sexy, I love the way that hair curls out of your nostril."
"Oink, really, I use a small spiral curling iron to get it just right. Say, how old are you?"
"I'm old enough, how about we go for a ride baby?"
"Here kid, here's your Sunny Delight."
"Snort, old enough my butt. I'm outta here."
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"You know Michael, there comes a time when every bird must leave the nest and..."
"You want us gone, don't you mom?"
"Well you are kind of a waste of space. Mind moving off to college now?"
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"You too Christine, bye, bye now."
Ahhh, finally we free up some room at the old Uglacy house. Playing 8 sims is such a drag.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Pennywise, meanwhile, transitions into an interesting child. Now he is possible Uglacy material. But befitting his namesake (Pennywise, evil clown of 'It') he needed a makeover.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"I love my new look... hee, hee, hee."
Creepy little fellow, isn't he?
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Fabio, eat your heart out...
Time to introduce elgible bachelor #2... Chuck Freeloader. Now I should explain here that this townie was actually made by my son. Me and my kids each made a townie... kind of competing for who could make the ugliest, just some side fun. You know the family that sims together... you have yet to see my daughter's, which is really unique.
Anyhows... Sidney had the hots for him bad but there was one problem...
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
He was already on a date, and totally ignoring Sidney. He was dating...Lette20! Gads, what is it with you simselfs! Look at him, Lette, what are you thinking?!
"I like him. I do write an Uglacy too you know. I write the Jolie Uglacy. I find ugly sims oddly compelling."
Apparently you do. And no people, I do not make this stuff up. She's dating him, *twitches*.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"So Lette, you don't mind if I wear your high heels when we go back to your place? I like to dress up pretty and pretend I'm a Victoria Secret's Model. Preferably Tyra Banks."
"Ew, I think I just lost my appetite."
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Excuse me, simself hussy. What are you doing with the custom townie made for me, huh?"
"Er, hi Sidney. How's the ugly baby making going?"
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Back away from my townie, Lette!"
"Fine, fine, you can have him. I'm not into seeing him strutting around in high heels anyways."
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
And things were soon set right... till Lydia strolled by.
"Back away Lydia, he's mine! Geesh don't you simselfs ever give up!"
"I was just looking! Man, can't a girl look?"
Lydia-hippielayla86-writes Hinckley Legacy... and obviously has odd taste in men.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
And so they finally went back to Sid's place...
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
And scarred the children forever!
"Oh my God, mommy's a skank!"
"Whaaa, she's cheating on my dad!"
"WhAAA, She's cheating on my dad too!"
Would you both go to your room, now, geesh! We got baby making to get to and you kids are killing the mood!
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"I hate her, I hate her and all her sleazy. vile ways. One day I will grow up and justice shall me mine. That low-life tramp, hussy, wanton wrench..."
Ok, Pennywise, ok, here's a dime, go call someone who cares, we have a legacy to get back to. Geesh.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"And that's when the doctor told me I had the IQ of two fried eggs..."
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Well he lied to you son, I don't think your IQ's that high!"
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Seriously, Sidney, where do you find these guys? Is there like a club for these losers? A toll free number you call or what?"
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Mommy, you're a cheap sleeze and I hate you!"
"That's nice dear, now go do your homework."
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Um pardon me, I know you're busy trying to get my low-life mother pregnant again, but could you possibly have someone pick me off the floor and change my diaper. You know, like before social services arrive."
Oops. This is why I had Don the Zombie for years and years. So these sort of things didn't happen.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Are you really shocked, Sidney, I mean I would think by now the surprise would kind of wear off.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"No, no, my mother died in a horrible, tragic accident. She is not available to meet you in the photo booth downtown."
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Yay, time for your birthday Annie! I am only excited about this because it will be one less sim I have to play. It was nice of Sparky to show up tho, and we didn't even invite him.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Great, happy frigging birthday, Annie, now get out!
"Can I eat a piece of cake first, huh? Is that asking too much?!"
Well I guess not, but make it quick.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Oh are you here for some cake Mr. Reaper?"
"Um, not exactly Blair."
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Oh that's such a pretty sycthe. Emily, Emily can you come in here a minute sweetie? I think these are my last moments."
"In a minute, Blair, my shows on!"
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Sad to say, Emily never did leave the television. Blair's dead and now it's time for yet another birthday. Gads, are you sick of them yet, I sure am.
"I hate my mommy, and I hate my little sister too!"
That's nice Pennywise. Seriously, the kid has more issues than TIME magazine.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Oh dear Lord, that child is hideous!"
Now, now, Emily Rose, let's not exagerate. Let me slowly move the camera around for our viewers and...
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
ARRRRRGH! This kid actually startled me! She looks like Gollum from Lord of The Rings...
Helllloo precious...
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Oh my Sidney, where, oh where is Maxis's beautiful maternity wear for pregnant women?"
"Why Mom, our legacy writer went and downloaded a hack from Mod Sims and now I can leave it all hang out and look like those hollywood gals when they're pregnant! How cool is that? I still have to look like a hot momma, after all!"
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Oh my goodness, I never thought I would feel this way again after Goopy, I mean Blair, yeah Blair."
I was feeling bad for Emily Rose, all alone, and she so liked the chef, so I thought... ok, I'm totally lying, actually I need a sim to turn into grilled cheese and get to die off before that 10th generation so I can collect the platinum urn point... so time to pull the old geezer into the family.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Oh that was great woohoo, Eric. Marry me!"
"How can I say no to a diamond ring and Granny panties!"
Eric comes in as a family sim, LTW... I don't care. It's all going to change eventually.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"UGGGGGH, baby #6 on the way!!!"
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Hmmph, he looks normal."
Trust me Sidney, I've already seen the kid as a toddler as I write this. His looks come later.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
And while Sidney keeps Goopys Car Emporium going... it's a level 10 now!!! My daughter's sim shows up on the lot... meet Bob, the biker troll. Yes, I know, he's just like those cute little elves you've seen in those other legacies. NOT!!! Frederico is in the background, obviously shocked.
"Hmmpf, is someone going to help me or what. I'm looking for a Harley and a biker momma, in that order."
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Even Sidney had a little trouble warming up to Bob.
"You want me to what???"
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Bob is Sidney's date for her mother's wedding however, and he seemed especially impressed with Don the Zombie.
"Dude, you totally rock the undead world!"
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Then runs to the guitar and rocks out himself.
"I waasss drunk, the day my Ma got out of prison... and I went to pick her up in the raaaiiin, but before I could get to the station in my pick-up truck, she got ran over by a darned old train..."
Yes, that actually is a song... by David Allen Coe.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Clarice transitioned into a child, with no one around to witness it but her "My kitty" potty. "You forgot my birthday!" Bummer kid, but you know it's hard trying to stay on top of all these birthday parties.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Time for another birthday, little Hannibal is growing up. You're part of the family now, Eric, do the honors.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Oh dear, my simself is a bit disgusted. Don't tell me we got another pretty one! I'm throwing it back if we did.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Oh dear... God.
He's got his daddy's crossed eyes and Gage's cheekbones have come back with a vengence.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
That's right Hannibal, get to teething... after all you'll need those teeth when you turn all cannibalistic.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
Here you go, Clarice, I got you a kite. Sorry about the whole birthday thing.
"But can't kites electrocute you?"
Don't be silly! When does it ever storm in legacy land, huh?
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Hey mister, I'm flying my really cool kite. You wanna play?"
"Um, no kid, those things can fry you."
Thanks Vintus! He writes the Fatt legacy by the way, check it out too if you like ugly sims. Not that Pat's ugly, or anything like that, Vintus.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"So baby, now that you're all knocked up with my little rugrat, how abouts I move in here and mooch off of your family for all eternity."
"Sure sweetie, but no marriage, us romance sims have an adversion to that."
And so Bob the biker moves in, another frickin, frackin romance sim with a LTW to woohoo 20 sims, and Sidney wants 20 lovers. What a pair they will make.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"It's my birthday now. I demand center stage."
And Pennywise is on the verge of teendom. God help us all.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Am I not the coolest teen you've seen yet, Grandpa Don, and get this, I rolled Pleasure...hahaha."
"Typical Uglacy, my boy, we're always pleasure and romance. Candi's gonna love it!"
Gads!!! I need new dice! Ah well, his LTW is to be a chef, that's good at least. Not that whole dreamdate crap.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
No this can't be... Bob the biker troll is a docor! I never would of guessed.
"Yes, they call me Dr. Bob... got an ingrown toenail, I amputate... broken leg... amputate, headache... amputate... oh yeah, and I specialize in gastric bypass surgery. I have a new technique, if food can't make it to the stomach..."
Ok Bob, enough details, go rack yourself up some malpractice suits.
Created: 05.27.2006 - Updated: 05.27.2006
"Hey everyone, I just had another one!"
"Oh dear lord, Sidney, that baby is puke green."
"Yeah, isn't that cool, mom?!"
And I name this little girl Rynne, after "The Little Girl Who Lived Down the Lane." So that's it for the baby making... Thank goodness! In our next chapter we will grow this little mutations up, and have an election for heir. See ya there... and Happy simming!
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
Ahhh, the great and powerful boolprop-townie tree. Welcome back Uglacy followers, for the time has come to up the ugly in Uglacy. For those of you just tuning in, I am currently at the ninth generation of a legacy, a legacy striving to get the ugliest heir I can in 10 generations, and now that I am almost there, I have to say I am a little disappointed, like many of my readers, that the Uglacies seem to have hit an Ugly plateau. The problem is the Uglacies got uglier than any of the maxis made townies, and now anything they breed with creates a "cuter" Uglacy kid. Well don't you worry, Uglacy fans, I am not ending up with a pretty boy sim at the end of this haul. Still following legacy rules, yes Pinstar did ok the making and adding of custom townies over at the boolprop forum, I am about to tweak the townie pool.
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
"Kids, I've been meaning to have a talk with all of you. You know our family has very high standards for ugly... and well after 9 generations, frankly you guys have been disappointments. I just don't think any of you are up for the heirship."
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
"What do you mean we're not ugly enough. I am a child version of Carmen Patch with blonde hair. Do you think they would marry me into the Disney legacy, or the Mythology Legacy, or what about the Fabio legacy, no way would I get married into that one."
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
"Are you saying we are going to be spares, simply because we aren't mutated enough? What kind of sick legacy is this?!"
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
"Well personally, I think I could get into the Disney Legacy, I mean look at me, I'm even dressed for it. And I'm so cute, I could so pass for one of those pretty legacy kids. I'll just drop my last name."
I have a Plan B.... Operation Ugly Townies... let me explain. A few months ago, a very good legacy writer named Jenn AKA Swiffner, spoke to the great Pinstar about making custom townies, and after thinking about it Pinstar said that that was totally legal, since everything else is randomly assigned... which means... I added a few new specimens to the townie pool. Be warned... the next page is not for the weak of heart.
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
Meet Pete Birdbeak... AKA the birdman. And Sidney has three lightning bolts for him, which I had nothing to do with. It's all random other then his charming good looks. The scary thing about this sim, is watching him talk, his teeth actually protrude out the side of his mouth.
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
The mating ritual of the ugly beaknose townie begins...
"Oh baby, you are so hot... how's about we recreate and procreate."
Sidney is ever the romance sim.
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
"How I long to preen your lucious feathers, you fine chick."
"Eh, I don't have feathers, but I'm sure we can find something for you to preen."
Dear lord, Sidney, keep it to a minimal, ok?! Besides, we don't need that vision in the reader's head.
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
So Pete is madly, madly in love with Sidney, but unfortunatly with 8 sims in the house, his DNA contribution will have to be on hold.
Notice how nice the Uglacies keep their hedges... a lazy lot, they just enjoy lounging on the couch and eating Sparky's Christmas cookies.
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
Speaking of Sparky...
"Good day Robotic Feminine Unit, I am Sparky, Servo to the Uglacies."
"I bid you greetings, Servo Sparky. I am model # 5623900, or as some sims call me... Pepperjack."
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
"And so the quadratic formula requires that..."
"Hmmf, what the heck did they call me here for. They got a servo to fix the trash compactor, but nooo, he's out on the lawn trying to get a little electronic action. Bunch of ingrates."
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
And it wasn't long before Sparky was head over bolts in love with Pepperjack, and managed a first kiss. Awww...
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
And that was when I noticed robots have a special flirt option... tune up...
"Oh Sparky, I'm usually not that kind of girl, letting anyone poke at my circuits with a screwdriver."
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
Ok, that is more disturbing then watching Uglacies woohoo. PG, Maxis, does that mean anything to you, huh??? Huh???
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
Meanwhile, let's transition the one Uglacy kid that is living up to the name... Pennywise. Alright, Sidney, spin that brat... we got a schedule to keep.
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
Um, nothing, nada...
"Sidney, that kid's a dud! You called us all out here for this!"
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
"I'm dumping this cake, stupid baby, at least I knew how to become a toddler. Pffft, I am so ugly enough to be heir."
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
So finally after 4 attempts... gads... we have a toddler!
And an ugly toddler at that. He will be in the running.
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
"Nightie, night Pennywise. Mommie loves her little ugly freakshow."
Sidney remains an Excellent mommy! She even rolls wants to help her kids with homework, what kind of frickin, frackin romance sim is that? So anyway, we need to get crackin on some ugly kids to add to the pot, I thought about killing the cute ones to make room... but nah. There was another way.
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
"Pepperjack, why so down?"
"Oh Mr. Don, I am so sad. I long to be with a love I can never have."
"Why not?"
"It's a legacy unit... which means he's under contract. There's no way I can marry a legacy unit."
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
"Let me tell you something, Pepperjack... Samara was a legacy girl, and the heir."
"No, you jest, Mr. Don. But that is impossible. We meer mortals can not hope to marry legacy sims."
"Ha, I got some influence over the writer myself, I am her favorite sim, Pepperjack. Let me see what I can do."
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
As if I could say no to Don, that and we needed the room. So the wedding was held at Don and Samara's huge mansion that I downloaded just for them. Spoiled, rotten zombies.
But while everyone else watched the Wedding festivities...
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
Don! Step away from the champagne! I'm actually on a lot where I can control you!
"Sure, sure go ahead and try."
And so I clicked, and I clicked some more, but while everyone else watched the wedding, Don would not leave the champagne. God how I love this sim.
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
And then Samara left the wedding to go over and booze it up with him. I get no respect here.
Created: 05.27.2006 Updated: 05.27.2006
So I figured if you can't beat em, join em.
"Hey, 2006, a good year for generic champagne! So Samara, just couldn't wait to get over here and booze it up with Don, I see."
"Eh, you seen one wedding, you seen em all."
"Man, do I know that feeling. Weddings and birthdays! The torture of us legacy writers."
"Ah, shut up and pass the bottle Candi. Torture is having a kid like Gage."
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