#13, An Uglacy Valentine Part 2 |
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#13, An Uglacy Valentine Part 2
Created By:
Country: United States of America
Language: US English
Created: 02.13.2006
Last Updated: 02.13.2006
Number of Entries: 96
Description:Part 2 of an Uglacy Valentine... the romance and craziness continues...
Family Name: SimMe
Lot Name: #64 Main Street
Categories: Comedy,Ponderings and Observations,Sims Life Stories
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Part 2 of an Uglacy Valentine... when we last left Don Uglacy he had brought Samara back as a zombie to live all of eternity with him. Unfortunately, she was no longer married to him. And so begins the zombie love fest.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
But First, for those who signed my GB wanting to see the Uglacy house lay out, here's a tour of my terrible architectural and interior designing abilities. Frankly, I try to avoid this, because my house sucks. That being said, let me show the floors.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
So here it is, first floor... including a master bedroom, the girls room, dining room, kitchen and large living room. I try not to get a whole lot of downloaded furniture going, because I've noticed the lag increases.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Second floor has a bedroom and a bath, and then just wide open with lots of career rewards. I have all of them now. This is where Uglacies skill. And play SSX when I'm not looking.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
3rd floor, an attic and storage for "ghost" beds. The grim reaper's phone is up here as well, for those ever important calls.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
And the dead people's shack or masoleum as some of you call it. I have all the urns but grilled cheese and popularity which was what Samara and Don were suppose to be, but hey, there's always the next generation.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
So Don begins the wooing of Samara's little, undead heart. He takes her out for a night on the town. Night of the living dead... so to speak.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Hey, can you two get a room, I'm losing my appetite here."
"Yeah, sure John Travolta. You know that look went out with the Disco and lava lamps."
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Don Uglacy! Why you're the coolest legacy zombie ever. I'm Celinou, and I'm really into the whole resurrecting thing, I write the Phoenix legacy you know."
"Isn't that a town in Arizona?"
"No, no, you silly undead cheese freak. The Phoenix represents the resurrection of life. So like when your contract is up in this legacy, I'm sure I can get you a part in mine."
Hey Cel! You knock that off. Make your own zombie... grrrr. I tell ya, legacy writing is a cutthroat business.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Re-UNited and it feels so goooood, Zombified like a piece of wood... I never knew the grimster charges a lot, but I don't care if you're a zombie, cause you're still so hot...yeah, yeah..."
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Oh Don!"
And the hearts go a flying... while Don and Samara get reaquainted in the Karaoke booth. Lets hope its really sound proof. Zombie lovemaking can be pretty hair curling.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
After a little public woohoo, Mil's simself shows up. And oh my, she's not only got the hots for Gage, but now it appears she thinks Don is all that too!
Well back off Mil, Don belongs to Samara. Geesh, do you have a thing for married guys or what?
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Typical Uglacy outing, disturbing in so many ways. Mil rushes over to tickle Don, but we all know what her game is, don't we ;)
And the ever-cool John Travolta comes over to give two thumbs up. As if his opinion mattered.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
The very next night Don takes Samara to Londoste, gazing into each other's cold, dead eyes, he was a man...zombie...whatever with a mission.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
And he proposes for the second time. Of course it's a yes! Yay, an Uglacy wedding! I told you this valentine episode would have lots of romance, of course I didn't know I would have to do this all over again. I didn't want that much romance!
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
That's not to say Don is the perfect husband. He is a man after all, and the lure of Ms. Crumplebottom is hard to resist. No sooner does he propose than he's parading this thought bubble all over town. Shame on you, Don.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Why you're that handsome, dead fellow, aren't you sonny? Why if I were a few years younger, and actually could have a relationship with something besides my knitting needles, you would be the man."
Yeah, I bet you're the type that secretly welds a leather whip and a black leather Nazi outfit complete with spurs. I'm on to you lady!
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Oh Gage Uglacy, how my heartbeat quickens as I pass by your humble home."
HurriKaty, still longing for what she can not have. But at least she hasn't gotten to the point of stalking and terrorizing the Uglacies, unlike some sim selfs.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"I hate Gage Uglacy. He broke my sim heart. And he will regret the day he ever flirted with me."
Mitinkitten, also known as Dor, goes by the Uglacy home EVERY day, every fricking, fracking day and dumps the trash. It never ends.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Dor, uh, Gage can totally see you.
"Ha, ha, ha, let that be a lesson to you, you cad!"
I seriously worry about Dor's simself. I think she is losing it.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Meanwhile, it's time for a wedding... awww, and when these two say they are going to love each other for all eternity... they mean ALL eternity. Not only do they have to endure each other, but I have to endure them... forever, and ever, and ever.
What have I done?! This is what happens when you get too attached to your sims. I keep telling myself they are only pixels!
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Everyone turned out, Frederico, Mel, Regan, Me, Mil, Dor, everyone but Queenie. Sunlight's a bit tough on her and she would ruin the wedding with her peeing, and stinking, and dying all over the place.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
The bride was um... uh.. well pretty in a dead kind of way as she staggered down the aisle.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Things were a bit awkward between Gage and his "mistress" Mil. Look at that look of longing, and yet he can't touch, not with his wife so close by.
"Baby you know I love you."
"Ssssh, Gage, Carmen might hear."
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
But apparently Dor caught it! She ran over and began slapping on Mil.
"Why you, how dare you sit next to the man that flirted with me."
Seriously, Gage and Mitinkitten were not that close... this is really starting to freak me out. Just what did they do in that hot tub?!
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
And now Dor stalks Mil as well, dumping her trash every chance she gets.
She is apparently not a sim you want to piss off.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
The wedding party was a great success, until Frederico shoved that plate through my head. Geesh guy, it's not my fault Mel was running around on you.
Ok, maybe it was... a little.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Don and Samara cut the cake and ran off to catch their limo of love. I really have to do something about her blush tho, she looks like a mime or something.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Dor continues to harrass the Uglacy family, now I never thought anyone would dare to do that. What a gutsy simself.
"Look lady, for the 100th time, I know Gage fools around. As if I care. He's a jerk. And he's got a thing for CAS sims. Now can you stop kicking over our trash can because I'm the one that has to clean it up and what's your beef with me? What? You're mad at me because I woohooed with Gage? Lady, I'm married to him, and let me tell you, that ain't no prize."
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Meanwhile, I feel somewhat sorry for Carmen Patch, that no good, low life husband she has to endure. So I let her flirt with her dream boy... Don Miguel, who has been stalking her since forever. She has 2 lightning bolts for him, and I figure she needs some sim loving, even if it is from this creepy dude.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
They've been meeting up at the bowling alley... that's the hotbed of affairs in my town, ok?!
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
And if you think things are dysfunctional at the Uglacy household, you haven't seen Mil's home. That's her baby, Rachel, which she can't be bothered with at the moment.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
She and HurriKaty are at it again. Ugh! They fight constantly, no help from me... seriously! Apparently this is all over Gage. And it is only getting worse.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Ha, I'll shove your head through the wall Katy. Let that be a lesson to you, messing around with my man!"
These fights are just plain vicious! And I thought the Uglacies were bad, well let me tell you, simselfs are not as innocent as they appear.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"I'm going to get even with that Mil. You just wait and see. A few more body points and she'll think twice about fighting me for Gage. He'll be mine, all mine."
Ok then, Katy. You run along and pump that iron then.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Hi, aren't you Casey?"
"Well yes, I am. I was just passing by."
"Hey, we don't know very many people and how would you like to come in for a kid's birthday party."
"Uh, ok."
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
And little Rachel advances into toddlerhood, but wait, she's cute. She's adorable. Are you sure she's Gage's kid, Mil?
"Of course she is, she just takes after mommy."
Thank God for that.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Oh my gosh, this is Gage Uglacy isn't it? I'm in the Uglacy legacy. I've died and gone to legacy hell."
Hey Casey, wanna date Gage? I can arrange it.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"NO, absolutely not. How dare you download my simself into your sick legacy. I know what happens here... it's all screwed-up! Don't you know that simselfs are suppose to be treated like guests? You download us, feed us, shake our hands, and send us on our merry way. You do not involve us with ugly, mean sims."
Well, that's a bit harsh, Casey. I treat simselfs great. Wait, what's the noise comming from the dining room?
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"I saw you looking at him again Katy! He's my man, when are you going to realize that!"
"Never, never will I give up on Gage!"
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Gage, your girlfriends are fighting again!
"Um, yeah, I'll be right there. I need to read the sports section."
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Hey sweetie, how's Gage's little illegimate pumpkin. Just ignore mommy and Katy over there. They should learn to play nice, shouldn't they Princess."
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Uh, Dor, I can so see you. You knocked my trash can over, yet again. You're not invisible you know."
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Dor, call me. I think you're hot."
EEe gads, Brandi LeTorneau thinks Dor is one fine sim. Now that's scary.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Well my dear, it's been a fine birthday party. Our little Rachel is such a beautiful girl."
Yeah, no help from you, Gage.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Goodnight baby..."
Mmmf, slurp, insert kissing noises here...
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Oh My God, I'm blind. Please, please never invite me into one of these homes again."
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
And on the other side of town, are you wondering if Frederico forgave Mel for the affair with Gage Uglacy...
Well after hours and hours of painstaking sim groveling, apologizing, appreciating, and backrubs...
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
I guess he forgave her, because he rolled up the want to propose.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Whoa!!! That's one hell of a diamond he gave you Mel!
Better be careful with that, could poke someone's eye out or harpoon them through the chest. Seriously, what did that cost? I didn't know Frederico earned that much doing a legacy.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Meanwhile, back at the Casteroff Dorms, Regan is working her magic.
"You do know you look like Keanu Reeves from Matrix."
"Really, well yes I have heard that before."
"Say creepy stalker guy, I mean Parker, how about you do my term paper for me?"
I decided since it was their Junoir year I would move them out and set up an actual sorority for future Uglacies... but the game glitched, it wouldn't let either girl move out. It kept saying a sim was already in the process of moving out... yada, yada. So it was time for some creative playing.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Remember when PSG and River Waters had a baby, well meet Dark Waters, all grown up and having rolled romance, *cringes*. Why am I not surprised. Anyway, I needed a teen to go off to college, set up a sorority, and pledge the girls in, since they couldn't leave the dorms. Poor little Dark has no money, her mom being trailer trash and all, so no one could accuse me of cheating. And being that she is the last of a Waters legacy... sadly it died and is badly missed, I thought she was the best candidate.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Ok Dark, welcome to your lot of land. You have less than 1500 simoleans, and this reminds me of my extreme beginnings with the Uglacy. Now once you get Queenie and Regan to pledge, I'm sure they will be bringing in lots of scholarship monies.
"Uh, I want to live in a dorm."
Too bad, ain't happening.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
So does this look familar? This was the only way the Uglacy girls could escape the dorm that had become a prison.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Queenie and Dark were fast friends... and I do mean fast. All those nice points Queenie has. Anyhows, they decided that ugly sims should indeed rule the sim world, and they would have a sorority in no time. Queenie pledged and quickly moved in, allowing 20,000 simoleans for a house! 20,000 she earned, so all was good.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Once in, Queenie invited Regan. And wala! I dance around another glitch.
When will the glitches finally get me, well only time will tell, but I will keep playing the Uglacies till they do, or until I make that tenth generation.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Check out that wall of fame, pictures the girls brought from the dorm. Granted there's no wallpaper yet, but hey, you can't have everything. Rome wasn't built in a day, you know.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Speaking of Rome, the first thing the girls do to celebrate?
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"So I'm going to be a cop, just like my dad Dorian. Want to see my plastic cop badge and my Acme pair of one-size fits all handcuffs?"
Dorian seems to like Dark Waters. He's always up for a party.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
And here's our first pledge, um, but I don't remember her name.
"Oh sure, don't remember my name, huh? I'm just one of those spare sims you pledge in and than toss away like garbage later. You're just going to leave me in that sim bin when I graduate, aren't you?!"
Well, um... yeah.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Dark has the hots for her professors, she leaned in for her first kiss. You know how important first kisses are to a romance sim.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
And the jerk rejects her! Hello, professors kiss everyone. They are at the top of the skank meter. Well I'll remember that Professor Peabody, oh yeah, your day will come. Hell hath no fury like a woman... pig, whatever she is... scorned.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Oh man, I have a sudden craving for pizza! Hey does this look like the Jessica Simpson commercial for Pizza Hut? What, No? Why I thought it was a dead ringer.
This is all Regan does, by the way. On the plus side no one is ever hungry.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Because poor Queenie can't cook.
And she has full cooking points, but that means nothing. Uglacies have never, ever been able to cook a lobster thermidor... true story. They always burn lobster to a crisp, cooking points or not.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Vince the cow... dares to go where no mascot has before. He actually picks on the Uglacy girls. Oh you poor, stupid bovine... you know not what you do.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Did you flirt with me? Are you serious? You've been ventrilofarted us and pranking us all night, mister, and I've had just about enough."
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Pro Rodeo Steer Wrestling like you've never seen! Go Regan, you should be in the National Finals, seriously!
Let's enjoy watching Regan beat the crap out of the cow. This is for all of you out there who have had to endure the cow.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Call her off, call her off!"
Yay Regan, choke him with his cowbell! Take that you bovine pain in the *insert cuss words of your choice* @$$.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Bleh! And don't come back!"
Poor cow, I was actually feeling a little sorry for him... almost... but it was too funny and I'm too mean. Take your pick.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Move it Elmer, or you're be begging for doggie bag to take yourself home."
I heart you Regan... how I love mean sims... really I do.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Oh my, but are you not my Romeo, bringer of love, cleaner of floors."
Dark Waters aspirational problems were getting a bit annoying. So I decided she should call the professor over one more time.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Finally on a date, Dark scores with her teacher. Although I really don't think he's anything special. Tweed and bow ties just doesn't do it for me.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
But at least he brings her flowers while Queenie... dies again!
Queenie, why, why can't you stay in the coffin during the day. Is that so hard?!
"Ugh, help me, the sun is burning me!"
Like duh, you're a vampire, and at this point you're too busy dying to do anything I tell you to.
"eeew, she stinks."
Just deliver your FDA bouquet and get out of our way, Professor clueless.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Ok, yet again, Mr. Reaper, my stupid sister decided to get a tan and forgot she's a vampire. So what do you say, spare her? I mean you can't let her die in front of a garden gnome, that's just so degrading."
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Look, I'm really getting tired of this. Tell your moron of a sister that vampires can not play pinball in the middle of the day, answer phones, or go visit the campus. And why anyone would make a popularity sim into a vampire is beyond me."
"Yeah I know. That stupid creator, thinking only of points."
Hey guys, I'm right here!!!
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Wow Regan, you saved me from death yet again!"
"Yeah, great, now get your butt back in your coffin before you fry again."
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Whoa professor, what are you doing here, drinking from the keg in your underwear?
"Uh, I was just giving Dark some tutoring."
Yeah, I'll bet you were. You professors are all alike.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Party at the Uglacy Sorority!!!
Now that's some serious dancing going on! I try to keep this going like a real sorority, constant partying all day... but all I get in these campus dorks. Oh well. Figures.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
How about some grilled cheese, Ilama man!!!
The secret to any successful party, as passed on from Don, the grilled cheese zombie.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Whoa, you guys are really getting intimate there. Ever hear of boundaries? That's important in a relationship...really.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
And for you, my little bovine friend, some rotten 2 day old chili. Enjoy!!! Hope you get sick and vomit in that cow mask. Muhahaha. Now that would be nasty.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Regan and Vince the cow have a strange, hate-love relationship going on. One minute they flirt and the next they fight. I haven't seen him without his mask so I have no idea if he's ugly or cute. Not that that matters in my legacy.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Yes, throw that thought bubble up there for all your sorority sisters to see.
"What, I can't stand that smelly cow."
Um, yeah right. There's little hearts floating all around his bubble.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Excuse me, Dark Waters, I have enough trouble getting Queenie in the coffin without you in the way. OUT, pronto!
What is it about the coffin, vampires never want to get in them and mortal sims never want to get out.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
And so the day comes when Queenie graduates...
Hallelulah!!! Finally. Praise the Ilama, you're heading back to Uglacyville. But no graduation would be complete without a party.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Well, well, well, how did my simself and Neonhorn get here. Let me explain. Gage brought me as a "friend" and Neonhorn came with ... dare I say it... Goopy.
"Uh, Candi, I really don't want to be here. I mean look at the shnoz on that girl, if she inhales just right we're goners."
"I'm with you Neo. Just move slowly and laugh a lot like you're having fun. Whatever you do, show no fear."
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Aha haha, my gosh you people are just so amusing. So you had woohoo with a repairman... fascinating."
"Oh yes, I love the Titanic, although Orlando Bloom should have had Leo DiCaprio's part. Really, he would have made much better eye candy."
Neonhorn and I were able to fit in among the Uglacy creatures. Tho our cover was nearly blown when someone turned on the stereo.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Neonhorn, I don't think this is such a good idea, we're drawing attention to ourselves, and the last thing we want is Goopy or Gage joining in."
"Oh relax, Candi, and feel the music!"
My simself does not look like she's having fun, but Neo loves to dance. The following pictures hardly do her justice. I seriously was spouting soda from my nose when I saw this. It was a good laugh.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Isn't this great, Candi. Boogie on!"
"Uh yeah... nothing like dancing at an Uglacy party. Geesh, I could so be home with Russell right now."
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"And I learned this from a Russian belly dancer... Orlando just loves it."
"Neo, you're scaring me."
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"So do you think my butt looks too big?"
"Um, no, but I do see the beginnings of cellulite."
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Oh no, Neonhorn, they're joining in. Goopy's dancing with Carmen Patch. This is getting wierd."
"The more the merrier."
"Have you been at the bubble blower again, Neo, or sucking down the fruit punch?"
"Hey, you're partying with your legacy."
"Yeah, well for some legacy writers that might be a cool thing. But look at my sim face, do I look happy, do I?"
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"I don't know why no one ate the finger sandwiches."
"Gosh, Queenie, no idea there. Think I'll just grab me some frozen potato chips, mmkay?"
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
"Sis, congragulations! Go and take the next generation on! And remember to keep your butt in the coffin!"
"Aww, thanks Regan."
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
And so sporting HurriKaty's red sweatsuit, Queenie Uglacy is off to start a new generation of Uglacies. But before we go, let me show the sorority the Uglacies have established for their future college students.
Created: 02.13.2006 - Updated: 02.13.2006
Yes, marvel at my creepy building techniques. But hey, I'm lazy and this fits "their" kind. Until next time, Happy simming. And a big hello to the Boolprop fighttheaddiction false forum and the Shoo Flee folks, that make writing the Uglacies even more fun.
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
Part 2 of an Uglacy Valentine... when we last left Don Uglacy he had brought Samara back as a zombie to live all of eternity with him. Unfortunately, she was no longer married to him. And so begins the zombie love fest.
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
But First, for those who signed my GB wanting to see the Uglacy house lay out, here's a tour of my terrible architectural and interior designing abilities. Frankly, I try to avoid this, because my house sucks. That being said, let me show the floors.
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
So here it is, first floor... including a master bedroom, the girls room, dining room, kitchen and large living room. I try not to get a whole lot of downloaded furniture going, because I've noticed the lag increases.
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
Second floor has a bedroom and a bath, and then just wide open with lots of career rewards. I have all of them now. This is where Uglacies skill. And play SSX when I'm not looking.
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
3rd floor, an attic and storage for "ghost" beds. The grim reaper's phone is up here as well, for those ever important calls.
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
And the dead people's shack or masoleum as some of you call it. I have all the urns but grilled cheese and popularity which was what Samara and Don were suppose to be, but hey, there's always the next generation.
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
So Don begins the wooing of Samara's little, undead heart. He takes her out for a night on the town. Night of the living dead... so to speak.
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
"Hey, can you two get a room, I'm losing my appetite here."
"Yeah, sure John Travolta. You know that look went out with the Disco and lava lamps."
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
"Don Uglacy! Why you're the coolest legacy zombie ever. I'm Celinou, and I'm really into the whole resurrecting thing, I write the Phoenix legacy you know."
"Isn't that a town in Arizona?"
"No, no, you silly undead cheese freak. The Phoenix represents the resurrection of life. So like when your contract is up in this legacy, I'm sure I can get you a part in mine."
Hey Cel! You knock that off. Make your own zombie... grrrr. I tell ya, legacy writing is a cutthroat business.
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
"Re-UNited and it feels so goooood, Zombified like a piece of wood... I never knew the grimster charges a lot, but I don't care if you're a zombie, cause you're still so hot...yeah, yeah..."
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
"Oh Don!"
And the hearts go a flying... while Don and Samara get reaquainted in the Karaoke booth. Lets hope its really sound proof. Zombie lovemaking can be pretty hair curling.
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
After a little public woohoo, Mil's simself shows up. And oh my, she's not only got the hots for Gage, but now it appears she thinks Don is all that too!
Well back off Mil, Don belongs to Samara. Geesh, do you have a thing for married guys or what?
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
Typical Uglacy outing, disturbing in so many ways. Mil rushes over to tickle Don, but we all know what her game is, don't we ;)
And the ever-cool John Travolta comes over to give two thumbs up. As if his opinion mattered.
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
The very next night Don takes Samara to Londoste, gazing into each other's cold, dead eyes, he was a man...zombie...whatever with a mission.
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
And he proposes for the second time. Of course it's a yes! Yay, an Uglacy wedding! I told you this valentine episode would have lots of romance, of course I didn't know I would have to do this all over again. I didn't want that much romance!
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
That's not to say Don is the perfect husband. He is a man after all, and the lure of Ms. Crumplebottom is hard to resist. No sooner does he propose than he's parading this thought bubble all over town. Shame on you, Don.
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
"Why you're that handsome, dead fellow, aren't you sonny? Why if I were a few years younger, and actually could have a relationship with something besides my knitting needles, you would be the man."
Yeah, I bet you're the type that secretly welds a leather whip and a black leather Nazi outfit complete with spurs. I'm on to you lady!
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
"Oh Gage Uglacy, how my heartbeat quickens as I pass by your humble home."
HurriKaty, still longing for what she can not have. But at least she hasn't gotten to the point of stalking and terrorizing the Uglacies, unlike some sim selfs.
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
"I hate Gage Uglacy. He broke my sim heart. And he will regret the day he ever flirted with me."
Mitinkitten, also known as Dor, goes by the Uglacy home EVERY day, every fricking, fracking day and dumps the trash. It never ends.
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
Dor, uh, Gage can totally see you.
"Ha, ha, ha, let that be a lesson to you, you cad!"
I seriously worry about Dor's simself. I think she is losing it.
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
Meanwhile, it's time for a wedding... awww, and when these two say they are going to love each other for all eternity... they mean ALL eternity. Not only do they have to endure each other, but I have to endure them... forever, and ever, and ever.
What have I done?! This is what happens when you get too attached to your sims. I keep telling myself they are only pixels!
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
Everyone turned out, Frederico, Mel, Regan, Me, Mil, Dor, everyone but Queenie. Sunlight's a bit tough on her and she would ruin the wedding with her peeing, and stinking, and dying all over the place.
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
The bride was um... uh.. well pretty in a dead kind of way as she staggered down the aisle.
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
Things were a bit awkward between Gage and his "mistress" Mil. Look at that look of longing, and yet he can't touch, not with his wife so close by.
"Baby you know I love you."
"Ssssh, Gage, Carmen might hear."
Created: 02.13.2006 Updated: 02.13.2006
But apparently Dor caught it! She ran over and began slapping on Mil.
"Why you, how dare you sit next to the man that flirted with me."
Seriously, Gage and Mitinkitten were not that close... this is really starting to freak me out. Just what did they do in that hot tub?!
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