Uglacy 16.2 The 30 Loves of Goopy |
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Uglacy 16.2 The 30 Loves of Goopy
Created By:
Country: United States of America
Language: US English
Created: 03.27.2006
Last Updated: 03.27.2006
Number of Entries: 52
Description:Goopy dreams the impossible dream... 30 lovers... and no simself is safe!
Family Name: Kauker
Lot Name: # 49 Main Street
Categories: Comedy,Ponderings and Observations,Sims Life Stories
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
The Master of Love, Goopy Gilsbaro-Uglacy with my help shall attempt the impossible want for a romance sim... 30 Lovers!!! And we shall enlist the help of simselfs, townies, anyone who happens to walk by... whatever it takes. This is a want I have always wanted to complete, by the way this is a legacy, a legacy to get the ugliest sim in 10 generations, but even I need a little intermission fun. To all the simselfs whom I have had Goopy seduce with his fine charm and unresistable fashion, I apologize in advance. On with the show.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
Lover #1... an easy victum, Melissa Fancey. An unknown townie whom Goopy talked into working on his lot, she's a hard worker, underpaid, and she rolled the want to fall in love with Goopy before the first flirt hit the car floor. Piece of cake. Typical secretary, boss love thing. Let's just say she works hard for the money.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
We all know about the shennigans of Goopy and Dorian the cop...
Madly in love when they aren't chasing after other sims.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
Victum, er I mean Lover #3... Old Lady Jacquet... Granny loving at it's finest.
Ewwww, Goopy. She's old, she's desperate for love, another piece of cake.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
Lover #4... sicko boy... Gilbert Jacquet, what a surprise he would fall for Goopy, eh? And right under his mom's nose, it's a twisted web.
But what can we expect, for these are just silly townies and Maxis-made sims, our simselfs are just too cool to fall for the likes of Goopy... or are they???
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
"Oh Goopy, I just love the way you kiss my hand like a gentleman."
And Koko150 played hard to get, for about 5 minutes, ahem. Welcome to Goopys list weighing in at # 5. We did have a few problems later with Koko when she caught Goopy cheating, and you want to talk about a garbage-can kicking, unforgiving simself... she wins the prize. Trust me koko, your sim got even with us.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
OH yes, koko was one unhappy sim when she caught Goopy out on a date with another simself! Well there was just slapping all around.
"But Koko, baby, I can explain..."
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
I'm not liking that gleam in her eye...
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
And it's a direct hit, then Goopy sits it up again, and she kicks it down again...
I've never seen a sim kick a trash can right out of another sims hands... now that was amusing. Until the cockroach infestation that is.
*koko150 writes her own Legacy inbetween kicking over garbage cans.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
Lover Girl # 5 is wfiremedic34, he razzled her, he dazzled her, she bought 3 cars and she bought his bull$@*! A satisfied customer in more ways then one.
Really, she bought 3 cars, I'm not kidding, and bumped us up to a level 5 business. Romance does have it's advantages. But when it comes to car lot loving, our next simself takes the cake...
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
Lover # 6... cowforbrains...
Uh, Goopy, I'd be careful with her, she's a legacy sim serial killer, she's killed more sims then Lindsay Lohan has changed hair colors. I'm talking she has earned flyer miles with the Grim Reaper.
Oh well, nobody likes Goopy anyway, right?
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
Cowforbrains!!! What are you doing?!
"Heh, heh... we're taking this baby out for a test drive."
Yeah, they test drove it alright, the less you know, the better. And Goopy did manage to come back alive.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
Lover # 7
Hannie, whose full simself name I can't remember, so if you're reading this Hannie, sign my GB and remind me!!! She was a fan who wanted to roam with the Uglacies, but she got a little more than she bargained for. Goopy did take her out on a nice date tho... hey, that's something.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
Lover #8
Hurrikaty... whose simself is a handful, she got eaten by our cowplant when we weren't looking. But we brought her back. She has been hanging with the Uglacies for about 4 generations now, and is good friends with almost all of them... so I didn't think she'd mind a little Goopy loving.
*HurriKaty writes the Smeglacy and Yes, it's Another Legacy. She hangs out at Shoo Flee, when she isn't making out with Goopy... :P
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
Lover # 9... Hot and heavy with Goopy is Emma, and this two have 2 lightning bolts of chemistry, and then some.
Can't you just see how happy Emma makes Goopy. Emma is in a lot of legacies by the way, I don't want to say she gets around... but... well you get the picture. (Just teasing Em!)
*Emma is also known as simsfunk1 and writes the La Musica family and also the Gourmet Legacy.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
Ranking in as Lover #10
Swiffner!!! She proves that you can make out anywhere and fall in love! She gave quite the show down in Blue Water Village.
*Swiffner is queen of the Mythology Legacy!
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
#11, some blonde townine named Nancy something...
Did get Goopy a gold badge in sales if I remember right. But she's unimportant... moving on...
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
#12... Stephani
"Hi, Mr. Goopy, do you remember me, I was Emily's best friend in high school."
"My but you've grown up there Stephani, and I love your T-shirt."
"Oh thanks, I downloaded it from sims2luver182 just for you. Say, want to go inside my house and watch TV."
"Uh, ok."
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
"So you're like sure you're 18 now, right?"
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
Got Goopy? Well apparently Stephani does.
*Stephani is also know as SimQueenie and writes The Kitchel Family.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
Unlucky 13??? Well guess it is for Casey71...
It wasn't bad enough he smooched her, he had to be in his bathing suit as well. You're kissing Goopy half-naked, Casey... ewwww.
*Casey71 also known as Noname6788 writes the Legacy Family.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
Casey really seemed to like Goopy tho, there's so many interactions going on there it's mind boggling.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
We needed love potion for this one!
Rolling in and wallowing at # 14... PSG.
*If you would like the very lovely PSG in your neighborhood, you can download your very own at Katnick's sim page.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
I almost felt guilty insisting Goopy move in for the pig roast.
Just close your eyes tightly Goopy, and pretend those big kooshie lips belong to Angeline Jolie. And ignore the snorting and slobbering noises.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
Let us not forget the cheap townie tart that made out with Goopy right in front of his wife... not that it even tore Queenie away from her pancakes.
At #15, it's Kendra Couric.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
# 16 ImagingMystic, who seems to be imagining that Goopy is attractive.
"Oh Goopy, I rushed right over here from the convenience store after work. I have some day old doughnuts for you."
Yes, I give simselfs jobs, that way they show up more in the game, and besides... they need to work like the rest of us!
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
"Oh Goopy, I love making out with you, but do you think we could find a place a bit more private."
"Hush, my little mystic, there's no place more romantic then the kitchen with my sicko step daughter and one-eyed robot watching us."
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
OOps, sorry about that ImagingMystic, seems that Goopy impaled you on the servo bot. Oh well, you didn't need that lung, did you?
*ImaginingMystic famous for the Legato Legacy. Or she was,if she recovers from this.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
#17 Andrea Hogan, the ever overdressed townie. Theirs was an on and off again relationship as she caught Goopy cheating twice.
"But Baby, I swear that simself meant nothing to me."
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
#18 anitbusdeath whom I must apologize to because her hair didn't download... but on a brighter side, I didn't leave you bald and tried to give you a new do!
By the way guys, dancing in the middle of the street, not the best idea. Especially if you're against bus death... worse place to be.
*anitbusdeath writes a Legacy Family of her own as well.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
"So I'm quickly approaching elderhood, anti, and I was wondering, how do you feel about kissing me in the first 5 minutes that we've meant."
"Hmmm, well that would depend, are you talking a peck, a tender kiss, a romantic kiss, or a smooch?"
Move along people, move along, nothing to see here.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
"Oh Goopy, I love the Uglacies so much, I actually asked to be downloaded to meet you."
"Oh my gosh Ginny18123... I'm so flattered."
Do I feel a #19 comming on...
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
"What do you say we make out?"
"Uh, well ok."
Thanks Ginny! Now that's a true Uglacy fan. She writes an Uglacy too... so check it out, later tho, when she's done with all the lip action here.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
And how can we forget #20, the ever hard to get Caryl, a townie who has quite the history with the Uglacies. She's been around since Gage, and was the vampire responsible for turning Queenie into one of the undead.
Here, she's pissed cause Goopy just goosed her. It was a romance from hell... but finally she was the sim responsible for Goopy entering the world of permanent plat. But far from done, we need ten more sims to fill the impossible want, and so we trudge on...
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
#21 One of the newer townies, Daisy Vijaker. Their chemistry was good, and it's was quick and semi painless.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
# 22 Seskilex, another Uglacy fan that offered herself up as a sim sacrifice.
"Ohh, Goopy let me sweet talk you hunka hunk of loving man."
You tell him, Ses.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
Introducing Goopy to the delights of Elevator loving is # 23, townie Mehrissa Ternyck.
For what is a romance sim if he has not acquired all the different options of public woohoo?
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
# 24 went for the animal in Goopy... Helene St. Bordeaux. Yet another fan of the Uglacy, she probably never thought that she would be downloaded and given a massage by a King Kong Goopy, but this just proves anything is possible in the sim legacy world.
He was dressed up to sell cars. Hey, Goopy and I take our Uglacy car lot very seriously. As you can see.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
Unfortunatly, Helene became high-maintenance when she found out about Seskilex, who by the way chose this "great" time to come by and goose Goopy, thanks, Ses, thanks a lot! Now I have to have Goopy wine and dine Helene all over again!
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
And that's about the time my simself made an appearance. I was going to date Goopy myself, it seemed only fair, but something went horribly wrong, as it always does when my simself shows up. It started out innocently enough, me singing my little sim heart out on the karaoke machine, which we use to draw in customers. Christy Stratton just stood there staring at me, in awe of my singing ability no doubt.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
And then I heard the fire alarms... is that a fire behind me in the employee lounge?! Did I just catch Goopy's car lot on fire?!
I knew I should have locked that door!
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
"Oh my God, what do I do? What do I do? This is ruining my whole shopping experience!"
Stupid, frickin frackin simself! First the cowplant and now this!
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
Thank God Goopy came to save me... geesh, I never thought I would utter those words.
"Whose the stupid blonde behind me yelling and jumping around while the stove's on fire?!"
Uh, I donno. She looks familar, hmmm, can't place her tho. *whistling innocently*
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
"Oh Thank goodness you guys can operate fire extinguishers. Who knew putting a hamburger patty on the stove and leaving it there to fry in hot grease for an hour would cause a fire."
"Yeah, pfft, imagine that." Mutters," *profanity of choice insert here*"
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
My damage done I went on my merry, sim way.
Goopy and I never got our date... he was way too in the red when I was done. Yes this really did happen, and no, I did not orchestrate it. Download my simself at your own risk.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
#25... Joe Carr, who should have ran the other way when he saw Goopy dressed in his "Get Lucky" plaid.
"Hey, Joe, want some of my lucky charms, they're magically delicious!!!"
And apparently Joe did, enough said.
*Plaid leprachuan suit available on hppymoonbelly's sim page.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
As Goopy hit his elderly years, he continued to seek those 4 more more loves. Here's # 26...
Now this was a hard sell. Countessa...uh, I don't remember. Maxis vampire names are always stupid anyway, so we'll call her Betty. Anyway, he wooed her and won her undead, cold heart... after nights and nights of calling her... grrrr.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
#27... TaraKfish...also known as Angelsofgeeks on Shoo Flee, but she's not looking so angelic now. I think her halo has a few dents in it.
Note SimAddicted13, standing in background looking like she's thinking what we're all thinking, "What do those simselfs see in him?!"
It's the hot fashion of the Goopster, no one can resist.
*TaraKfish writes the Dayton Legacy, when she isn't making out with Goopy.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
# 28... Famous for the hot tub, mitinkitten has apparently recovered from the death of Gage Uglacy.
I recently heard in another legacy that Dor has the hots for Goopy, so I'm trying to make up for the whole Gage thing... ok, I'm really not, I'm desperate to get to number 30 and I am using her simself to do it. Hey, it's not my fault she keeps hopping in the hot tub with the Uglacies.
*On a side note, Dor is writing again, she writes the Miyazaki's Art Legacy with a Matriarch twist to it.
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
#29 Celinou4c.
"This is so romantic, Cel, cuddling together, just you and me..."
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
"And that psycho Miguel."
*insert theme music to psycho here." My stalker is back. He shows up periodically to stand around at the worst time and Cujo has a tombstone with his name on it... oh yeah, one day, buddy you are going down. For all your creepiness. Not that it seemed to bother Cel or Goopy that much.
*Celinou4c writes the Phoenix Legacy, one of my favs!
Created: 03.27.2006 - Updated: 03.27.2006
And #30 is some unknown townie named Cole Bauchman... see the 30,000 aspiration marker!!! Yes, we did it! Goopy is the Don Juan of the Uglacy world. How sad that everyone loves him but his wife, who just stands there staring blankly at him and that guy like it doesn't matter, and to her , it doesn't. Poor glitched marriage.
Well, here's where I will leave off, and thank you to all the simselfs who graciously appeared... ok, they didn't have a choice, but thanks anyway!!! And I hope I got all your legacies and names right, so if I didn't download my simself and feel free to ventrilo-fart me or throw water balloons at me! Till next time, happy simming!
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
The Master of Love, Goopy Gilsbaro-Uglacy with my help shall attempt the impossible want for a romance sim... 30 Lovers!!! And we shall enlist the help of simselfs, townies, anyone who happens to walk by... whatever it takes. This is a want I have always wanted to complete, by the way this is a legacy, a legacy to get the ugliest sim in 10 generations, but even I need a little intermission fun. To all the simselfs whom I have had Goopy seduce with his fine charm and unresistable fashion, I apologize in advance. On with the show.
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
Lover #1... an easy victum, Melissa Fancey. An unknown townie whom Goopy talked into working on his lot, she's a hard worker, underpaid, and she rolled the want to fall in love with Goopy before the first flirt hit the car floor. Piece of cake. Typical secretary, boss love thing. Let's just say she works hard for the money.
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
We all know about the shennigans of Goopy and Dorian the cop...
Madly in love when they aren't chasing after other sims.
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
Victum, er I mean Lover #3... Old Lady Jacquet... Granny loving at it's finest.
Ewwww, Goopy. She's old, she's desperate for love, another piece of cake.
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
Lover #4... sicko boy... Gilbert Jacquet, what a surprise he would fall for Goopy, eh? And right under his mom's nose, it's a twisted web.
But what can we expect, for these are just silly townies and Maxis-made sims, our simselfs are just too cool to fall for the likes of Goopy... or are they???
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
"Oh Goopy, I just love the way you kiss my hand like a gentleman."
And Koko150 played hard to get, for about 5 minutes, ahem. Welcome to Goopys list weighing in at # 5. We did have a few problems later with Koko when she caught Goopy cheating, and you want to talk about a garbage-can kicking, unforgiving simself... she wins the prize. Trust me koko, your sim got even with us.
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
OH yes, koko was one unhappy sim when she caught Goopy out on a date with another simself! Well there was just slapping all around.
"But Koko, baby, I can explain..."
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
I'm not liking that gleam in her eye...
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
And it's a direct hit, then Goopy sits it up again, and she kicks it down again...
I've never seen a sim kick a trash can right out of another sims hands... now that was amusing. Until the cockroach infestation that is.
*koko150 writes her own Legacy inbetween kicking over garbage cans.
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
Lover Girl # 5 is wfiremedic34, he razzled her, he dazzled her, she bought 3 cars and she bought his bull$@*! A satisfied customer in more ways then one.
Really, she bought 3 cars, I'm not kidding, and bumped us up to a level 5 business. Romance does have it's advantages. But when it comes to car lot loving, our next simself takes the cake...
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
Lover # 6... cowforbrains...
Uh, Goopy, I'd be careful with her, she's a legacy sim serial killer, she's killed more sims then Lindsay Lohan has changed hair colors. I'm talking she has earned flyer miles with the Grim Reaper.
Oh well, nobody likes Goopy anyway, right?
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
Cowforbrains!!! What are you doing?!
"Heh, heh... we're taking this baby out for a test drive."
Yeah, they test drove it alright, the less you know, the better. And Goopy did manage to come back alive.
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
Lover # 7
Hannie, whose full simself name I can't remember, so if you're reading this Hannie, sign my GB and remind me!!! She was a fan who wanted to roam with the Uglacies, but she got a little more than she bargained for. Goopy did take her out on a nice date tho... hey, that's something.
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
Lover #8
Hurrikaty... whose simself is a handful, she got eaten by our cowplant when we weren't looking. But we brought her back. She has been hanging with the Uglacies for about 4 generations now, and is good friends with almost all of them... so I didn't think she'd mind a little Goopy loving.
*HurriKaty writes the Smeglacy and Yes, it's Another Legacy. She hangs out at Shoo Flee, when she isn't making out with Goopy... :P
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
Lover # 9... Hot and heavy with Goopy is Emma, and this two have 2 lightning bolts of chemistry, and then some.
Can't you just see how happy Emma makes Goopy. Emma is in a lot of legacies by the way, I don't want to say she gets around... but... well you get the picture. (Just teasing Em!)
*Emma is also known as simsfunk1 and writes the La Musica family and also the Gourmet Legacy.
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
Ranking in as Lover #10
Swiffner!!! She proves that you can make out anywhere and fall in love! She gave quite the show down in Blue Water Village.
*Swiffner is queen of the Mythology Legacy!
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
#11, some blonde townine named Nancy something...
Did get Goopy a gold badge in sales if I remember right. But she's unimportant... moving on...
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
#12... Stephani
"Hi, Mr. Goopy, do you remember me, I was Emily's best friend in high school."
"My but you've grown up there Stephani, and I love your T-shirt."
"Oh thanks, I downloaded it from sims2luver182 just for you. Say, want to go inside my house and watch TV."
"Uh, ok."
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
"So you're like sure you're 18 now, right?"
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
Got Goopy? Well apparently Stephani does.
*Stephani is also know as SimQueenie and writes The Kitchel Family.
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
Unlucky 13??? Well guess it is for Casey71...
It wasn't bad enough he smooched her, he had to be in his bathing suit as well. You're kissing Goopy half-naked, Casey... ewwww.
*Casey71 also known as Noname6788 writes the Legacy Family.
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
Casey really seemed to like Goopy tho, there's so many interactions going on there it's mind boggling.
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
We needed love potion for this one!
Rolling in and wallowing at # 14... PSG.
*If you would like the very lovely PSG in your neighborhood, you can download your very own at Katnick's sim page.
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
I almost felt guilty insisting Goopy move in for the pig roast.
Just close your eyes tightly Goopy, and pretend those big kooshie lips belong to Angeline Jolie. And ignore the snorting and slobbering noises.
Created: 03.27.2006 Updated: 03.27.2006
Let us not forget the cheap townie tart that made out with Goopy right in front of his wife... not that it even tore Queenie away from her pancakes.
At #15, it's Kendra Couric.
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