Uglacy #14 The Power of Plaid |
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Uglacy #14 The Power of Plaid
Created By:
Country: United States of America
Language: US English
Created: 02.26.2006
Last Updated: 02.26.2006
Number of Entries: 88
Description:Goopy introduces fashion to the Uglacy Legacy, and the alien gene mutations are starting to show.
Family Name: Simsfunk1
Lot Name: 14 Paradise Road
Categories: Comedy,Ponderings and Observations,Sims Life Stories
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Welcome back Uglacy readers. In our last episode, Queenie had just graduated from college, and was madly in love with Goopy Gilsbaro... now I know he's not that ugly, but I had to play Goopy. You see, he rarely gets a legacy invite, but not only that, he's unique. People either love him or hate him. And here's the thing, when legacies do let Goopy in, they clean him up immediatly, give the boy some decent clothes, and he doesn't turn out half bad...Not that I have anything against that but...
The Uglacies have always danced to their own tune, and I feel it's high time someone lets Goopy's inner child out. It's time to see Goopy as Goopy is... not how he "should" be. So I'm warning you now, this chapter is not for the fashionably concious... more like the fashionably unconcious.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
First of all I knew Goopy was romance, but I am an expert on the romance sim... *sighs* but what I didn't know was Goopy was in the military, the elite forces *shudders*. Yeah our country depends on him, scary, eh?
Goopy Stats... He's a Libra with 2 neat pts...8/10 outgoing, he's nice, lazy, 2 active points, and his turn ons are vampires and stink, his turn off... brown hair.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
So I took Goopy shopping, after I had done some internet shopping of my own. From various sites like Mod Sims and Parsimonious, I downloaded like a mad woman, and while downloading I asked myself one important question...
"What would Goopy Wear?"
Now for those of you who have made these unique creations, please don't be offended. But they are rather for the fashionably brave sim. Let's just think of it as a compliment, like making Goopy's "A List". Or the National Enquirer's worse dressed... fashion is, after all, a matter of taste.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Meanwhile, at the Uglacy home, this is a daily occurence. Apparently Dor has been visiting again.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
These trashcan fiascos are caused by one Uglacy alone... Gage Uglacy. He is an ugly version of Don Lothario, and yet, he has scored more women than... than nature should allow. But no matter the women, he is always rolling up more wants. And he doesn't want townies... oh no. Gage prefers simselfs. He's rolled wants for Dor, Hiddenunderabed, Casey71, Mythmil, HurriKaty, Swiffner, Katnick, JFed, Celinou4, Neonhorn, and yes, even me. *shudders* Usually all at the same time.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Queenie is adjusting since comming home from college, but she misses all her sorority sisters, and so I have her bring back an old friend.
"Oh dear Lord."
Whatever could be wrong... *Snickering*
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Why Meadow Thayer, so good to see you again after that little cowplant incident.
"What stinks?"
It's called Cologne De La Zombie, it's the hottest new scent."
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Poor Queenie, actually has a heart... which I am not use to in Uglacies.
There, there, Queenie. Meadow won't even notice. At least not until her arm falls off.
"Baaaahaaa...how could you make me do this?"
What? We brought her back from the dead. Geesh, so she's a little moldy.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Ok, so rolling along, Queenie invited Goopy over and dressed in her new plaid dress to entice him. Clever, no? Of course he accepted the ring... sucker!
Oh, and I added a crown... cause she's a Queen of aliens of course.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
They celebrated their engagement with Grilled Cheese, the official food of Uglacies.
"So Queenie, can I be your maid of honor?"
"Uh, well there are no maids of honor in sim weddings."
"Oh. Ok, but what would you like for a wedding gift?"
"Well if you just took a shower, Meadow, that would be great."
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Now here is a simself I can not figure out.
Dor... mitinkitten to some... who claims to hate Gage Uglacy... but she is the simself that hangs out the most with the Uglacy's, she's best friends with Samara and Don, and as soon as I have my back turned, she's in the hottub, usually with Gage.
"I was not!"
Uh, excuse me, Dor, why are you in a bikini then, huh?
"I was sunbathing."
It's ten at night. And need I remind you that Swiffner's sims saw you in the telescope... just what is going on with you and Gage?"
"I just come here for the grilled cheese, lay off ok. And when do I get the handsome spare you promised me."
Yeah, right... *rolls eyes* anytime now. I just have so many fine looking sims to choose from.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
So Goopy and Queenie tied the knot, at night of course since her burning to death in the sunlight would kind of ruin the wedding party.
We had a roof raiser by the way... Uglacies do know how to have a good time.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
But at this point I had seven sims (hee hee, like seven sins. Sorry, couldn't resist). Anyway, the lag was so bad... and the computer crashed 3 times, and I had to do something.
So adios, Meadow, and since your officially an Uglacy now, you can head off to the Uglacy sorority and wait for the next heir.
"Wow, I will be the most popular girl on campus."
Um, yeah, sure sweetie. Whatever it takes to get you into the taxi. Nobody tell her she's a zombie, mmmkay?
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Queenie still hasn't got the whole concept that sunlight kills vampires... she's terrible at being one of the undead. If I could put a lock on her coffin, I would.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Well Goopy, looks like Queenie is trying to tell you something.
"Hey honey, how would you feel about a little Goopy?"
On a side note, Goopy came into my legacy fat, I mean bottom of the body meter fat... maybe too many grilled cheese with the Uglacies. Don does feed our guests well. But a fat Goopy in plaid... reminded me of an Uncle I had. Oh come on, I know you had one too.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Don the Zombie does not seem to appreciate Goopy's expression of fashion.
"Hey, goofy guy, Martha Stewart called. She wants her spring collection of tablecloths back."
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
"Seriously, can you redress that freak. I can't handle an eternity of that."
Don, be nice. Goopy is making a statement. His inner child is speaking.
"Yeah, it's saying get me the hell out of this plaid prison."
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Yippee! My first ever, impossible want fullfilled... well next to downloading Russell Crowe and making him my love slave... but that's another story.
Here Carmen Patch-Uglacy maxes out her skills!
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
But even with full cooking points, an Uglacy can not make Lobster Thermidor to save their life. The curse still continues.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
So Carmen heads downtown for a shopping spree. She runs into Casey71, who I neglected to fill you readers in on at the last chapter. Casey is also known as Noname6788 and writes her own twisted legacy. A must read...
Anyway, Carmen speaks of leaving Gage, which seems to always be on her mind. She spills her guts to Casey, telling her about her horrible marriage and her building depression.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
"Eh, lady, I could care less." *yawn* "Boring!"
And here I thought Casey was so nice. Well I'm so sorry you can't be bothered with Carmen's pain. Just get back to your sim shopping... it's not like Carmen's heart has been torn out of her chest by her cheating husband. Or like he's rolling wants to flirt with you now... oh no, nothing like that.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Hey Frederico, out on the town shopping as well! He's a founding sim for Hiddenunderabed, but I showed him here because frankly, my legacy needs a little eye candy, and mmmm baby, he's grade-A quality sim. Whatcha shopping for, Freddy?
"Oh Mel needs a new bowling outfit."
Oh, ok then. That sure beats hot lingerie anyday.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Do you ever wonder why Don the Zombie isn't fat like most grilled cheese sims. Well I realize that may not be a burning question in your mind, but here's the answer anyway.
He loves the sphere thingie-a-bob. He plays and plays on it, so I really never have to worry about his weight, plus he sneaks other food... grrrr. I am only about 1/2 way to 200 grilled cheeses.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
I try to step it up, because Queenie is expecting and frankly my computer can't handle the number of sims. When Don gets to 200, he and Samara will get a fine retirement home.
Here he is with all the half-eaten sandwiches other sims have started to finish off for him. It's like an all-you-can eat grilled cheese buffet.
"Aw, come on, just one bowl of chili?!"
NO Don... only 100 more of these to go. *Banging head against desk repeatedly.* And Pinstar didn't think 200 grilled cheese sandwiches were a challenge enough to be an impossible want... HA... I am so counting it.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
As for Samara, she got a part-time job in politics... and frankly she looks like a lot of politicians I could name. *Cough,cough, Hillary Clinton on a good day...*
Isn't she a cute Zombie tho...especially after we got rid of the cheap hussy blush.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
It's creepy when your sims stare at you, but when an Uglacy sim stares at you, it just takes it to a whole new level.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
"Check this out Regan, I can play Beethoven with my foot."
You have not lived until you've seen a zombie bust moves. Put it on your "what I must do with my sims" list. You'll be glad you did.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Look at that, Goopy brought Frederico home from work to have the traditional grilled cheese with the Uglacies. But Frederico, I wouldn't eat that if I were you.
"Well it does have an odd flavor."
"Hey shouldn't you be clicking it off my eat panel yet?"
Uh, no Gage... go ahead... eat it... eat it all.
"But you told Frederico that..."
That's just to save more for you Gage. Special sandwiches for a special sim. I really did let him eat it... purely out of meaness, but he didn't even get sick. Bummer.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Oh sure, the baby just had to be born in the middle of the day so she could pop out of the coffin. Like she doesn't do that all the time anyway.
"I think I ate a bad grilled cheese."
No, no, silly, that was your dad.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
This picture looks confusing... as do most Uglacy life events, but look closer. Gage and Carmen are not thrilled by the birth of their grandchild, and Samara could care less... but what sim is overjoyed, hoots and hollers, and claps his little zombie hands?!
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
"Here Don, since I have to get in my coffin pronto, I am entrusting little Claudia to you."
Meet Claudia Uglacy and in keeping in my tradition of naming sims after horror movie characters, this precious girl is named after Claudia, the child vampire in "Interview With A Vampire", which was one of my all-time favorites.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
And Don can't wait to play the doting great-grandfather. But this baby leaves me in a pickle, the legacy household is beginning to really lag. I could move Don and Samara out, but I want the 200 grilled cheeses... which I have never done.
There was only one solution. A sim had to go.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Carmen Patch had not been a very happy sim since she found out about Gage and MythMil's affair and subsequent love child. She spiraled into a deep sim depression... and also because she was extremely boring at this point... it all led to...
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
The ultimate sim suicide... running with scissors. And look at those puppies, they could whack off a head, cut down a tree, trim King Kong's toenails... take your pick.
No Carmen, he's not worth it... don't run with...
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Ok, I got ripped off here, she was platinum twice over. Well maybe when sims kill themselves, they are denied the hula girls and all the hooplah. They just don't get all the rewards for sim suicide or stupidity, since running with a 3 foot pair of scissors isn't exactly the brightest idea.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
And so ends Carmen Patch-Uglacy: Spouse of Gage Uglacy Ex-exterminator Knowledge sim LTW: To be a mad scientist- Filled To max all skills- also filled Secret Ability: Could kick any CAS sims butt, and often did. Died at 63... Platinum... frickin, fracking, point-cheating game!
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
But life goes on, especially for romance sims.
"So Don, what do you think of my spiffy new threads?"
"Hmmm, I'm wondering how many draperies had to die for that outfit."
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Undeterred by Don's comments, Goopy goes out on the town, meeting up with Andrea Hogan, the ever overdressed townie. He scores some aspiration points and moves on to romance someone new. Goopy's LTW-20 simultaneous lovers, not one I've ever had much luck with, but here goes, yet again.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
And Goopy introduces me to a new move... hot smooching available in restaurant booths under "more..."
I've been playing nightlife for how long and just found this option. Looks like he's got a problem hitting her lips tho. Hicky alert!
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
However, the Goopster of love can not charm everyone.
Hiddenunderabed has had enough of the Uglacies to last her a while.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
"Hey Goopy, you might want to return that suit to Willy Wonka... his chocolate factory called today."
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Just to prove that I occasionally do fill my sims aspirations... 30 more bottles of elixir! Yay! One whole whopping point. What am I up to now... ten points total? I suppose all those cowplant deaths didn't help.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Time for a birthday, and since Don is the only one keeping the baby alive... he gets the honor of twirling this little one into tot hood.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
"Yahoo, what a great toddler, yay Claudia!"
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
"Hey you pack of brainless wonders... she's still a baby. Cake glitch. Let's give it another go."
Okie, dokie Don, one more cake comming up.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Oh no! That kid's kind of cute! We can't have that. This is an Uglacy for heavens sake. I want a refund!!!
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
"I'm seriously worried about this kid. What were you thinking bringing Goopy into the family. He just wasn't ugly enough."
I just like Goopy, and I thought his personality would add spice.
"Yeah, well you only have 3 generations left after this, so you better kick it up a notch."
You've been watching Emeril on the cooking channel again, haven't you, Don?
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
I'm with you, Queenie, Goopy stinks. I was afraid he might not be up to the task of creating a true Uglacy child. Only one thing to do.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Meet Charles Tang... Tang with the bright orange hair like the drink the astronauts drink.
Anyway, he's an old friend from college. And now an official sperm donor... because I won't have another pretty "Goopy" kid.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
So its a date to the Crypt... the bar where all the cool vampires go.
"Uh, I'm a nice sim... and I'm married. What if Goopy shows up here."
Don't be silly, Queenie, he's out with another girl.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Or not. Fabulous gold suit by the way. Loving that whole Goldfinger look. And apparently so is Farmer Luke.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Attention Maxis... this is what vampires should look like. Just a little eye candy thrown in here for viewer delight. This is Lestat... the Stuart Townsend version from "Queen of the Damn". I would have downloaded the Tom Cruise version, but all that political baggage... and the whole Katie Holmes thing... I just can't take all the Paparrazi running around Uglacyville. Plus Stuart is half naked. Always a plus.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Oh man, it's like a Chippendale show. Quick girls, get your dollars ready. Dance vampire boy, dance...
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Meanwhile, Goopy's date is heating up as well.
That's right Bartender, pretend you don't see that whole Brokeback mountain thing going on in the background. Just keeping looking away and stay oblivious to it... it's better that way.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Rub a dub, dub, dub, 3 men in a tub. Well, isn't this a fine sight. And apparently they are talking about bondage...it's a group outing with Goopy, Farmer Luke, and Dorian the cop. Farmer Luke called Goopy up, and Dorian showed up too. I always had my suspicions about Dorian. Can it get any better, well actually...
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
"Hi guys, mind if I join?"
Oh no! Sjt, get out of there now! What are you doing??? Poor guy, has no idea.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
I mean look at his sim face as Dorian keeps the topic going. I nearly busted a gut here because Sjt had jumped right into this outing... and there was nothing I could do. Sorry Sjt. I had no control over your sim self. But in the future, when you see 3 goofs like this in a hot tub, and no women, well it's not a good sign.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
But apparently, Sjt decided that the whole hot tub scene just wasn't for him. He quickly got creeped out and left. I can't imagine why, I mean who wouldn't want to be in a hot tub with those three. It's like Larry, Mo, and Curly.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
"Oh dear God, not another grilled cheese."
I feel your pain, Don, really I do. My house is lagging like a thousand ton train, and I got another Uglacy on the way. Eat up, we got to get you there and then it's a nice little house and a motherlode of money for you and Samara.
"Yeah, promises, promises."
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Another Ugalcy birthday party... brace yourself.
"Oh Mel, it's so good to see you here. Remember our bowling date, it was a dream as I recall."
"Hey you two, knock it off, I'm tired of not getting any action here."
Ok, Katy, ok, well let's see if we can introduce you to some nice bachelor sim.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
"Hi there, Katy... I'm Dorian the cop, Goopy's special friend."
Oh no, I think not.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Wait Claudia!!! You're suppose to wait till I get you to the cake!
"But I feel all tingly... like little bugs ran up my pants."
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Great kid, I'm glad you're happy, cause I'm sure not.
"Look at me, I'm so cute!"
Yeah, adorable... hey you want to play with Cujo, the cowplant? What?!! I'm not serious, I wouldn't do that to an Uglacy kid, even if she is pretty and a total waste of space. But don't expect me to spend any time skillin her, cause it ain't gonna happen. She doesn't have a nose tho. One little alien gene showing thru.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
"Are you sure you're my grandaughter, because frankly you're too cute."
"What about my nonexistent nose?"
"Kid, that's just not enough. We need serious mutations here."
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
I figure since she's kind of cute...*sigh* I'll just go with it and make her look like the real Claudia from interview with a vampire.
Well at least she's mean. She only has one nice point. Throw me a bone, kid, throw me a bone. Now you want to see a really, cute Uglacy... yes there is one.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Mythmil's daughter is one of the cutest kid sims I've ever had... seriously. And I'm not just meaning Uglacies. I can't see any Gage in her... she's like Cinderella. Can you believe this child is actually the love child of Gage Uglacy???
And where did the red hair come from. Throwback to Komeii Tellerman? And yes, she is a natural redhead. My plan is to grow her up and let her join the Uglacy sorority when the heir goes there. She'll be the one pretty girl.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Don and Samara...
These two never quit. And hot tubs are great for Zombies, with their low hygiene and all. If I don't dish out commands, these two are always soaking when they should be eating grilled cheese!
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
"Arrrgh, another baby."
This better be an ugly one, Queenie.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Oh yes, I think I hit pay dirt. Look at those eyes... muhahaha. When a baby is already deformed, you know you're going places.
Meet Emily Rose... after the movie "The Exocism of Emily Rose." Which I haven't actually seen yet. Have you noticed Uglacies babies are mostly girls. They rarely have boys.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
The reason Uglacy children do not die.
Seriously. Because I never click on the kid's needs, and I pay no attention to them, and none of the other Uglacies do either. But Don keeps on top of bottles, diapers, and cuddling... and he likes to play with them.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
So someone suggested to me, wouldn't it be funny if the Uglacies went out on some blind dates. Well... ok. I mean with 2 romance sims in the house, why not. First up, Goopy, paying $2000... lets see who he gets.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
"Oh my God, look at those shoes!"
Oh dear, it's Hannie. She was such an Uglacy fan, she actually asked me to download her sim self into their neighborhood. She's probably regretting it about now.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
"Ewww, do I have to go on a date with him?"
Well Hannie, you should have read the fine print when I downloaded you. Goopy wants to take you to dinner. So hop in the car... downtowning we will go!
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
"Oh Gross. Where did you learn your table manners?"
"snort, gobble, slurp... table manners?"
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
"So how about a good-bye kiss."
"Uh, no."
"Ok, a little car woohoo then?"
"Hell no."
"A romantic hug?"
"Get away, before I pull out my anti-Goopy mace."
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Next up, Gage Uglacy in the darkness of night.
"Hey sexy gypsy lady, I need a whole lotta woman."
Well then, I need a whole lotta money, mister."
"How bout 1500."
"Eh so, so buddy."
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Oh my gosh, the social worker! I could have never gotten her in a decent legacy. Oh no. But play the Uglacies, and I get the prettiest NPC in the entire game... figures!!!
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
For a social worker, she doesn't seem too keen on kids, does she?
Gage, meanwhile, hops on the bed in free will to "relax"
Yeah, dream on, Gage.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
"So let me see if I understand this. All you feed the children is Grilled cheese?"
Oh dear, might not have been such a great idea to have the social worker over here.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
"But Grilled cheese contains calcium, an important nutrient for children's growing bones and teeth."
Way to go Don. And actually, the social worker took quite a liking to Don. But Don is a one-woman man.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Oh my, yet another birthday, and that baby looks terrified to me. Maybe that's because Gage has never picked the child up and Emily Rose has no idea who that ugly monstrosity is.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Now there's an Uglacy... in all their toddler glory.
Oh I knew that alien gene would pay off sooner or later. Emily Rose is a Libra, her points are 4-9-3-8-10!!! 10 nice points!!! EEEEk.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
She looks like a pekingnese... no nose, big eyes, and a mop of hair.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
That's right Gage, fix the trash compactor for the tenth time. Stick that screwdriver in there, probe blindly.
"Yeah, yeah, I know what I'm doing. I always fix everything."
Sheesh, just one shock, is that asking too much??? He only has 7 mechanical points... I mean really. The repairmen get shocked more than him. This is so unfair. *pouts* Uglacies never die... they live on and on, and on...
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
When is a body sphere worth $1000? When you are seriously overweight... not 10 or 20 pounds overweight... but massively overweight. At least 25 pounds. Have other diet pills failed you... well now there's Looptasphere... for people who are serious about losing weight. Don't call if you're just a whiny wannabe... only call if you REALLY want to lose weight. And spend a lot of money. Have your credit card handy. 1-800-SPHERES.
*Disclaimer: Side effects include Gumby appearance and occasional Alien Abductions. Not responsible for injuries,sphere addiction, or impregnation by an alien species. Results seen here are not typical.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Geesh Queenie, buck up. You're a vampire for goodness sakes, part of the undead, what's a ghost to you? And I might add hello to Komeii. He's haunting again... good for him, although my ghosts tend to really be pretty mellow, maybe because they were so gosh dang mean when they were alive. I have a theory nice sims make mean ghosts, we'll see when it's Queenie's time.
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
All together now... awwww. Seriously, I caught Don playing with the kid. And in the soft green glow, zombie and toddler bond... it's just like a Lassie movie. Except Lassie's a dead zombie dog saving mutated, alien children. Hey, now that sounds like a movie!
Created: 02.26.2006 - Updated: 02.26.2006
Is Goopy all dressed up for another date??? Well, you'll just have to read Chapter 15 to see which lucky sim self gets a date with Goopy. So you all come back now... you hear. In the meantime, a big hello to ShooFlee members and the Boolpropfighttheaddiction false forum now at www.boolprop.com. I cleared out my GB, so people can sign again if they like, and thank you all for your comments. I try to get back to everyone, but lately my game has been difficult and is taking up my time. Till next time, happy simming!
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
Welcome back Uglacy readers. In our last episode, Queenie had just graduated from college, and was madly in love with Goopy Gilsbaro... now I know he's not that ugly, but I had to play Goopy. You see, he rarely gets a legacy invite, but not only that, he's unique. People either love him or hate him. And here's the thing, when legacies do let Goopy in, they clean him up immediatly, give the boy some decent clothes, and he doesn't turn out half bad...Not that I have anything against that but...
The Uglacies have always danced to their own tune, and I feel it's high time someone lets Goopy's inner child out. It's time to see Goopy as Goopy is... not how he "should" be. So I'm warning you now, this chapter is not for the fashionably concious... more like the fashionably unconcious.
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
First of all I knew Goopy was romance, but I am an expert on the romance sim... *sighs* but what I didn't know was Goopy was in the military, the elite forces *shudders*. Yeah our country depends on him, scary, eh?
Goopy Stats... He's a Libra with 2 neat pts...8/10 outgoing, he's nice, lazy, 2 active points, and his turn ons are vampires and stink, his turn off... brown hair.
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
So I took Goopy shopping, after I had done some internet shopping of my own. From various sites like Mod Sims and Parsimonious, I downloaded like a mad woman, and while downloading I asked myself one important question...
"What would Goopy Wear?"
Now for those of you who have made these unique creations, please don't be offended. But they are rather for the fashionably brave sim. Let's just think of it as a compliment, like making Goopy's "A List". Or the National Enquirer's worse dressed... fashion is, after all, a matter of taste.
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
Meanwhile, at the Uglacy home, this is a daily occurence. Apparently Dor has been visiting again.
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
These trashcan fiascos are caused by one Uglacy alone... Gage Uglacy. He is an ugly version of Don Lothario, and yet, he has scored more women than... than nature should allow. But no matter the women, he is always rolling up more wants. And he doesn't want townies... oh no. Gage prefers simselfs. He's rolled wants for Dor, Hiddenunderabed, Casey71, Mythmil, HurriKaty, Swiffner, Katnick, JFed, Celinou4, Neonhorn, and yes, even me. *shudders* Usually all at the same time.
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
Queenie is adjusting since comming home from college, but she misses all her sorority sisters, and so I have her bring back an old friend.
"Oh dear Lord."
Whatever could be wrong... *Snickering*
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
Why Meadow Thayer, so good to see you again after that little cowplant incident.
"What stinks?"
It's called Cologne De La Zombie, it's the hottest new scent."
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
Poor Queenie, actually has a heart... which I am not use to in Uglacies.
There, there, Queenie. Meadow won't even notice. At least not until her arm falls off.
"Baaaahaaa...how could you make me do this?"
What? We brought her back from the dead. Geesh, so she's a little moldy.
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
Ok, so rolling along, Queenie invited Goopy over and dressed in her new plaid dress to entice him. Clever, no? Of course he accepted the ring... sucker!
Oh, and I added a crown... cause she's a Queen of aliens of course.
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
They celebrated their engagement with Grilled Cheese, the official food of Uglacies.
"So Queenie, can I be your maid of honor?"
"Uh, well there are no maids of honor in sim weddings."
"Oh. Ok, but what would you like for a wedding gift?"
"Well if you just took a shower, Meadow, that would be great."
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
Now here is a simself I can not figure out.
Dor... mitinkitten to some... who claims to hate Gage Uglacy... but she is the simself that hangs out the most with the Uglacy's, she's best friends with Samara and Don, and as soon as I have my back turned, she's in the hottub, usually with Gage.
"I was not!"
Uh, excuse me, Dor, why are you in a bikini then, huh?
"I was sunbathing."
It's ten at night. And need I remind you that Swiffner's sims saw you in the telescope... just what is going on with you and Gage?"
"I just come here for the grilled cheese, lay off ok. And when do I get the handsome spare you promised me."
Yeah, right... *rolls eyes* anytime now. I just have so many fine looking sims to choose from.
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
So Goopy and Queenie tied the knot, at night of course since her burning to death in the sunlight would kind of ruin the wedding party.
We had a roof raiser by the way... Uglacies do know how to have a good time.
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
But at this point I had seven sims (hee hee, like seven sins. Sorry, couldn't resist). Anyway, the lag was so bad... and the computer crashed 3 times, and I had to do something.
So adios, Meadow, and since your officially an Uglacy now, you can head off to the Uglacy sorority and wait for the next heir.
"Wow, I will be the most popular girl on campus."
Um, yeah, sure sweetie. Whatever it takes to get you into the taxi. Nobody tell her she's a zombie, mmmkay?
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
Queenie still hasn't got the whole concept that sunlight kills vampires... she's terrible at being one of the undead. If I could put a lock on her coffin, I would.
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
Well Goopy, looks like Queenie is trying to tell you something.
"Hey honey, how would you feel about a little Goopy?"
On a side note, Goopy came into my legacy fat, I mean bottom of the body meter fat... maybe too many grilled cheese with the Uglacies. Don does feed our guests well. But a fat Goopy in plaid... reminded me of an Uncle I had. Oh come on, I know you had one too.
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
Don the Zombie does not seem to appreciate Goopy's expression of fashion.
"Hey, goofy guy, Martha Stewart called. She wants her spring collection of tablecloths back."
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
"Seriously, can you redress that freak. I can't handle an eternity of that."
Don, be nice. Goopy is making a statement. His inner child is speaking.
"Yeah, it's saying get me the hell out of this plaid prison."
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
Yippee! My first ever, impossible want fullfilled... well next to downloading Russell Crowe and making him my love slave... but that's another story.
Here Carmen Patch-Uglacy maxes out her skills!
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
But even with full cooking points, an Uglacy can not make Lobster Thermidor to save their life. The curse still continues.
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
So Carmen heads downtown for a shopping spree. She runs into Casey71, who I neglected to fill you readers in on at the last chapter. Casey is also known as Noname6788 and writes her own twisted legacy. A must read...
Anyway, Carmen speaks of leaving Gage, which seems to always be on her mind. She spills her guts to Casey, telling her about her horrible marriage and her building depression.
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
"Eh, lady, I could care less." *yawn* "Boring!"
And here I thought Casey was so nice. Well I'm so sorry you can't be bothered with Carmen's pain. Just get back to your sim shopping... it's not like Carmen's heart has been torn out of her chest by her cheating husband. Or like he's rolling wants to flirt with you now... oh no, nothing like that.
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
Hey Frederico, out on the town shopping as well! He's a founding sim for Hiddenunderabed, but I showed him here because frankly, my legacy needs a little eye candy, and mmmm baby, he's grade-A quality sim. Whatcha shopping for, Freddy?
"Oh Mel needs a new bowling outfit."
Oh, ok then. That sure beats hot lingerie anyday.
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
Do you ever wonder why Don the Zombie isn't fat like most grilled cheese sims. Well I realize that may not be a burning question in your mind, but here's the answer anyway.
He loves the sphere thingie-a-bob. He plays and plays on it, so I really never have to worry about his weight, plus he sneaks other food... grrrr. I am only about 1/2 way to 200 grilled cheeses.
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
I try to step it up, because Queenie is expecting and frankly my computer can't handle the number of sims. When Don gets to 200, he and Samara will get a fine retirement home.
Here he is with all the half-eaten sandwiches other sims have started to finish off for him. It's like an all-you-can eat grilled cheese buffet.
"Aw, come on, just one bowl of chili?!"
NO Don... only 100 more of these to go. *Banging head against desk repeatedly.* And Pinstar didn't think 200 grilled cheese sandwiches were a challenge enough to be an impossible want... HA... I am so counting it.
Created: 02.26.2006 Updated: 02.26.2006
As for Samara, she got a part-time job in politics... and frankly she looks like a lot of politicians I could name. *Cough,cough, Hillary Clinton on a good day...*
Isn't she a cute Zombie tho...especially after we got rid of the cheap hussy blush.
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