Uglacy #19, Lean, Mean Baby Machine |
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Uglacy #19, Lean, Mean Baby Machine
Created By:
Country: United States of America
Language: US English
Created: 05.14.2006
Last Updated: 05.14.2006
Number of Entries: 121
Description:Just in time for Mother's Day, lots of Uglacy babies on the way!
Family Name: Uglacy
Lot Name: Claudia's Book Knook
Categories: Comedy,Ponderings and Observations,Sims Life Stories
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Readers, can you hear me, I need out of this legacy. I can't take any more. Help me... I'm begging you."
Oh be quiet Sidney, it's not that bad. Let me fill everyone in on what's been happening with the Uglacies.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Hey Candi! I've been thinking about your Uglacy and have I got an idea for you."
"Really, HurriKaty. Well I'm all ears."
Welcome back to the Uglacy Legacy, now in generation 8, and striving to get as ugly as we can by that tenth baby. Played like any other legacy, except that I use the sims everyone else usually avoids... Sandy Bruty, Komei, Carmen Patch to name a few. But I still want serious genetic mutations, and HurriKaty came up with a plan.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"So Sidney is a skank, and what you should do is just have her woohoo lots and lots of ugly sim and widen that genetic cesspool, then have a vote on the ugliest heir."
"My God, Katy, that's brillant, sheer brillance I say!"
But HurriKaty's advice came with a price.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Ho hum, Candi, so that's what I want. I mean it wasn't fair that my arch nemesis Mythmil got to have a beautiful baby to Gage Uglacy, and now it's my turn."
My simself looks a bit dazed and confused by her request... much like I was... really.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Alright Candi, nice of you to deliver! My dream come true."
Yeah Katy, you obviously don't set your sights very high, but eh, whatever makes you happy. I owe you this.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
And meet little Goopy Jr... who is absolutely adorable, which is so not what I am use to in toddlers. With that being said, it's time to move into the Ugly Zone...
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
Sidney Uglacy, our new heir, is fresh out of college and Goopy takes her down to the car lot to learn the family business.
"So grandpa, I'm so excited, where are those stupid wandering townies and simselfs that I can charm into buying some lemons?"
"Uh, Sidney, I want to talk to you about your clothes. You might want to dress a little more professional and lose that whole discounted streetwalker look."
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Gads! I don't believe this, do you really think I would take fashion tips from you, the poster boy of worse dressed sims! I mean who mixes Hawaiin prints with plaid! You look like a train wreck of fabrics from around the world!"
"I think that's a bit harsh, young lady, I have a unique appeal that simmers love."
""Blah, blah, blah, I'm not listening!"
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
And so Sidney gets a visit from her pimp... er I mean friend, yeah friend.
"So Sid, you are really going to sell cars for a living?"
"Don't be silly Alvin, it's just a front to meet guys. Hey want to see my grandpa's elevator."
Somehow that just sounds all wrong.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"All Aboard."
"Going up?"
"Want a ride?"
Ok, do what you like with those verses. I think we all know where this is leading.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Oh for heaven's sake, what is all that noise and commotion comming from the elevator?! Is that some woman sounding like a distressed hippo?! Have they no shame!"
"Wow, I wonder what's going on in there. I'd sure like to see!" Mr. Tinker is a pervert. I figured this out rather quickly by that gleeful smile he had on his face the whole time.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Wow, what a dream date Alvin. Want to end it with a little car woohoo and make me all platinum?"
"Sure babe, you know I'm all for that."
"So, uh, do you you know... have protection?"
"Don't be silly Sid, you know sims only get pregnant if the try for baby option is pushed, and that's not going to happen."
Yeah, no way would I push that...oops, button...
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
The very next day it's time for a birthday. And who wanders by but Selena's simself.
"I saw you walking by our lot, and I'm Blair Uglacy, your neighbor, and I was wondering, how about you come in for my wife's birthday party and pretend you know us."
"Uh, I'm really not much of a birthday party kind of gal, especially when it involves mutated sims."
Oh come on Selena, you owe me after putting my simself in your legacy and making me have like a kazillion kids!!!
*Selena-known as Draik Sentinel and writes the Kyle Legacy
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
And so fugly pizza boy ponders the question that is on all of our minds... what do Simselfs see in Goopy. Are they insane?!
Casey71 is smitten, and I smell trouble brewing. Simselfs are always problems, they are like radicals in a legacy universe... totally uncontrolled factors which I have no power over.
*Casey71 also known as Noname 6788 and writes a Legacy family.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
And so Emily Rose is about to enter Senoirfycation... which comes complete with Depends, a subscription to Old Farts, and a wardrobe compliments of maxis that you wouldn't dress your blind dog in.
Happy birthday, whirl and twirl, I can hardly contain my excitement (dripping sacarsm here).
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
Hey Casey, Selena!!! Do you mind! You're ruining my Kodak moment! Pictures of butts... figures.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Wow, that's not so bad, except I definity need a bra... "
Emily Rose actually turned out to be a decent elder. Which was good because the party was about to go all to hell.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
Casey decided she just had to go flirt with Goopy... grrr, and he looks like he knows what's comming.
"Oh man, Casey, how could you flirt with me here?! "
"Um Goopy, my eyes are up here, up Goopy, look up!"
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Why Goopy Gilsbaro, you cheating son of a biscuit eater, you just wait till I stagger on over there!"
"I'm comming! I'm staggering closer."
"Im half-way across the kitchen now..."
Zombies... by the time she gets there, she'll be over it.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
Or not.
"You take that Goopy! How dare you let Casey flirt with you!"
And Casey seems awfully upset, doesn't she? Grabbing herself a nice bag of potato chips so she can enjoy the party. Thanks, Casey, thanks a lot! Now I have to get these two to make up. I hope you're happy.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
It was a rough birthday, and to add more insult to it, Emily Rose had a horrible accident with her piece of cake and had to be rushed to the E.R.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
And Queenie wasn't the only one who caught Goopy in his cheating ways.
"Why Goopy, l thought I was the only one, and I come on your lot after hours to find you making out with your secretary Melissa Fancey! Hey, are you listening to me, look up! My eyes are up here Goopy!"
"Uh, sorry Stephani, you just have a nice... um t-shirt. I was uh, looking at..."
Sure, Goopy, it's obvious what you keep looking at. That's Stephani (SimQueenie) by the way. Goopy's now ex, and writer of the Kitchel family.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"And so Sparky, did you ever hear the joke about the fried eggs?"
What sim has not heard that one, but being told by Pookasmorning with her body impaled with a telephone pole does make it a bit more interesting.
*Pookasmorning-Legacy Family
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
JulieAnne4678, welcome to the Uglacy lot.
"Uh, I don't want to be here. Please don't greet me."
*Julie writes the Herblacy
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
Well apparently Emily Rose is not that thrilled to greet you either.
"What do you want?"
"Uh, nothing, you greeted me. Good Morning."
"What's good about it, huh???!"
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Sidney finds out her woohoo adventure has gone terribly wrong.
"Oh my gosh, that spaghetti went straight to my stomach!"
Yeah, sure... right.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Sparky, my heart, call 911!" All those simself women have taken their toll.
"Sims do not have coronary arrest Mr. Goopy, you are more likely suffering from the Simvarian flu, precipitated by your moronic need to step on cockroaches with your bare feet."
Ah yes, our cockroach problem, also courtesy of Goopy and his cheating, romance ways. Kicked-over garbage cans = lots of creepy crawlers.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
Meanwhile Melissa Fancey, our ever faithful car lot girl, takes care of Goopy's Car Emporium.
"So Hamhamluver 4, can you not see yourself in this cow mobile, cruising the streets of Uglacyville?"
"Well actually I like ham, I'm looking for something with more of a pork look. Do you have a pig mobile?"
I know, my town is very, very wierd. We make Strangetown look normal.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Oh my gawd, grandma, they voted you in for mayor! What the hell were the voters thinking?"
"You hush young lady, I plan to get the undead the rights they have deserved so long? Of course they voted me in, that and I promised them all a free bucket of brains!"
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Alright, listen up you simself hussies, stop calling here. Goopy is no longer available! He is a retired romance sim, Kapeesh? But if you want, I'll give you my name, because I'm totally available."
"Is that those simself tramps calling again! Tell them to leave my husband alone!"
Seriously, the phone rings non-stop, that whole 30 lovers thing has serious reprocussions.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
And steppin up to the birthday plate, it's Blair Uglacy,
Ok Blair, let's get this over.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
Oh dear, he looks like Uncle Remus from that not-so-politically-correct movie Disney belted out called Zippity Doo Dah...
I wait for him to do a song and dance, or at least the bluebirds to show up but it just doesn't happen. I guess my legacy just doesn't have the magic of Disney.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Forget the magic of Disney! My water just broke!"
Sure, Sidney, steal the show. It's not like it's your dad's birthday or anything.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Oh frickin great, she's pregnant! Just what we need with a house full of six sims, another mouth to feed! As if the lag isn't painful enough!"
Well Blair maybe you should notice your daughter more. It isn't like she's been pregant 3 days already.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
A baby boy!!! Could it be that the Uglacy girls only curse has finally been broken, and he has blonde hair! The first blonde haired Uglacy ever (at least natural blonde that is).
I shall name him Michael, after my horror movie theme, and therefore named for Michael Meyers, the ever famous serial killer from Halloween.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
Uh wait, hey Sidney, you're not like handing that baby off to do anything stupid, like make us have 8 sims in the family!!!
I kept you away from cheesecake! Why, oh why do you do this to me!!! I hate playing tons of sims!
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
Welcome baby girl... Christine (After the movie Christine, about an evil car that kills people). Another blonde, and a # 3 skin tone like mommy.
Great, now my game is lagging like an overloaded semi going over a hill. My problem is that the great grandparents, Goopy and Queenie are living long, long lives. Die already!!!
Well, there was only one thing to do.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
"So now I have like 8 sims, can you believe it, and I need to breed Sidney like the ugly broodmare she is, so can you help me out?"
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Someday, and that day may never come, I may call upon you for a service, and until that day, accept this justice as a gift."
Great, making a deal with cowforbrains is like signing a pact with the devil, but hey, no one takes out sims like Renee.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Goopy, darling, long time no see. Haven't seen you since our infamous test drive."
"Cowsy, baby, I've missed you."
For those of you just tuning in Goopy and Renee did have a fling back in the day, a little fact she doesn't like to talk about.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"This was a great idea Cowsy, nothing like a dip in the pool."
Oh dear, Goopy I wouldn't go swimming with cowforbrains!
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"I'm just going to go have some of Sparky's christmas cookies, Goopy. I'll be right back. Oh lookie there, this ladder sure is loose."
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
And that was when Renee "helped" Queenie to fix the trash compactor.
"Ahhhrghh, I thought you told me this was safe and you unplugged this thing?!"
"Oh, did I say that, silly me."
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Hmmf, Renee, why am I not surprised?! Is it not bad enough you've killed off most of you legacy, now you're killing in other people's legacies as well?!"
"What, mai?? It was a total accident, I had nothing to do with it, I swear!"
"Yeah right, well at least you're giving me job security."
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
And so while everyone is grieving Queenie's death in the kitchen, Renee settles down to finish off a plate of cookies. Nice, Renee, real nice.
"What, I was hungry, I've had a busy day."
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
Meanwhile, out in the pool...
"Ah, Cowsy, sweetie, I think you accidently took the ladder. Can you bring it back? This isn't funny anymore. Cowsy??? Darling... someone, anyone... Hellllooo!"
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Noooo, not my beloved mistress Queenie. I lived to serve her, why, why must biological life be so cruel, if only I had repaired the trash compactor with my complete mechanical knowledge."
"Oh relax, Sparky, none of us really miss her. She was just becomming a waste of space, and I've hated her since she took my step father from me!"
Nice one, Emily Rose. Poor Sparky, he took it so hard. Emily, nah, not so much.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
And Sidney had her mind on love...
"So um, don't you find this wierd, like woohooing in a dead person's bed with their urns all over in your family's garage."
"What? It's not like they're going to tell anyone. So what's a matter pizza boy, afraid your supreme special won't cut it?!"
"Well the mood is kind of...morbid."
"And your point is?"
"Do you hear yelling out by the pool?"
"Stop stalling, you're suppose to deliver in 30 minutes or less, so let's get cracking."
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Emily Rose, I need a shower!"
"Oh Goopy, you silly man. I think that is the least of your problems."
"How about a ladder?"
"Do you remember when you spurn my love for my mom, do you, huh? Do you know what kind of effect that sort of rejection has on a young girl?"
"But you were my step daughter!" "Excuses, excuses."
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"No, no, Mr. Goopy can not come to the phone right now. He is busy drowning in the pool."
Soon these calls will stop, at least that is a plus.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Gee Sparky, I just wanted to offer my heart-felt condolences for the loss of Queenie."
"Oh thank you Miss Cowforbrains. It is so kind of you to recognize my emotional pain and grieving."
*note Goopy in background... still drowning.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Arrrrgh aw arrrgh!"
"Gotcha!!! Ha, ha, ha!"
Ok Renee, that's cruel, even for you. Poor Sparks.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
What a fine baby they will make.
"Do you hear those shrill screams comming from your pool area?"
"Don't be ridiculous, I don't hear anything. Now why don't you leave so I can move on to the next woohoo. So many sims, so little time."
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Whose a cutsie, wutsie, baby. Who is?"
Please don't eat me, lady. Please... eat my brother instead.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"I heard you, traitor."
"It's survival of the fittest, Michael... I mean did you see the eyes on that old bat."
"What's scaring me is the goldfish lips on that cartoon dude in the suspenders. I keep thinking he leeches on like some mud dwelling parasite and will suck the blood from our tiny bodies."
"Oh dear God, we're doomed aren't we?"
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
Please, leech lip man, spare me, I beg you.
"Hey Emily, this baby seems to be frozen in fear, she won't even eat."
I'm playing dead, if I play dead, he will just go away.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Hmm, one dead guy in pool... check. Murdered by... oh let me take a wild guess... would it be cowforbrains?"
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"I just want to make one thing perfectly clear, I am not cleaning this up. I do not do dead guys in the pool."
Geez, ok maid man, good help is so hard to find nowadays.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Nooo, not Mr. Goopy! I'm going in!"
Sparky! What the frick are you doing... and yes this really happened with no help from me.
"Wait hold on, I may have another one in a minute. You know robots and water."
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
What, wait, Sidney not you too!
"I couldn't save him Sidney... my circuits are all shorting out and that master of death snatched him from the bottom of the pool."
"Never, fear, Sparky, let me dive in with my super duper helmet of knowledge."
Yay, that will fix everything. On the other hand, this is what I call family loyalty. Say what you will about the Uglacies, they're like every other dysfunctional family, in the end, they have each other's backs.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
Well, most of the time.
Hello, Blair, you might want to wake up now, it's not like the family is dying off or anything.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"How will I go on without Mr. Goopy. He was my best friend."
Sparky, so loyal, so loving... I feel for you buddy, now get moving and give those twin brats some bottles before they starve.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
I will miss these two... Goopy and Queenie Uglacy.
Goopy died a platinum romance sim, having not 20, but 30 lovers. He passed on the car lot to Sidney prior to his "pool accident".
Queenie was platinum several times over... her last ambition to be Uglacyville's Mayor. She had a huge fan base, and next to Don was one of my most popular sims from my guestbook signings. She will definitly be missed.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Oh dear, I suddenly don't feel so well. Maybe I shouldn't have had that second batch of Christmas cookies."
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Dor, don't be ridiculous. I don't know where you heard Sidney is pregnant again, but that is a complete fabrication."
*barf,slurp... barf, barf*
"I don't care what you think you saw with your telescope, Dor. Sidney is just not that kind of girl."
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"So can you believe that Dor, what a silly gossip, saying you were pregnant again, when heck, these two kiddos aren't out of diapers yet. Why that is just pure idiotic, isn't it Sidney?"
"Sure, mom, I mean you know Dor, that simself never has her story straight."
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Bleck, bark, gag... crap, is mom going to be pissed. Dor and her spying telescope!"
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Oh wonderful! You brought our groceries in such a jiffy, let me get you a big tip."
"No, no, lady, that is quite alright. The tip is not worth seeing you one second more in those granny panties. Good day. I need to go pop my eyes out with a rusty fork now."
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"So honey, I haven't been platinum in a very long time, if you know what I mean."
"You want 30 best friends! Blair, really, the phone just stopped ringing from Goopy and his 30 lovers."
"No, no, baby, I'm rolling the want to beat the drum, bang the bell, shag the carpet..."
"Please, Blair... stop with the lame sayings, I'll be glad to toast your bread... just shut up."
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Underfed infant alert!!! Move aside, move aside."
Sparky takes babysitting very seriously. He runs everywhere carrying babies... I don't think that's very safe... but who am I to question his artificial intelligence?
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
Great, an Uglacy birthday party, not like I haven't been here a million times before. But it is rather like a free freak show. I look overjoyed to be here, no?
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
Oh yes, Alvin Patch is so hot in that suit, we all want him.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
And first up is our birthday boy, Michael, who actually looks sort of cute, and I think takes after his grandpa Blair.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
And as Christine whirls into toddlerhood, Alvin is checking out my simself. I don't think so Alvin, I have Russell Crowe's sim back home, and as hard as it is to resist your charming fashion, I think I'll pass.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Oh my gosh, my niece is hideous!"
Oh cool it, Violet, she's not that bad.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
Or is she???
Time will tell.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Whose nannie's little pumpkin, who is???"
"Nannie has no nose, no nose. Where's your nose nannie?"
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Hmmpf, I don't like this one, can we send it back?"
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Waaahhhh! How dare you show more pictures of my sister. I demand equal air time, lady! I am after all the first Uglacy boy in like a thousand generations. This story should be about me, me, me!"
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Oh great lightbulb helmet, let me see your secrets, how, oh how, can I rule the secret society."
Renee LeTorneau is just plain wierd.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"So you're the father of those two brats, I mean precious little bundles of joy. Well where have you been, sonny? Eh? There's diapers need changing, and bottles to make. Are you going to do right by my little girl, or am I going to have to play run with scissors with you?"
"Now, now, Mr. Uglacy, it's just I'm not the marrying kind. Dude, it's not my bag."
"Speaking of bags, how about I arrange a nice body bag for your sorry @$$..."
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"What a loser that guy is, I mean he could at least potty train them, is that asking too much?!"
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"So Sparky, I'm working on this new adult film, it's called Nuts and Screws... and..."
"Mr. Alvin, please go home. No one wants you here. Your suit is nauseating our guests."
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Oh Christine, my little sweetie, you learned to walk, and you have such a glow about you."
"I'm not Christine, old man... muhahaha!"
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"I'm Gage Uglacy!!! And you've just been punk'd... muhahaha!!! Pee yourself, chicken man!"
Great, Gage Uglacy, most hateful, meanest ghost ever.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Did I say you could have a bowl of cereal, huh Sidney?! Blahhh!!!"
Go after the pregnant girl on red, Gage... just keep it up and I'll give up those legacy points and plant your bitter butt in the cemetary.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
But my scariest looking ghost has to be Queenie, who came back as her fried version and gives us electrical shows nightly.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Ugh!!! Mom there's something I have to tell you. You know how Dor said I was pregnant? Well she was kind of right, and it's on the way!"
"Sidney! How could you? Your dad and I are already so sick of the twins! Haven't you heard of birth control for goodness sakes! Well that Alvin better marry you now!"
"Um, it's not Alvin, it's Brandon the pizza boy. Let's just say he made quite a delivery."
"Nooooo!!! You just better not pop out two again Sid!"
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
Nope, just one, a red-headed little girl who I named after the crazy nurse in Stephen King's "Misery". Oh you know, the one that cut off the writers body parts... Annie.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
DNA donator #3... whose name escapes me, but eh, that's not important.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
After 5 frickin, fracking attempts in the elevator for a baby, I finally just had Sidney take him home and do it the old fashion way... in a car. Because Sid really digs that car woohoo.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
Enough with the bottles Sparky!!! I think he's malfunctioned.
"Provide infant with bottle, provide infant with bottle... provide infant with bottle... provide infant with bottle..."
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Mr. Bunnyhead, you is scary."
"Hey Kid, I don't know what you're talking about. You're the kid that's dressed like Chucky."
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
And skipping the whole birthday thing, Michael morphs into a child.
"Hey, look at me, I'm sort of cute."
Great, frickin fantastic wonder boy. Cute don't cut it here.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Michael, I'm glad you grew up well, but where's the ugly kid?! Do you want to disappoint your granny, you better do better next go around."
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Yay, let me show you how it's done Mikey!"
"You go Christine!"
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
Now that's more like it. Christine has brought back the Bruty lips. And that nose... she's got some unique features going there. I just wish she had those alien eyes.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
And Blair gets promoted to astronaut... blah, blah, blah, do we care? Not really. But he's one step away from his LTW to be a general. Than we get that ever so cool helicopter...that breaks all sound barriers... yippee!
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
And with mother's day right around the corner... there's something odd going on in my legacy. Sidney is an excellent mommy, in fact the best I have ever had. Yes, she's romance, but she is constantly is carrying one of her babies around and actually right on top of their needs... *shudders*
"I love my kiddos."
Yea, Sid, which is really freaking me out. You have yet to roll a fear regarding your kids, diapers, or anything a normal romance sim hates. I think she's a closet family sim.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
And she tucks them all in!
"If I just put this pillow over his face and..."
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Oh Mikey, you just made mommy so happy. 4000 aspiration points if we could be best friends!"
Gads, she's actually platinum from befriending her kids. I'm not use to this, usually Uglacy moms hate their offspring.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
So I try to introduce Sidney to some of her neighbors. This is Alissa (lovagrrl1705) who longed to meet the Uglacy family. Well come on in and party Alissa, we always have a birthday going on with all these rugrats.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
And it's Annie's birthday! Nice of me to blow a horn right in the kid's face. And Alissa is really getting into the noisemaker, while Nydaiyne seems to study the situation carefully.
"Who are these wierdos you brought in off the street Sidney?"
"Oh be quiet dad, we'll just give them some stale sim cake and send them on their way."
Ndaiyne-Jnnfr123770-writes the Heros and Villian Legacy.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"So you're Annie's dad, huh? Hmmf, you've been a bit of a disappointment, we don't see you until her 3rd birthday, and you haven't given Sidney a penny of child support you deadbeat."
"Well, I... look lady, I'm just a pizza guy and you think these cheap sims in this town tip, huh? The only time they tip, is when they want more than the pizza, I can tell you."
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Hmmm, she doesn't look ugly yet."
"I just pee peed all over your shirt lady."
"Say kiddo, wanna see Cujo, the pet cowplant?"
"Can I love him, and hug him, and hold him???"
"Sure, and better yet, if he likes you, he'll give you cake!"
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
Not really! What kind of legacy player do you take me for, feeding small children to cowplants. Why everyone knows that's impossible...
Not that I would... *shifty eyes*
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
And so the very next day, Christine brings her first friend home... Goopy Jr., Hurrikaty's baby all grown up.
"And so then I sat on the potty, and I was like wow, this isn't so hard, and..."
"Can we talk about something else, or play nintendo, or anything?"
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Eww this pancakes are rotten. And I don't like these chocolate chips."
Um, those aren't chips, they're flies. Hope Hurrikaty doesn't hold it against me if her kid dies from food poisoning. Honestly, we had pie even, and he insisted on the two-day old pancakes.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
This is the first time I've seen this interaction...
"Hey, Annie want to play with the horsie, the cute little horsie.... huh, huh?"
"Oh goodie! Horsie, horsie!!!
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Ha, ha, psych'd you brat! You're never going to get to play with my horsie, never!!!"
Maybe it's that Michael only has 2 nice points, whatever the reason, I found this highly amusing.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Ewww, I don't feel so good, I hope I'm not pregnant again, mom will kill me."
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Oh well, children are such a joy, look at her, isn't she darling."
Sidney, snap out of it, you're a romance sim! Oh well, guess this works better for me as well. Although, this baby will make number 8, and that's a lot of sims... which is obviously more painful for me than it is for Sidney.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
In fact, I think Sidney is one of those moms that is a little too involved in her children's lives.
"Hey kids, whatcha doing?"
"We were watching the game mom until you stuck your fat butt in the way! Move already!"
"Well what's the score?"
"If you'd move your elephant hiney out of the way, I could tell you!"
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Fun, we demand fun, we are only kids you know, and we can report you to the Foundation for Humane Treatment of Sim Children!"
Why I hate having lots of little Uglacies in the home. It's always about fun, fun, fun... Can't do my homework, haven't had enough FUN. Excuse me, my dad would have given me a serious dose of reality if I ever pulled that one!
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
Meanwhile, no Uglacy chapter would be complete without Don. So Don whats up?
"I can't get no good help around here."
Don is still running Don's Chili Palace since being released from his Legacy contract. It's a level 3 business now.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Hiddenunderabed keeps breaking everything! And she never waits on tables, she's always primping!"
Oh dear, well what about Samara, she must be a big help?
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"Well she would be if she would get her bladder incontinence under control!"
Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now! Poor Samara, wouldn't leave her post of duty even for a pee. Mel, on the other hand, is busily playing the pinball machine. Can you say lame waitress? Sorry Mel, but it's true.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
So Don got himself a robot, and he programed her himself so she's all about grilled cheese! He even named her Pepperjack after his favorite cheese.
"And so Master Don, to perfect the art of grilled cheese preparation, one must know exactly when to flip the toasted bread."
"Oh my gosh, Pepperjack, finally someone who can understand my genuis!"
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
Meanwhile, back at the Uglacy house, the new addition is on it's way!
"Ugh, It's comming, my illegitimate fruit of my loins..."
Oh geez, Sidney, spin already. This is getting as old as all the birthdays.
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
"What the hell is wrong with my daughter?! Hasn't she ever heard of birth control?! Would a little self-restraint kill her, huh?!"
Created: 05.14.2006 - Updated: 05.14.2006
Welcome to the Uglacies... Pennywise. That's right, it's a boy and I named him after that evil, creepy clown in "IT". And something is definitly going on with that baby's eyes.
So I was going to wait till I raise a few more kids before I released a chapter, but there has been all those GB signings asking for an update, so here it is, but it's incomplete, so don't vote for an heir yet, because I'm far from finished. And if you ask for me to download your simself now, I can't because apparently corrupted custom content on a downloaded sim crashed my bodyshop and I can't fix it. Sorry, but there are a lot of simselfs I do have downloaded that have just not made an appearance yet. In the meantime, Happy Mother's Days!!! And this seemed like such an appropriate chapter to say that. And if you want to read some other good legacies go to www.boolprop.com and/or visonfree.com/Shoo_Flee/index.php?showforum=2 Happy Simming!
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
"Readers, can you hear me, I need out of this legacy. I can't take any more. Help me... I'm begging you."
Oh be quiet Sidney, it's not that bad. Let me fill everyone in on what's been happening with the Uglacies.
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
"Hey Candi! I've been thinking about your Uglacy and have I got an idea for you."
"Really, HurriKaty. Well I'm all ears."
Welcome back to the Uglacy Legacy, now in generation 8, and striving to get as ugly as we can by that tenth baby. Played like any other legacy, except that I use the sims everyone else usually avoids... Sandy Bruty, Komei, Carmen Patch to name a few. But I still want serious genetic mutations, and HurriKaty came up with a plan.
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
"So Sidney is a skank, and what you should do is just have her woohoo lots and lots of ugly sim and widen that genetic cesspool, then have a vote on the ugliest heir."
"My God, Katy, that's brillant, sheer brillance I say!"
But HurriKaty's advice came with a price.
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
"Ho hum, Candi, so that's what I want. I mean it wasn't fair that my arch nemesis Mythmil got to have a beautiful baby to Gage Uglacy, and now it's my turn."
My simself looks a bit dazed and confused by her request... much like I was... really.
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
"Alright Candi, nice of you to deliver! My dream come true."
Yeah Katy, you obviously don't set your sights very high, but eh, whatever makes you happy. I owe you this.
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
And meet little Goopy Jr... who is absolutely adorable, which is so not what I am use to in toddlers. With that being said, it's time to move into the Ugly Zone...
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
Sidney Uglacy, our new heir, is fresh out of college and Goopy takes her down to the car lot to learn the family business.
"So grandpa, I'm so excited, where are those stupid wandering townies and simselfs that I can charm into buying some lemons?"
"Uh, Sidney, I want to talk to you about your clothes. You might want to dress a little more professional and lose that whole discounted streetwalker look."
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
"Gads! I don't believe this, do you really think I would take fashion tips from you, the poster boy of worse dressed sims! I mean who mixes Hawaiin prints with plaid! You look like a train wreck of fabrics from around the world!"
"I think that's a bit harsh, young lady, I have a unique appeal that simmers love."
""Blah, blah, blah, I'm not listening!"
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
And so Sidney gets a visit from her pimp... er I mean friend, yeah friend.
"So Sid, you are really going to sell cars for a living?"
"Don't be silly Alvin, it's just a front to meet guys. Hey want to see my grandpa's elevator."
Somehow that just sounds all wrong.
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
"All Aboard."
"Going up?"
"Want a ride?"
Ok, do what you like with those verses. I think we all know where this is leading.
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
"Oh for heaven's sake, what is all that noise and commotion comming from the elevator?! Is that some woman sounding like a distressed hippo?! Have they no shame!"
"Wow, I wonder what's going on in there. I'd sure like to see!" Mr. Tinker is a pervert. I figured this out rather quickly by that gleeful smile he had on his face the whole time.
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
"Wow, what a dream date Alvin. Want to end it with a little car woohoo and make me all platinum?"
"Sure babe, you know I'm all for that."
"So, uh, do you you know... have protection?"
"Don't be silly Sid, you know sims only get pregnant if the try for baby option is pushed, and that's not going to happen."
Yeah, no way would I push that...oops, button...
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
The very next day it's time for a birthday. And who wanders by but Selena's simself.
"I saw you walking by our lot, and I'm Blair Uglacy, your neighbor, and I was wondering, how about you come in for my wife's birthday party and pretend you know us."
"Uh, I'm really not much of a birthday party kind of gal, especially when it involves mutated sims."
Oh come on Selena, you owe me after putting my simself in your legacy and making me have like a kazillion kids!!!
*Selena-known as Draik Sentinel and writes the Kyle Legacy
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
And so fugly pizza boy ponders the question that is on all of our minds... what do Simselfs see in Goopy. Are they insane?!
Casey71 is smitten, and I smell trouble brewing. Simselfs are always problems, they are like radicals in a legacy universe... totally uncontrolled factors which I have no power over.
*Casey71 also known as Noname 6788 and writes a Legacy family.
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
And so Emily Rose is about to enter Senoirfycation... which comes complete with Depends, a subscription to Old Farts, and a wardrobe compliments of maxis that you wouldn't dress your blind dog in.
Happy birthday, whirl and twirl, I can hardly contain my excitement (dripping sacarsm here).
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
Hey Casey, Selena!!! Do you mind! You're ruining my Kodak moment! Pictures of butts... figures.
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
"Wow, that's not so bad, except I definity need a bra... "
Emily Rose actually turned out to be a decent elder. Which was good because the party was about to go all to hell.
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
Casey decided she just had to go flirt with Goopy... grrr, and he looks like he knows what's comming.
"Oh man, Casey, how could you flirt with me here?! "
"Um Goopy, my eyes are up here, up Goopy, look up!"
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
"Why Goopy Gilsbaro, you cheating son of a biscuit eater, you just wait till I stagger on over there!"
"I'm comming! I'm staggering closer."
"Im half-way across the kitchen now..."
Zombies... by the time she gets there, she'll be over it.
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
Or not.
"You take that Goopy! How dare you let Casey flirt with you!"
And Casey seems awfully upset, doesn't she? Grabbing herself a nice bag of potato chips so she can enjoy the party. Thanks, Casey, thanks a lot! Now I have to get these two to make up. I hope you're happy.
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
It was a rough birthday, and to add more insult to it, Emily Rose had a horrible accident with her piece of cake and had to be rushed to the E.R.
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
And Queenie wasn't the only one who caught Goopy in his cheating ways.
"Why Goopy, l thought I was the only one, and I come on your lot after hours to find you making out with your secretary Melissa Fancey! Hey, are you listening to me, look up! My eyes are up here Goopy!"
"Uh, sorry Stephani, you just have a nice... um t-shirt. I was uh, looking at..."
Sure, Goopy, it's obvious what you keep looking at. That's Stephani (SimQueenie) by the way. Goopy's now ex, and writer of the Kitchel family.
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
"And so Sparky, did you ever hear the joke about the fried eggs?"
What sim has not heard that one, but being told by Pookasmorning with her body impaled with a telephone pole does make it a bit more interesting.
*Pookasmorning-Legacy Family
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
JulieAnne4678, welcome to the Uglacy lot.
"Uh, I don't want to be here. Please don't greet me."
*Julie writes the Herblacy
Created: 05.14.2006 Updated: 05.14.2006
Well apparently Emily Rose is not that thrilled to greet you either.
"What do you want?"
"Uh, nothing, you greeted me. Good Morning."
"What's good about it, huh???!"
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