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The Uglacy Family Returns
Created By:
Country: United States of America
Language: US English
Created: 12.15.2005
Last Updated: 12.15.2005
Number of Entries: 94
Description:The hunt for ugly is on as Norman seeks the ugliest wife he can find to create the next generation.
Family Name: Storyholder
Lot Name: storyholder
Categories: Comedy,Satirical,Sims Life Stories
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Welcome back to the Uglacy Family, yes another legacy family but with a twist. You see I am trying to create the ugliest sim I can in 10 generations. That's right... the UGLIEST. This here is my first heir to the throne, Norman Uglacy. Does he look familar? Maybe because his mother is Sandy Bruty! Hee, hee. And now Norman will have to look for that "special wife". To get my full story of how Normy got here, read my first story. And thank you for all the readers who signed my guestbook, and some who have even been inspired to create their own ugly legacy. Now those poor, underplayed NPC's will finally get their chance.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Ok, so quick recap, I made a normal looking sim named Jimmy Uglacy, who wooed Sandy Bruty, the first of our ugly spouse collection. To my utter surprise, Sandy is a romance sim with an aspiration to have 20 lovers... uh , yeah it's shocking isn't it? They had 2 children, Norman and Dreama. Dreama actually looks decent, so she's not important here. For in my family it is the ugly who reign!
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Ok, so where was I... oh yes. Well Norman, being the little fortune sim he is, wanted to get into a private school. His pleasure seeking dad and romance mom couldn't care less for that, but I needed to get Norman's aspiration up, and so I called the headmaster over, unfortunately I totally spaced it until he was at my door. And if you think this is going to be another legacy family that wins the headmaster over with glowing reviews... well, you haven't seen me play the game...
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"So Mr. Korney, what do you think of our lovely double-wide done in Animal prints and a mix match of 70's wallpaper? I did the interior decorating myself."
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"Listen Ms. Bruty, whatever works to distract the attention from your humogous lips, but giving me a tour of the bathroom with water all over the floor, well, it didn't bode well."
"Well how about I flirt with you and give you hot whoohoo baldy." (For those of you who just tuned in, guess what? Sandy Bruty is a fortune sim with an aspiration for 20 lovers!)
"Back off lady, I carry mace just for these very occasions." And yes, the smoozing actually did crash and burn. If I saw one more negative interaction... I was going to cry... really.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
OMG, back away from the rotten grilled cheese already. I was having Norman whip up something special, but for some reason the headmaster locked onto these sandwiches before I could get Dreama to clean them up. Ugh!
"MMm, this sandwiches have a distinct taste."
I think I just poisoned the headmaster. Gads. I can't believe he actually gave me 15 points for the meal.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Um Mr. and Mrs. Uglacy, I realize that whoohoo was much more important then your kids getting into private school, but Mr. Korney has something to say, and I don't think it's good.
"Your family is definitely not private school material, in fact, don't call again, because I won't come." And he hasn't. My game has glitched ever since. I think we scared the guy off permanantly, or he died of food poisoning... not sure.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
So I decide the family needs to move on to better things, like hunting down a wife for Norman. Here's the town slob fumigating the premises. While her personality might fit into the Uglacy clan, she's just not ugly enough.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
And Countess 'whatever' graces us, move the arm honey so I can see if you're ugly enough. On a side note, I think vampires and firemen should always be hot, and what's wrong with Maxis for making them ugly! I want hot firemen and vampires! Geesh, Maxis, haven't you ever watch any vampire movies or bought a firemen calendar lately. Get it right.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
So Norman goes downtown with his sister to check out the scene, but silly sims, they keep talking to the good-looking people. Knock that off right now! We need serious malformations here, and I'm not wasting your social points with idle chit chat.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Ewww, I am so not letting my sims eat here! What's wrong with you dude. Please don't tell me that's how you wash all the dishes.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"I'm sorry Candice, you're just not ugly at all."
"But legacy families are suppose to pick pretty girls like me."
"Yeah, but my creator's a wierdo, ok..." Hey I heard that Normy!
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
And just when I was about to give up, we stopped at the park for some coffee and Dreama spied the coffee girl.
*Note, thank you readers for giving me the tip on how ugly NPC's usually work the bars or coffee machine.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Closing in for a closer shot... oh yes, I think my search is over. She even gives Sandy Bruty a run for her money with that nose.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"Coffee, tea, or me.. baby."
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"So Lakshmi, I was wondering when I grow up if you would marry me?"
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"Kid, I'd marry anyone."
Yeah, I bet she would. (Please don't be romance, please don't be romance.)
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
AAaaargh, the return of King Kong. I can actually feel the ground shake.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Meanwhile, who should come home with Sandy, then Brandi LeTorneau, or whatever. I know from reading other legacy families that Brandi is known as the Ice Queen*. She's the queen of mean. So wanting to be entertained, we invited Brandi to stay for dinner...
*Copyright: neonhorn-whose legacy really lets you know what Brandi is all about. Very funny, read it, but not till you get done with mine ;)
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"So like when did that train run into your face, Sandy?!"
Sandy was not amused. I sent Brandi packing quickly. Didn't want to get into that whole poke, poke, slap thing.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
In the meantime, this place is too glitchy. I can't get the headmaster to come over, and now there is literally furniture flying around everytime I try to take a picture. So I think it's time for the Uglacy family to leave their humble trailer beginnings behind. Take one last look.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Because we've moved onto another lot. This is my attempt at a house, and believe me, watching me build a house is not a pretty thing. Plus we had a budget. So this is a start.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"Hey wait a second, this is only a two bedroom."
So it is, Dreama, which means you get your knowledge sim wish to go to college. Bye bye now.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"Hmmph, well I didn't want to live here anyway."
"Good, get lost. I don't have the time for all your skill pointing needs."
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"So Kennedy, whats this neighborhood like?"
"Eh, full of creepy townies with no fashion sense, so unlike me."
Yeah, ok then.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Yay, a headmaster, yet again... unfortunatly, the Uglacies couldn't smooze water if they fell off a boat. I have never had trouble getting a kid into private school, but this family really sucks at this. So we're just not good enough for your private school, eh headmaster. I think it's ugly discrimination and I'm filing suit.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"Oh Kennedy Cox, I remember you. You were that little twirp that use to hit me with the water balloons all the time and took all those sewing classes."
"Well, uh yeah, and I'm still designing my own clothes." "I can see that."
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"Look, we know about you two, whoohooing all over town. We have a reputation to uphold, and frankly, we don't want to ruin the yearbook with pictures of your kids."
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Lookie whose back, Brandi. And who else do they gossip about but Melissa Fancey. Sandy seems to hate Melissa, maybe because she has Sandy's flame pants, or she's dating Sandy's husband and it's all over town... who knows.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"Gee Brandi, being the town b#t@h must be stressful. Your back is all tied up in knots. Let me massage that for you."
"Wow thanks Sandy. I take back all those ugly jokes I made about you."
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Eeek, well you deserve it Brandi. Go ahead and kiss those gigantic fish lips. I know guys usually think two girls are hot... but, well... this really isn't is it? No, I didn't think so.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"Ewww mom, please tell me that's not the make-out lips over your head."
"Oh shaddup Norman."
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Why Brandi, not only are you heartless and coniving... but you're a thief. And a very happy thief apparently. It's the first time I've ever seen you smile.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Hmmm, maybe we should try that headmaster thing one more time. Norman's aspirations aren't doing too well. And the 3rd time is a charm... right?
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"So um, whats the problem here? We're a classy family."
"Yeah, I can tell by the way you greeted me in your PJ's and fed me rotten grilled cheese sandwiches last time. I was sick for a week."
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Ok, here's the deal, I can not blame this on them. Everything went well, but when we got to the dinner part, the headmaster ate, and we got zippo points to spite a good meal. Headmaster glitches are the worst! That's the last time I invite one of those blood sucking moochers over here! Just suck up the loss Norman, you're only 5 days away from adulthood anyway.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Speaking of aspiration boosts... poor Sandy needed one, and she loves public woohoo. She spun this four times in a row and couldn't get more platinum if I tried. I was only worried that one of her lovers would come along, but luckily she was discreet.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"Hey Jimmy, We wanted to get our picture taken here, you didn't leave anything nasty in that photo booth did you? You sicko Uglacy family!"
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
And now with her aspiration all aglow, it's time for the big B-Day. What are you wishing for Sandy, world peace, your children's future, a cure for Cancer.
"Um no, I want car whoohoo."
Should have known... *sighs*
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Arrrrrrrrrrrrgh... again. Ok Sandy, I knew beauty was not your strength, but um, I think you just went up ten notches on the fugly meter. Your monkey cheeks are sagging.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
OK, a little help there. I may be breeding for ugly sims, but even I have a limit as to what I can look at while I get through this game. Went back to Sandy's original hairdo and toned down the make up a bit. Ever hear that saying, less is more... well yeah, in this case it's true.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"And I like to make out in the car, the hot tub, the phone booth, the dressing room, the..."
Romance sims... ugh.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Rub a dub, dub, three townies in a tub, the b@t*ch, the Goop, and the one looking like poop.
Only in my legacy can these legends come together. (well maybe not just mine, but I'm just one for punishment).
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"Hey Brandi whatcha say we could kiss and..."
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"I can show you my little trick with handcuffs, and..."
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"And you two could have mad whoohoo. Brandi, you should so date the Goopster..."
Note Brandi's face... which by the way, always looks like that.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"You people are sick, pathetic pervs, and don't make me get up and kick your miserable butt Goopy, Gomer Pyle wannabe."
Ah Brandi, you were the one kissing it up with Sandy this afternoon, yeah, just thought I'd remind you.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Later that night, we gather for Norman's birthday. Norman is turning out to be quite the difficult sim with his constant wants of going to private school, going to college, buying a bowling alley. Geesh, get some realistic expectations kid. Anyhows, we invite his future wife, (the ugly one, in case you haven't guessed) over. She seems to be frightened of Jimmy. Hey honey,I'd be more scared of Sandy, or worse yet, get a mirror. You're in for a treat.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"EEE mom, I think Tinklebell just flew down my pants."
Get over it Norman. Doesn't Sandy look so thrilled with all of this. She just wants him to get it over so she can hit on the gardener.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"May I introduce my son, the doofus."
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Hey wait a cotton picking minute, he was in the gold! grrrr. Glitches! And for some reason, Norman seems to have really bad luck with them. I don't know if I should count this. It's so unfair. Allow me a moment while I have my own aspiration failure.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Yeah, I know you grew up well, so what the heck is your problem you half-minded twit! What's the point of buying you a bowling alley if this is how you repay me. I like your mom a whole lot better, a little whoohoo in the photo booth and she's good to go. But not you, ohhhhhh nooooooo. Ungrateful sim.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Meanwhile, back at the dorm Dreama is such a studious pupil. Knowledge sims, pfffft. How they love college, go figure.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"So Mr. Korey, why are you calling me? You wanted to tell me it wasn't my fault I didn't make private school, that it was that wierd creepy family I have. Geesh, tell me something I don't know."
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"Hmmm, you're really ugly, I'm going to add you to our list of possible future spouses. You see I'm part of the Uglacy Family, and we plan to dominate the world with ugly sims. Already ugly legacy families are spouting up all over the world and soon, well there will be no more Meadows, or Dagmars, or..."
Hey I can dream, can't I?
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"Hi Remington, here's 100 simoleans to like me. You see, poor me, I'm just a spare, and my grunt work is to try to get the handsome NPC's off the market. So I have to marry you and move into a house with all the money I could ever want. That will make room for the really ugly male maids."
Poor girl... I want to be a spare! Where can I sign up?
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
So back at the big house, Norman recovers from his aspiration overload, and scores his first kiss, although it looks more like he's sucking her face or they're merging into one big pile of ugliness.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Hot babe in the hot tub... NOT. Even the love tub with all it's pretty roses can't make up for this scene.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
I'm loving Brandi, look at her face... hysterical. I'm with you Brandi on this one, it's downright gross.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"Oh Baby will you marry me?!"
Did she say yes, I'm not sure, her face is just so scary I had to turn away.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
So everyone gathers for the big wedding...
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Except Brandi, who sat in the kitchen drinking beer.
I'm really beginning to like Brandi, I just can't help myself.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Do you Norman Uglacy, take this badly pixelated character to be your awful wedded wife...
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"And I would like to make a toast to my beautiful wife..."
Real thoughts that the pixelated overheads are trying to tell you... "Geesh, is he crazy, she's ugly as an ape." ~ Dreama "Poor boy must be blind in love." ~Melissa Fancey "I wonder how he'll make it through the honeymoon." ~Jimmy "That poor girl, I wonder what it's like to be that ugly." ~Sandy "I need another beer." ~Brandi
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Uh oh, the ceremony is barely over and already the wedding party starts falling to pieces. What was I thinking inviting Melissa Fancey who gets furious when she dares to see Jimmy kissing Sandy. Hello, Missy, she's his wife! Geesh, I can see if the wife gets mad, but the girlfriend, at his son's wedding? What did you expect?!
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
And Brandi, with one too many beers I might add, comes running out of the kitchen to let Sandy have it for kissing Jimmy. Just slapping and fussing all around.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Are these two upset... hardly. Talk about giving new meaning to an open marriage.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"So it all started with a bad baseball incident to my face. My dad had taken me to see the Dodgers, and..."
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Later that day, while Jimmy's at work, Sandy devises a plan to get even with old Korey with the whole headmaster incident. Well actually I devised the plan, but Sandy is more than happy to help me.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"You sleeze, you told me you loved only me, and now I catch out here on a date with a balding old headmaster! How dare you!"
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Recovering quickly, Sandy sets to teaching the headmaster how to Smustle. Not sure what's wrong with the girl behind her, maybe she's got something in her eye.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
'Shes a Dancing Queeeeeeeen, Young and Sweet, only Seeeeeeeeeeventeeen, oh yeah...'
Its an ABBA song... gotta hear it to get this joke.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
He kept pausing with these baffled look, I don't think headmasters smustle very well. Maybe they need a smustling class in that private school of theirs.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"Oh Korney, or whatever your name is..., let me suck a big hicky right here on your neck!"
Gads, too much information... moving on.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"Do you think anybody seen us?"
"Nah, just that old lady running over here with her purse."
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Meanwhile, Lakshmi and Norman concieve their future bundle of ugliness in the car, upping their aspirations as well. Like parents, like kid. That car has concieved 2 generations of Uglacies now, I need a moment... ok, moving on.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"MIrror, mirror on the wall, whose the ugliest sim of all?"
"My Queen, I can not tell a lie. Princess Lakshmi is."
"What?! I will have to devise a plan than. Perharps some poison grilled cheese like I fed the headmaster."
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"Hmmph, this place is really boring. All these people do is skill all day. Why'd I agree to be a legacy sim anyway, I was happy making coffee and generally being a nonexistant NPC."
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Meet Lakshmi...She's a knowledge sim with a lifetime want to be a master criminal, Muhahaha, I can definitly get into that one. She's nice and outgoing but she's a slob and lazy. Her cooking points are almost full, and she's quite the mechanic. Guess it's all that coffemaking and fixing the cappucino machine.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Norman passes out and stinks for the umpteenth time. I guess being an intern is kind of tough.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Lakshmi's favorite pastime is bragging about herself. Jimmy seems to be at a loss for a thought bubble. I totally understand Jimmy. I am too. Does she really think she's all that?! Somebody give that girl a mirror and a hard dose of reality.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
How would you like to be a pork chop and have that face comming at ya.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Did I say she was a lazy slob, yeah, well let me say it again. And she eats like a 500 pound Gorilla on steroids.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"Let's try to do something constructive with you, eh? How about a nice job?"
"Hmmpf, well if I knew this was part of the deal, I never would have signed up."
"Hey look, they have a job in the criminal field as a bagman. Doesn't that sound good, and like I told Sandy once, a masked job is always a plus."
"What does that mean?!" "Nothing, nothing at all..." *awkward silence*
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Speaking of Sandy, she just reached the top of her career ladder and is a Hall of Famer. Yay Sandy.
"Well it's great, but I'm going to miss coaching all those hard-bodied young men." Yet again, too much information, Sandy.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"Dad, why don't you go to bed already?!"
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"Hey, what was that?!"
Uh, I donno, maybe you had one too many pork chops... *whistles innocently*
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"So anyway, she told me it all started with this baseball flying at her at like 80 mph..."
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"I've been out here all night, what's this all about? Are you trying to get my logic points up since I'm a doctor?"
Yeah, that's it exactly Norman. By the way, ever seen E.T.?
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Aww Norman, you're so sweet for a pleasure sim, always messing with Lakshmi's belly.
"Sssh, don't tell, I'm just trying to cop a feel."
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"So when the baby goes to school Norman, do you think we could send him to Private School? Pleease, you know it would mean so much to me, being a knowledge sim and all."
"Well, um, Lakshmi there's a bit of a problem with the Uglacies and headmasters..."
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
Arrrrrrrrrgh, this really hurts... I knew I should have never given up that kooshie coffeegirl thing!!! I demand to be released from my contract now!"
Sure, sure, Lakshmi, now twirl your lazy butt around and get that heir here.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"What a cutsey butsey baby boy! Give Nannies some sugar..."
Can you imagine that this is the first thing you ever see in your life? Thats a whole lot of ugly comming at ya. Meet Robert Uglacy, and in the tradition of naming the Uglacies after thine enemies he is named after a guy I went out with in high school, who would have made an excellent romance sim. It's really sad when a guy takes you out in his 'other' girlfriends brand new truck. Yeah, that's all I'm going to say.
Created: 12.15.2005 - Updated: 12.15.2005
"Well I don't see Sandy's jumbo lips, or Lakshmi's monkey brow yet."
Don't be fooled Jimmy, all sim babies are cute at this stage. Babies are made cute so we don't kill our young. So this is where I'm going to leave you readers. But don't worry, the Uglacies will be back. Till then, happy simming!
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
Welcome back to the Uglacy Family, yes another legacy family but with a twist. You see I am trying to create the ugliest sim I can in 10 generations. That's right... the UGLIEST. This here is my first heir to the throne, Norman Uglacy. Does he look familar? Maybe because his mother is Sandy Bruty! Hee, hee. And now Norman will have to look for that "special wife". To get my full story of how Normy got here, read my first story. And thank you for all the readers who signed my guestbook, and some who have even been inspired to create their own ugly legacy. Now those poor, underplayed NPC's will finally get their chance.
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
Ok, so quick recap, I made a normal looking sim named Jimmy Uglacy, who wooed Sandy Bruty, the first of our ugly spouse collection. To my utter surprise, Sandy is a romance sim with an aspiration to have 20 lovers... uh , yeah it's shocking isn't it? They had 2 children, Norman and Dreama. Dreama actually looks decent, so she's not important here. For in my family it is the ugly who reign!
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
Ok, so where was I... oh yes. Well Norman, being the little fortune sim he is, wanted to get into a private school. His pleasure seeking dad and romance mom couldn't care less for that, but I needed to get Norman's aspiration up, and so I called the headmaster over, unfortunately I totally spaced it until he was at my door. And if you think this is going to be another legacy family that wins the headmaster over with glowing reviews... well, you haven't seen me play the game...
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
"So Mr. Korney, what do you think of our lovely double-wide done in Animal prints and a mix match of 70's wallpaper? I did the interior decorating myself."
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
"Listen Ms. Bruty, whatever works to distract the attention from your humogous lips, but giving me a tour of the bathroom with water all over the floor, well, it didn't bode well."
"Well how about I flirt with you and give you hot whoohoo baldy." (For those of you who just tuned in, guess what? Sandy Bruty is a fortune sim with an aspiration for 20 lovers!)
"Back off lady, I carry mace just for these very occasions." And yes, the smoozing actually did crash and burn. If I saw one more negative interaction... I was going to cry... really.
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
OMG, back away from the rotten grilled cheese already. I was having Norman whip up something special, but for some reason the headmaster locked onto these sandwiches before I could get Dreama to clean them up. Ugh!
"MMm, this sandwiches have a distinct taste."
I think I just poisoned the headmaster. Gads. I can't believe he actually gave me 15 points for the meal.
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
Um Mr. and Mrs. Uglacy, I realize that whoohoo was much more important then your kids getting into private school, but Mr. Korney has something to say, and I don't think it's good.
"Your family is definitely not private school material, in fact, don't call again, because I won't come." And he hasn't. My game has glitched ever since. I think we scared the guy off permanantly, or he died of food poisoning... not sure.
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
So I decide the family needs to move on to better things, like hunting down a wife for Norman. Here's the town slob fumigating the premises. While her personality might fit into the Uglacy clan, she's just not ugly enough.
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
And Countess 'whatever' graces us, move the arm honey so I can see if you're ugly enough. On a side note, I think vampires and firemen should always be hot, and what's wrong with Maxis for making them ugly! I want hot firemen and vampires! Geesh, Maxis, haven't you ever watch any vampire movies or bought a firemen calendar lately. Get it right.
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
So Norman goes downtown with his sister to check out the scene, but silly sims, they keep talking to the good-looking people. Knock that off right now! We need serious malformations here, and I'm not wasting your social points with idle chit chat.
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
Ewww, I am so not letting my sims eat here! What's wrong with you dude. Please don't tell me that's how you wash all the dishes.
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
"I'm sorry Candice, you're just not ugly at all."
"But legacy families are suppose to pick pretty girls like me."
"Yeah, but my creator's a wierdo, ok..." Hey I heard that Normy!
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
And just when I was about to give up, we stopped at the park for some coffee and Dreama spied the coffee girl.
*Note, thank you readers for giving me the tip on how ugly NPC's usually work the bars or coffee machine.
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
Closing in for a closer shot... oh yes, I think my search is over. She even gives Sandy Bruty a run for her money with that nose.
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
"Coffee, tea, or me.. baby."
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
"So Lakshmi, I was wondering when I grow up if you would marry me?"
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
"Kid, I'd marry anyone."
Yeah, I bet she would. (Please don't be romance, please don't be romance.)
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
AAaaargh, the return of King Kong. I can actually feel the ground shake.
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
Meanwhile, who should come home with Sandy, then Brandi LeTorneau, or whatever. I know from reading other legacy families that Brandi is known as the Ice Queen*. She's the queen of mean. So wanting to be entertained, we invited Brandi to stay for dinner...
*Copyright: neonhorn-whose legacy really lets you know what Brandi is all about. Very funny, read it, but not till you get done with mine ;)
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
"So like when did that train run into your face, Sandy?!"
Sandy was not amused. I sent Brandi packing quickly. Didn't want to get into that whole poke, poke, slap thing.
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
In the meantime, this place is too glitchy. I can't get the headmaster to come over, and now there is literally furniture flying around everytime I try to take a picture. So I think it's time for the Uglacy family to leave their humble trailer beginnings behind. Take one last look.
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
Because we've moved onto another lot. This is my attempt at a house, and believe me, watching me build a house is not a pretty thing. Plus we had a budget. So this is a start.
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
"Hey wait a second, this is only a two bedroom."
So it is, Dreama, which means you get your knowledge sim wish to go to college. Bye bye now.
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
"Hmmph, well I didn't want to live here anyway."
"Good, get lost. I don't have the time for all your skill pointing needs."
Created: 12.15.2005 Updated: 12.15.2005
"So Kennedy, whats this neighborhood like?"
"Eh, full of creepy townies with no fashion sense, so unlike me."
Yeah, ok then.
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