Uglacy #15, Part 2 Let the Dating Begin |
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Uglacy #15, Part 2 Let the Dating Begin
Created By:
Country: United States of America
Language: US English
Created: 03.05.2006
Last Updated: 03.05.2006
Number of Entries: 59
Description:The second part of Chapter 15, and time to vote for a heir!
Family Name: Sims
Lot Name: 62 Main Street
Categories: Comedy,Ponderings and Observations,Sims Life Stories
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
Part 2 here of Chapter 15 here... Goopy is on his quest for some dream dates... well actually he wants 20 lovers... who will the lucky girls...guys, zombies, vampires, whatever be? But before we start following Goopy's pathetic love life, let's check out how the younger Uglacies are doing.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
Darling little Rhoda has made her first best friend! Yay.
"You're one of those Uglacy kids aren't you? You're a wierdo."
"Well I have heard you're an obsessive, stalking pain in the ..."
"Hey, I like you. Let's be bestest friends."
Watch out Rhoda, she says that to everyone. If the popularity aspiration had a mascot, it is surely Marsha Bruening.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
"Hi Tyron, I'm so glad you came home from school with me today."
"Um, ok, who are you? Why am I here?"
"I'm Emily Rose Uglacy."
"Oh crap, this is the Uglacy family?! Wait a cotton-picking minute, I didn't upload myself to the exchange for this."
Hi Tyron1309, love your legacy by the way. Wecome to mine... muhahaha.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
"So like I was thinking, maybe we go out on a date. I've been really wanting to score that first kiss."
"Say what?!"
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
"There's no way I'm kissing an Uglacy."
"But Tyron, you said in the Boolprop forum that you wanted to score some action and..."
"Yeah, but not in an Uglacy Legacy!!! I was thinking the Paris Hilton Legacy, or Rhea's Walt Disney one, there's some hot chicks there. Man, of all the legacies I could get suckered into."
Oh buck up, Tyron, I see that lightning bolt.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
This doesn't really need a caption. I can't do it justice.
First love, it's a beautiful thing, or not.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
"Come on Tyron, let's take a picture."
Yeah, sure, *snickers* get on in there, Tyron.
"Knock it off, I'm not an adult, Thank God. Nothing going on in this booth but a picture, got it?!"
Sure, sure, but I could send you to college, and then you could get some real action with Emily.
"Go to..."
Tyron... remember, you're setting an example for teens everywhere. No profanity in my legacy...ok, maybe a little... for those special occasions.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
"Look Ty, aren't they wonderful?!"
"Yeah, great, surprised the camera didn't break."
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
Tyron immediatly beat it to the bar... really, I do not make this stuff up.
Tyron, I want to see some ID.
"Bite me. If I have to date one of your Uglacy chicks, I want a good, stiff drink."
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
"Look, no offense Emily, but you're not my type. I prefer symetrical eyes, and an actual nose, and big knockers."
"Knockers? But sim-teen girls don't have big knockers."
"Well I could overlook that, if you had a decent face."
"What if I downloaded big knockers, could you overlook the face?"
What do you think girls... how would a man answer this question. Dare I say? Survey says...oh sorry, was I man bashing, bad me... moving on...
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
"Arrrrgh, get her off me!"
Too late, Tyron, we scored that first kiss and then some. Do you feel cheapened? Yeah, well I got aspiration points to think about. Hopefully the mental damage won't be too severe.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
That's right Tyron, hang your head in shame, and leave the lot a changed man. See what happens when you drink on a date... let that be a lesson to teens everywhere. Now you have that memory for a first kiss in your panel for all of eternity... a frightening thought.
"Come back when I want my first woohoo Ty! I'll throw in the Fruit keg!"
"Frickin Uglacy sims. I knew I shouldn't have uploaded myself to the exchange."
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
Does Joe Carr really think he's that clever?
"Hey mister, yeah you, you keep your greedy mitts off Aloha gnome. We see you. We are so standing right here pointing at you."
"I wonder if anyone sees me?"
If these are really our astronauts... I want the funding for NASA back right now! Send the monkeys up in space, they're smarter.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
Meanwhile, Goopy meets up with Emma downtown, they were just friends, but I just had this feeling, intuition really, that Goopy and Emma were meant for one another. I mean look at this picture... can you not see a match made in heaven here?
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
But first I wanted to see how Emma felt about the whole thing, so I had her scope, and her simself definitly thought Goopy was hot!!! Oh my, finally an attraction! Sorry about this Em, but my romance sim needs some serious aspiration points. Poor Goopy needs a yes in a NO world.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
The date started out a bit awkardly. Ok, Emma, Goopy doesn't bite... I don't think.
"Well not hard..."
Ok Austin Powers, enough of that.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
But things heated up rather quickly, nothing like attraction to make a date happen.
"Oh Emma, I love it when you do that!" A little overdramatic there, Goopy.
Feeling like burning your eyes out with a hot poker yet... Ok here's the warning label, it's about to get worse.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
Lip action!
And you can't see it, because I am such a good sim photographer, but the aspirations are kachinging all over the place.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
Followed by bouts of laughter... I'm really not sure about these two. They kiss and laugh, kiss and laugh.
The oddest couple I have ever put together on a date. Their interactions were positive, but very confusing.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
They had just settled down to lunch, when who should I spy.
Oh crap, Emma, don't look now, but there's Goopy's wife over your left shoulder. This can not end well.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
"Goopy, you cheating louse! How could you take out a simself, you know what tramps those girls are!"
"But I couldn't resist, Queenie, they are so hot in their cute, downloaded clothes."
Always thinking fashion, just don't want those regular townies, do you Goopy?
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
Did all this drama phase Emma, absolutely not. She enjoyed her fried chicken immensely, and paid no attention to the marriage she had just torn apart.
Nice going, Emma, you selfish homewrecker. Hope you're proud of yourself.
"Mmmf, the chicken's delicious."
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
As soon as Queenie was out of the picture, Emma was all over her man, with that creepy Don the stalker back in my pictures as usual.
This guy has serious issues. How many chapters has he shown up in now, I've lost count. One day mister, my cowplant is going to get you. Just like it got Meadow, oh yeah.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
And Emma invited Goopy home... love was in the air.
I think we can all guess where this went, and frankly I didn't take any pictures, because some things are better left to the imagination. Emma, Emma, Emma, tsk... tsk... you shameless Goopy lover. The truth is out.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
And Guess what?! I now have Open For Business, and I bought a store... but it's not going real good yet. There's Regan Uglacy, remember Queenie's sister, and she's not nice, so of course she is my first customer.
Um, how do I do this again???
"Come on lady, I ain't got all day. Geesh, hard to find good help nowadays or what?!"
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
So I try to enlist help, you would think Hiddenunderabed would be more then willing to be my employee... but no! She turns me down flat with a wave of her blocked up hand...
"Forget Candi, Frederico and I have plans for a bowling uniforms store,... and besides, after that whole Gage fiasco, I think not."
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
"Really lady, how long does it take to ring someone up?"
"Hang on, hang on. Now where was that total key again?"
As soon as I get the new expansion figured out, the Uglacies will have their own business... but for now I'm just getting the feel of it. Sort of like my simself there.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
The Uglacies are taking in the Bluewater Village tho. Here Goopy runs into a big fan of the Uglacies, wfrfiremedic34, she wanted to meet the Uglacies in person, but I don't think she was that impressed with Goopy's stories.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
"So how does it feel, Goopy, to finally be a part of a legacy?"
"Well I've been in other ones before, but they never let me pick out my own clothes."
"Yes, well that plaid suit definitly cries Goopy."
"You like it? It was done by a fashion designer named zookini66. Say, you know you would look really good in plaid."
"Uh, yeah, well I'm just not a plaid kind of gal."
"Parachute pants?"
"Died in the 80's, Goopy, sorry."
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
"Say, up for a makeover to match your new suit mister?"
"Why yes, a makeover is just the thing!"
Personally, I wouldn't want a makeover by mohawk boy, but Goopy's braver then me.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
Whoa man, be careful with those scissors dude, can you even see what you're doing?!"
"Relax, I'm a professional."
Professional ear remover?
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
"What do you think sir?"
"Why I love it, it's so me!"
Hellooo, there's no change. Can we all say rip-off!!! Goopy surely even you are not this stupid.
"I can't wait till Queenie sees it."
Then again, maybe you are.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
When Goopy gets home from his shopping spree, he finds roaches, due to all the Uglacies dramas on a daily basis and kicked over garbage cans. Unfortunately, we didn't get the best exterminator the roach-killing world has to offer.
"Ewww, bugs, I don't like bugs. I'm so afraid."
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
I will give Goopy this tho, he's a good daddy. But I knew that from other legacies.
Here he and Rhoda decided to show me the new interaction, where adults can dance with kids. I would have never known about it if for not the fact that I play in free will.
"So daddy, do you mind me standing on your toes?"
"Sweetie, you know you can dance on my toes anytime. Besides the circulation cut off about an hour ago. I can't feel a thing."
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
Queenie fills Life time want #2, to be a celebrity chef! Doesn't she just looked thrilled?
"Yeah, yeah, big whoop."
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
And officially becomes the only Uglacy... ever... to make Lobster Thermidor without burning it. But hey, a chef should be able to do that.
"I'm just smarter and nicer than any of the other Uglacies."
Perharps, but we shall see later where your lobster cooking skills land you.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
"Hey look, I think I may have found Mr. Right. It's Alvin Patch."
I wonder if he is somehow related to Carmen Patch? Potential Uglacy? Perharps.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
Reasons I love Don...
He comes to visit and the first thing he does... gooses Samara in front of the teens, who are mortified. Smooth move, Don. Good to see you dropping by.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
Don you do look oddly suspicious tho. What are you up to?
"Err, nothing, nothing at all."
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
"Come quietly Aloha Gnome, don't make this hard on yourself."
I should have known. Gnome-thieving zombie, for shame.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
"Hi Mr. Chef Boyadee... you just showed up to visit us, like wow. If this were a normal legacy, I would so marry you and get that 3 whopping points. But alas, you are not ugly enough."
"What are you kid, from another planet or something?"
"Well actually..."
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
Look who came to visit, it's Swiffner, who writes the Mythology legacy. She even beats me for torturing sims self, she actually make them become townies and marries them into her family. Scary thought, isn't it?
Anyway, I found a cool new interaction... paper, rock, scissors!!!
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
"Whoa, whose the champ, that's me , oh yeah, kicked Goopy's pathetic plaid butt."
"Friggin CAS sim, I shall have my revenge!"
Goopy looks like he took it a bit hard. Hope he doesn't start knocking over Swiffner's garbage can.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
It was time for Rhoda's birthday, and when I saw all the Uglacies running into the house, I thought, man are they excited... but I should have known better.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
When Birthday Parties go horribly wrong... by Candi020765
First, to assure that your party is a disaster... catch the kitchen on fire.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
Then have all the guests stand around... stupidified at what to do, while the fireman can not get to the fire.
In case you do not recognize these idiots, they are all Uglacies... figures, huh? The blonde is Claudia, and there's Regan, Queenie's sister, and Samara, and Ralph Uglacy, who still holds the dorms.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
Thank Goodness Goopy was there to save the day!
A phrase I thought I would never utter.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
"Hmmm, where did this lobster thermidor come from?"
And note Regan in the background primping. Uglacies really don't know they're ugly, or maybe they are so mean, they don't care.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
As if the fire was not destroying the party already, Goopy's hygiene had plummeted so low that even the zombies were offended. Now that's bad.
"Hey knock you off you ingrates, I saved the day, while all of you were whining in the kitchen."
You tell em, Goopy, now go take a shower... pronto.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
Hey, but that wasn't all. Sandy Bruty decided she wanted in on the party fun.
"Booo! Ha, ha, ha!"
Thanks, Sandy, thanks a lot. Scare the hell out of all the guests. As if the party wasn't going bad enough.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
"Can I grow up now, and why is that Aunt Regan glaring at me like that. She hates me."
No, no, Rhoda, Aunt Regan hates everyone. She only has one nice point. So twirl quickly, before anything else bad happens.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
'Whoa, I am hot. I long for some loving."
Not again... not another %&**&^%$# romance sim! Gads, am I cursed. Where's Tyron when I need him? Hey Tyron....
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
"Grandpa Don, I'm so glad you came to my party. If it hadn't been for you I would have starved in my crib as a toddler."
"No problem Rhoda, but don't hug too tight, you're squishing the aloha gnome."
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
"Come on sis, let's get down, we got to get this party rolling!"
Yeah, snap to it. Have some fun!
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
"There's a ghost sticking out of my head, isn't there?"
"Arrrrgh, so much for dancing!"
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
"Alright, people got to break this up. I've heard about these Uglacies parties, and besides that there's a 100 picture upload minimum. So move along, move along, nothing to see."
No wait! I want to show off the potential heirs and gather votes on who should reign as the Uglacy Princess.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
Firstborn Uglacy...
Claudia Star sign: Leo Aspiration: Knowledge 2-10-7-10-1 In other words, sloppy, very outgoing, active, very playful, and mean. Lifetime want: Be Criminal Mastermind Family Secret: She's not a real blonde, ok. She's a burnette.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
Emily Rose Star sign: Libra Aspiration: Knowledge 4-9-3-8-10 In other words, average sloppy, also outgoing, lazy, playful, and extremely nice! Lifetime Want: Max all skills. Family secret: She's really not Goopy's, she's that Tang guys kid. sssssh.
Created: 03.05.2006 - Updated: 03.05.2006
Starsign: Sagittarius Aspiration: Romance 2-2-9-8-5 That means sloppy, shy, very active, playful, and so so nice. Lifetime Want: Woohoo with 20 sims Family Secret: She's green, sssh, don't tell.
Now remember when voting... I want the sim you think is the ugliest and will throw the ugliest baby possible... I will clear my GB to let the voting begin, and I will also attempt to put up a heir poll at the Boolprop forum, www.Boolprop.com, and will take votes at Shooflee forum too. So let the voting begin... till next time, happy simming!
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
Part 2 here of Chapter 15 here... Goopy is on his quest for some dream dates... well actually he wants 20 lovers... who will the lucky girls...guys, zombies, vampires, whatever be? But before we start following Goopy's pathetic love life, let's check out how the younger Uglacies are doing.
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
Darling little Rhoda has made her first best friend! Yay.
"You're one of those Uglacy kids aren't you? You're a wierdo."
"Well I have heard you're an obsessive, stalking pain in the ..."
"Hey, I like you. Let's be bestest friends."
Watch out Rhoda, she says that to everyone. If the popularity aspiration had a mascot, it is surely Marsha Bruening.
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
"Hi Tyron, I'm so glad you came home from school with me today."
"Um, ok, who are you? Why am I here?"
"I'm Emily Rose Uglacy."
"Oh crap, this is the Uglacy family?! Wait a cotton-picking minute, I didn't upload myself to the exchange for this."
Hi Tyron1309, love your legacy by the way. Wecome to mine... muhahaha.
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
"So like I was thinking, maybe we go out on a date. I've been really wanting to score that first kiss."
"Say what?!"
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
"There's no way I'm kissing an Uglacy."
"But Tyron, you said in the Boolprop forum that you wanted to score some action and..."
"Yeah, but not in an Uglacy Legacy!!! I was thinking the Paris Hilton Legacy, or Rhea's Walt Disney one, there's some hot chicks there. Man, of all the legacies I could get suckered into."
Oh buck up, Tyron, I see that lightning bolt.
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
This doesn't really need a caption. I can't do it justice.
First love, it's a beautiful thing, or not.
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
"Come on Tyron, let's take a picture."
Yeah, sure, *snickers* get on in there, Tyron.
"Knock it off, I'm not an adult, Thank God. Nothing going on in this booth but a picture, got it?!"
Sure, sure, but I could send you to college, and then you could get some real action with Emily.
"Go to..."
Tyron... remember, you're setting an example for teens everywhere. No profanity in my legacy...ok, maybe a little... for those special occasions.
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
"Look Ty, aren't they wonderful?!"
"Yeah, great, surprised the camera didn't break."
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
Tyron immediatly beat it to the bar... really, I do not make this stuff up.
Tyron, I want to see some ID.
"Bite me. If I have to date one of your Uglacy chicks, I want a good, stiff drink."
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
"Look, no offense Emily, but you're not my type. I prefer symetrical eyes, and an actual nose, and big knockers."
"Knockers? But sim-teen girls don't have big knockers."
"Well I could overlook that, if you had a decent face."
"What if I downloaded big knockers, could you overlook the face?"
What do you think girls... how would a man answer this question. Dare I say? Survey says...oh sorry, was I man bashing, bad me... moving on...
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
"Arrrrgh, get her off me!"
Too late, Tyron, we scored that first kiss and then some. Do you feel cheapened? Yeah, well I got aspiration points to think about. Hopefully the mental damage won't be too severe.
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
That's right Tyron, hang your head in shame, and leave the lot a changed man. See what happens when you drink on a date... let that be a lesson to teens everywhere. Now you have that memory for a first kiss in your panel for all of eternity... a frightening thought.
"Come back when I want my first woohoo Ty! I'll throw in the Fruit keg!"
"Frickin Uglacy sims. I knew I shouldn't have uploaded myself to the exchange."
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
Does Joe Carr really think he's that clever?
"Hey mister, yeah you, you keep your greedy mitts off Aloha gnome. We see you. We are so standing right here pointing at you."
"I wonder if anyone sees me?"
If these are really our astronauts... I want the funding for NASA back right now! Send the monkeys up in space, they're smarter.
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
Meanwhile, Goopy meets up with Emma downtown, they were just friends, but I just had this feeling, intuition really, that Goopy and Emma were meant for one another. I mean look at this picture... can you not see a match made in heaven here?
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
But first I wanted to see how Emma felt about the whole thing, so I had her scope, and her simself definitly thought Goopy was hot!!! Oh my, finally an attraction! Sorry about this Em, but my romance sim needs some serious aspiration points. Poor Goopy needs a yes in a NO world.
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
The date started out a bit awkardly. Ok, Emma, Goopy doesn't bite... I don't think.
"Well not hard..."
Ok Austin Powers, enough of that.
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
But things heated up rather quickly, nothing like attraction to make a date happen.
"Oh Emma, I love it when you do that!" A little overdramatic there, Goopy.
Feeling like burning your eyes out with a hot poker yet... Ok here's the warning label, it's about to get worse.
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
Lip action!
And you can't see it, because I am such a good sim photographer, but the aspirations are kachinging all over the place.
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
Followed by bouts of laughter... I'm really not sure about these two. They kiss and laugh, kiss and laugh.
The oddest couple I have ever put together on a date. Their interactions were positive, but very confusing.
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
They had just settled down to lunch, when who should I spy.
Oh crap, Emma, don't look now, but there's Goopy's wife over your left shoulder. This can not end well.
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
"Goopy, you cheating louse! How could you take out a simself, you know what tramps those girls are!"
"But I couldn't resist, Queenie, they are so hot in their cute, downloaded clothes."
Always thinking fashion, just don't want those regular townies, do you Goopy?
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
Did all this drama phase Emma, absolutely not. She enjoyed her fried chicken immensely, and paid no attention to the marriage she had just torn apart.
Nice going, Emma, you selfish homewrecker. Hope you're proud of yourself.
"Mmmf, the chicken's delicious."
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
As soon as Queenie was out of the picture, Emma was all over her man, with that creepy Don the stalker back in my pictures as usual.
This guy has serious issues. How many chapters has he shown up in now, I've lost count. One day mister, my cowplant is going to get you. Just like it got Meadow, oh yeah.
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
And Emma invited Goopy home... love was in the air.
I think we can all guess where this went, and frankly I didn't take any pictures, because some things are better left to the imagination. Emma, Emma, Emma, tsk... tsk... you shameless Goopy lover. The truth is out.
Created: 03.05.2006 Updated: 03.05.2006
And Guess what?! I now have Open For Business, and I bought a store... but it's not going real good yet. There's Regan Uglacy, remember Queenie's sister, and she's not nice, so of course she is my first customer.
Um, how do I do this again???
"Come on lady, I ain't got all day. Geesh, hard to find good help nowadays or what?!"
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